Turbo Busa vs. TT Viper.

(cut and paste from viperalley.com)


Let me start off by saying that I have tons of respect for bikes. I am currently looking for a Hayabusa to build myself. All of the information about this bike that I am reporting was told to me by the builder or owner (both of which were present at the track during the race). I am just repeating what has been told to me. I am looking to report the truth, how one machine stacks up against another. I have taken a lot of time to try to do this properly, and report as many of the details as I could think to come up with, so do me a favor and cut me some slack on the criticism. All of the racing in this video took place on a private track, out of state, with the proper safety personnel on standby. We found a track that has a 1 mile straight. It was perfect for our situation.

So I will start from the beginning. It started when a friend of mine went to the local 1/8th mile dragstrip. He saw this Turbo Hayabusa running pretty impressive times(5.9X@126mph). My friend went over to the guy with the Busa to ask a few questions. He was surprised to hear the builder(who has a bike shop and did all of the work to the bike) say that he had a race lined up with a twin turbo viper. My friend said the builder also mentioned me by name. That surprised me because I didn’t even know that there was a turbo Busa in town. I asked my friend where the builder’s shop was. I decided to pay his shop a little visit.

I stopped by and talked to the builder. I told him that I heard we had a race lined up(that was news to me). He said he would love to see how the two machines would stack up. He was a pretty nice guy. Then the guy in the back comes up front to tell me how much of an “ass whoopin†this bike was going to lay on me(there’s nothing quite like hearing from someone how a vehicle that they don’t even own is going to outrun you). I just told him “we will just have to wait and seeâ€.

I stopped back by the shop when the owner of the bike was up there. He seemed to be a stand up guy. I told him that I didn’t think I could hang with him on his race gas settings(10psi), and I would like to try his 6psi setting. He said he wasn’t crazy about that(I can understand why he felt that way), so I told him I would be more than willing to race him on his race gas setting, if he was willing to race me on his pump gas setting. We agreed, the race was on. We spent the next few weeks finding a location and getting all of the details all ironed out.

The Details:
2004 Suzuki Hayabusa
-Mr Turbo turbo kit
-Power commander
- 8â€extension
-Electric Shifter
-Race gas
-Drag Tire
-Stock Internals
-Stock weight
-Bike Length 88"s (Front of front tire to back of back tire)
66.75"s center of axles (wasn't sure how the bike guys measure it)
-Rider Weight about 180lbs

1996 Viper GTS
-Heffner Twin Turbo
-Stock Displacement
-Stock Heads
-Race Gas/Pump Gas Blend
-Stock (lowered) Suspension
-Pirelli Street Tires
-Full Weight
-Air conditioning
-150lb Passenger

After all of this planning, the day finally came. We were in the pit area at the track getting our stuff together. We got some pics of the bike, and took some measurements. We had a little bit of a situation before the race. The guy with the bike decided he was not going to let me have a shot at the 6psi setting. I felt that I would not have a chance at the 10psi power level, and I was a little pissed that we agreed upon the race conditions, and went through all of the trouble of lining up the race, just for the owner to back out of what we had clearly agreed upon. We bitched and moaned about it for about an hour and a half, and finally came to the agreement that I would run him with his 10 psi setting and race fuel, and if I lost we would turn the bike’s boost down to 6psi and give it another shot.

<table style=filter:glow(color=red)>LOW RES 10mb



The temperature stayed in the high sixties. After the bike owner did a traction/track condition check we fired them up and took them out onto the track. The time had come. We slowly brought the machines up to 80mph. My passenger/video man started us with a drop of his hand. I was in third gear. As I pressed on the accelerator with the force to almost make my calf cramp, I could tell the 345-25-20s out back were doing everything they could to keep from spinning. As I made my shift to fourth, I glance over at the boost gage to see it pegged just past the 15psi mark. I then look out the passenger side window and to my surprise there is no Busa there. I make my fifth gear shift and then look out my rear view mirror to see the mighty Busa a few cars behind me. I couldn’t believe it. I was hoping to be able to just keep up with the bike. You can imagine my surprise to see him in my rearview!! It is difficult to believe that this no compromise street car just outran a 10psi/race gas turbo Hayabusa from 80-180mph!!

