Trump and the news media

I spotted numerous small examples, his stuttering has certainly gotten worse with age but is that so surprising??? Here you go, you asked for it..

Is there any examples of him shuttering as a child or anytime prior to 2018ish to current day? If there is I'll watch it
That's a PBS clip that popped up around 2020 when it was so obvious joe was losing it bad and couldn't even read his teleprompter. Looks like they even put somebody to do some narration that actually does have a stuttering disabilty. Unbelievable the lengths they go to
Guys listen... Im not saying Trump is the savior. I'd love to have a different candidate to chose. But he is a million times better than biden. Your guy biden has a lifetime of making up stuff, getting called out for it, then having to eat crow for it. Remember when he had to pull out the first time he ran for president? Why did he? Look it up.
I won't even get into his horrible policy. Everything...literally everything is worse since he took office. The guy is shaking hands with ghost. Mumbling and falling asleep. Falling down every chance he gets... just asking you guys to open your eyes a little....
I didn't bother to watch the video I just grabbed the first one off youtube for a example. I just watched it now though and yes he was just as passionate when he told black people that they aren't black if they don't vote for him. Imagine if Trump said that. There'd been riots and looting for weeks.
There are several other racist statements with pedo joe but why even mention at this point
I agree it was a stupid, arrogant thing to say. He was trying to point out the he would put his record with race issues up against Trump’s any day, and really stepped in it. I’ve said over and over I’m not a fan of Biden, but I still think he is the lesser of two evils in the November election.
Guys listen... Im not saying Trump is the savior. I'd love to have a different candidate to chose.
I also wish we had better choices.

just asking you guys to open your eyes a little....
Same, I can't support someone that pretends to not know who David Duke is or what the KKK is about because he needs their votes when he knows damn well who they are after he considered running for president as the Reform party candidate (you can look it up) and then eventually pulled out. That to me is far more racists than sleepy Joe saying something stupid like you ain't black if you don't vote for me. Don't get me started on Trumps mind power interview with Hannity on Fox. With my background, I just can't get behind that either. Those are huge red lines for me. I also worry about some of the people he has around him and the people behind project 2025.

I hope you find a way to get a Busa man.
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Is there any examples of him shuttering as a child
He's pretty f'gn old for that but here is a video of him talking about it I think as VP to Obama during Obama's first term so well before 2018....
I think around 0:20 he spits out some jiberish....take that and rewatch the vid you posted and there are similar points but in your vid he is even younger so they are more subtle. He also talks about some of the same things in the PBS clip but it's a decade before the PBS clip.

Ok I beat this horse to death, I'm done. I had done so well for many months ignoring these political threads but this one got me good. LOL
I also wish we had better choices.

Same, I can't support someone that pretends to not know who David Duke is or what the KKK is about because he needs their votes when he knows damn well who they are after he considered running for president as the Reform party candidate (you can look it up) and then eventually pulled out. That to me is far more racists than sleepy Joe saying something stupid like you ain't black if you don't vote for me. Don't get me started on Trumps mind power interview with Hannity on Fox. With my background, I just can't get behind that either. Those are huge red lines for me. I also worry about some of the people he has around him and the people behind project 2025.

I hope you find a way to get a Busa man.

I would give you my take on why his response about the Duke thing is, but to be honest I don't think I'm smart enough. Not trying to be any type of way, just being honest. I don't think I could go writing about it because it'd probably come out wrong. I'm already admittedly not that great at conveying whatever message I'm trying to get across when posting in a internet forum lol! I respect your opinion. It's hard to, but I do
Trump’s lawyers finally found a brain cell and didn’t let him testify. He of course was constantly telling us (lying) to us for months that (that) was exactly what he was going to do. His attorneys knew that he wasn’t up to being questioned under oath. Smart move but a lost cause.
Trump’s lawyers finally found a brain cell and didn’t let him testify. He of course was constantly telling us (lying) to us for months that (that) was exactly what he was going to do. His attorneys knew that he wasn’t up to being questioned under oath. Smart move but a lost cause.

I'm big enough to admit Joe doesn't ALWAYS lie. There some times when he speaks the truth, and I give props to him for it... like for example, this statement he made right here...
Donald Trump GIF by Creative Courage
Trump gets convicted and his ratings go up. The establishment haven't figured it out yet, they have lost all credibility. Anyone they persecute is an instant hero.
I find it really brings in to question the kinds of people who worship this guy......especially the ladies considering how misogynistic he is....

However, the "establishment" should have been smart enough to choke him out quietly in a more subversive fashion.....

But the entire sad part about all of this is.....these are the two best these parties have to offer? Yikes!
I find it really brings in to question the kinds of people who worship this guy......especially the ladies considering how misogynistic he is....

However, the "establishment" should have been smart enough to choke him out quietly in a more subversive fashion.....

But the entire sad part about all of this is.....these are the two best these parties have to offer? Yikes!
Yikes indeed! It's a sad sad statement on the general populace isn't it. I think they worship him because his lies are the lies they want to hear. Turn back the clock, drain the swamp, all the obvious things needed to improve the standard of living for them. But he can't deliver and never could. Drain the swamp? He's a billionaire, he lives in the swamp, dines with swamp creatures. It's all so patently false, the whole circus. I remember years ago my brother saying that they should elect Bernie Sanders lol, just another politician, another toady. There is no fix, and there will be no revolution, just more of the same as the living standards continue their inexorable decline into a second and probably third world status. One day gangs may rule the streets like in Mexico. It's not some prophesy, just a logical extrapolation of events leading up to where they are now.