We get back to the pit area, and I am waiting to see if it was a clean race. He comes back and says it was. We reviewed the tapes in disbelief. The builder and the owner turned out to be two stand up guys. None of us could believe that the car did so well. I asked the owner if it surprised him. He said, “did you see the look on my face? I couldn’t believe the car was pulling away.†I told him that he had one hell of a bike, and that I appreciated him being honest about the situation. He said, “I was joking you about you needing to go get some bigger turbos, but it looks like I am the one that needs the bigger turbo.†I thought it was really cool that he could take the loss like a man. I have to say, the guy really does have one hell of a bike. I told him to take it up to the next level, and he can come out and outrun me. He told me to give him a month or two and he would be ready.

The guy on the video giving commentary is the builder, not the owner. He was really cool about the whole thing. I thought it was cool that the guy was willing to tell it like it was, even though, on this day, it didn’t go their way.

Now let me get a few of the stupid comments I know will come up out of the way.
-No I did not build this car just to outrun a $20,000 bike. I am into anything fast. I plan to build a big turbo Busa of my own. I built this car because I like fast cars. The bike builder CHALLENGED ME to the race. It isn’t like I went looking for trouble. I just accepted his challenge.
-No the race was not rigged. The owner and builder wanted to win badly. We spent an hour and a half arguing, or should I say talking, about the conditions of the race. You could really tell that they wanted the win.(and I don’t blame them) I have to give them credit, at the end they showed great character.
-Yes, I acknowledge that the bike would have cleaned my clock from a dig. I wanted to go from 80mph, because I wanted to (for the most part)take traction issues and driver error out of the situation.
-Yes I know there are more powerful turbo Busa’s out there, but I think this is by no means a small feat either. I think it should be pretty clear that this bike is faster than more than 99% of street bikes on the road.

I think the bottom line is, if you are into speed, hopefully you can appreciate what we set out to do. I plan to continue pushing the edge with my GTS. We are talking about taking the car to the next level to see just how much power a bike will have to have to keep up with or outrun the fastest of the fast street cars. This is something I am really looking forward to.


PS: Thanks Tony A for hosting the video for us!!
Just out of curiosity... are you a Troll
hmmmm..... so for every hopped up stang and vette I smoke with my stocker, am I now supposed to be signing up at stang.org and vette.org and informing them about it? seems like a lot of extra work for me just to brag. quality winners KNOW humility. congrats on the win. please post up the cost/time VS speed specs
If that is a pic of the bike it looks like a stock arm, not that it really matters with an 80 mph roll on but just making an observation.
. Dont know man seems like some good advertising
I am alittle disapointed. My 89 GSXR 1100 129 HP ran 6.6 in the 1/8th with stock swingarm stock motor just exhast jet kit dyno tune and gearing changes. I was hoping that my 159 HP Hayabusa would run 6.1 with similar mods. AM I dreaming My 88 750 ran 7.1 and that was 100HP I would think a 275 HP Busa Extended etc would run low 5's
Our local legend Hoot runs the 1/8 6.0's@120+ stock arm "stock" motor (suspect some headwork, cams etc) no boost, no spray. If this busa is putting out 275@the wheel, I would expect a little better. Something don't seem right.......
Okay, I just came from visiting your forum. Anyone who know anything about bikes and watches the video you posted can see that something isn't right. The rider only has one hand on the bars, he's sitting straight up. There is no way this video shows 180mph. I am one of the dumbasses who goes this fast regularly, and can tell from experience that you can't casually sit at thaose speeds. I am a speed junkie, I'm not someone who thinks that the Busa is the fastest thing out there. I'm sure your car is quite fast, but the video you posted does not reflect accurate results of a speed contest between your car and a busa pushing 275rwhp. We have all seen video of a 900rwhp Viper (Paxton blower, sounds nasty as all hell) getting beat by a piped but otherwise stock Busa. there is no way your car could beat down a turbo busa like the video shows. If you are ever in the South end of Illinois, I will be glad to demonstrate what a lowered, stretched and piped Busa will do to your car. We have plenty of roads, and regularly "stretch our legs" down here. If you feel the need, I also have access to a lowered, stock wheelbase ZX-12 that has been dynoed at 169.5rwhp on the motor, available with/without a 50 shot. I'm sure this is something that you will not do, but the offer stands for you or anyone else that is a member of your forum (I noticed a few guys from the Chicago area) just be sure to bring a video camera, I'll supply the GPS. Loser buys beer. Please post this on viper alley, the same way you did the other responses.

<!--EDIT|Mr Brown
Reason for Edit: None given...|1115174553 -->
What ever!! that bike didnt even jump! he wasnt even leaning over, you would think with that much hype over that race he would atleast get in the proper body position. 80mph thats first gear in a geared up busa, doesnt NE go to near 100 before second?... whatever..
WOW!! what a joke lol

The Busa rider wasn’t even trying. Which means either the video is a bunch of B.S. or the rider didn’t know what he was doing.

I have been up to max speed on my stock Busa, and I think my Busa would have beat the Busa in the video.

And yeah, why would "ScrewDrvr" come to the Busa board to brag about how he beat a Busa if it was such a friendly race and he respects the "Busa Rider" for admitting he got beat? that is not being humble. And that sure is no way to pay respect back to someone to go about bragging how you beat them. Kind of like rubbing salt in the wound.

Whole thing smells of wet troll.

And if not wet troll, then someone who doesn’t know how to ride a Busa making the rest of us look bad and at the least a braggart viper owner with self esteem issues
All I can say is dont get too excited because you beat one Turbo Busa.
Ive heard everything after that statement. LMAO. Anything to try and make an arguement.

If you beat a 600cc bike with a car you can brag. If you beat a stock Hayabusa you can annouce it to the city. If you beat a turbo Hayabusa....well, you can pretty much do or say any god damn thing you want because your car will beat 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of vehichles in the entire god damn world. But you shouldnt get to excited about that, bwahahaha.
Sounds to me you've been called out more than once. Hell, if you can swing a car like that a little roadtrip to defend your claims shouldn't be much of a problem.......... Prove it.
lol, guys, i do not own that car. It was jsut a copy and paste from the viper forums(as stated in the first sentence)
lol, guys, i do not own that car. It was jsut a copy and paste from the viper forums(as stated in the first sentence)
So what was the point of posting it?
Trolling perhaps?
Did you post my reply at Viper Alley? Seems like those guys talk a lot of $hit, any willing to back it up?
sooo, this video should NEVER be posted on any bike forum....ever. Because whoever post it is a troll.

I got ya.

Did you even READ any of the replies on viperalley? I can say that none of there replies are as childish and made up of bullshit exscuses like over here.

Why do most of you take it so personal? Its all in fun at the end of the day, no one got hurt, everyone had a great day.
Did you even READ any of the replies on viperalley? I can say that none of there replies are as childish and made up of bullshit exscuses like over here.
Any of this sound familiar?

Silver Supporter  

 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: GARY JAVO] (5 words)  #515368  

damn gary, way to go.

May 02 2005 09:50 PM  Post Extras:              




HOLY MOTHER good time #### GARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOLY good time #### THAT WAS good time SICK


May 02 2005 09:56 PM  Post Extras:              



 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: STUGOTS] (15 words)  #515372  

Gary what kinda hp/tq were you running at the wheels when that race took place?

May 02 2005 10:00 PM  Post Extras:              


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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: GARY JAVO] (11 words)  #515373  

I bet your a Hero on the Busa board.Another good video,Thanks.

May 02 2005 10:04 PM  Post Extras:              

I Swing From No Man's Nuts.
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That's awesome, man!

May 02 2005 10:07 PM  Post Extras:              

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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: BigCarrot] (58 words)  #515376  

Hey guys thanks. I have to go take care of some things tonight. I will be back on the board tomorrow afternoon. I hope things go well. Help keep the fort down until I get back. I'm sure things are going to get busy in here. I'll be sure to answer all questions when I get back.  



May 02 2005 10:14 PM  Post Extras:              

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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: GARY JAVO] (35 words)  #515377  


You are a class act and a first rate Stand Up Guy. Congrats on another fantastic win for the Viper crowd!



Jay K.



I'm in College, dammit...
Silver Supporter  


 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: JGK95] (12 words)  #515382  

An hour later and no videos.

Way to rape the bandwidth, VA.  

May 02 2005 10:48 PM  Post Extras:              

The ####### in every nice girl's life.  

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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: JGK95] (16 words)  #515388  

WAY TO good time GO GARY!!!! Great job, once again.

Prepare you flame suit for the haters.

Black 2000 Viper GTS (GONE)
Looking for the perfect Sapphire GTS
Pewter 2001 Trans Am WS6 Convertible--Twin Turbo
Offroad toy: 5.9L Grand Cherokee Limited.


Paolo Castellano  
Designer and Fabricator of Cutting Edge Viper Twin Turbo Systems  

Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: GARY JAVO] (10 words)  #515391  

Gary, nice way to show the bikes who's boss!  

Castellano Twin Turbo now completed!
Most powerful Twin Turbo Viper on the dyno ever!
1512 RWTQ and 1279 RWHP Through and auto in overdrive locked up! This is only the beginning!


Nice going Gary.

May 02 2005 11:08 PM  Post Extras:              

I hate work
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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Toby] (22 words)  #515403  

Holy #### Gary. In-good time-credible.

That's it, this supercharger is coming off.

Holy-#### man!


*****12/01/04 Voted by Michael Pierce as #3 Troll on ViperAlley*****
1998 Viper GTS, Faster than a vette
2003 Black Great Dane, BIG & Friendly - De-modded
2002 Grey Great Dane, BIGGER & Stupid - De-modded


Pitt Formula Racer  
Poor engineering student
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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Gerald] (11 words)  #515410  

Absolutely amazing, Gary. Great job and keep these awesome videos coming.


I hate work
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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Gerald] (44 words)  #515411  

Gary, why was 80 mph picked and not like 60 or 40 or so? Damn awesome race, just watched the video again..

Off topic though, Does anyone know what the 2006 Haybusa's are going to look like? I may have to spring on one in the next year.....

*****12/01/04 Voted by Michael Pierce as #3 Troll on ViperAlley*****
1998 Viper GTS, Faster than a vette
2003 Black Great Dane, BIG & Friendly - De-modded
2002 Grey Great Dane, BIGGER & Stupid - De-modded

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Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Gerald] (18 words)  #515413  

Gary.....good time Sweet Bro!!!!!

I posted the videos out on my website as well if you need a backup!

2000 GTS.......


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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: vipergts2000] (67 words)  #515415  

Good for you guys getting it together in the end - even with the pre race drama (common). And good for the bike guys for awarding you props. I'm sure you'll have some other volunteers to run in the future.

Have you dyno'ed your car? (I could do a thread search to see if it's been posted previously, I guess.)

Any idea what sprocket sizes the bike was running?

May 03 2005 01:13 AM  Post Extras:              


Las Vegas      

 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: FullTilt] (31 words)  #515416  

So said FullTilt
Good for you guys getting it together in the end - even with the pre race drama (common). And good for the bike guys for awarding you props. I'm sure you'll have some other volunteers to run in the future.

Have you dyno'ed your car? (I could do a thread search to see if it's been posted previously, I guess.)

Any idea what sprocket sizes the bike was running?

Kerry, I dont think it really matters. Sprockets, rider ability, boost, air shifter etc! HE GOT BEAT!!!!    

Gary Good Job!!!! 1 more busa kill added to our list!


2002 Viper GTS Red/Black Borla No Cats,Smooth Tubes K&N, HRE 19" 547's
1994 Supra White/Black 6 Speed
GT-42-76 1035 rwhp on boost only.


2 cars ahead and pulling  


 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: HIBOOST] (50 words)  #515425  

And already we have the haters/non beleivers on the hayabusa forums!!

My favorite quote thus far: All I can say is dont get too excited because you beat one Turbo Busa.

BWHAHAHAHAHA. Dont be excited that you beat a turbo busa, that must be something any car can accomplish these days guys.

94 Supra TT

May 03 2005 06:09 AM  Post Extras:              


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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: ScrewDrvr] (47 words)  #515427  

I haven't been over there yet. I came here first because I knew Gary would post it over here first.

5.9's in the 1/8 should be good enough to get him into the lower 9's in the 1/4.

Looks good Gary.
Hopefully you'll get some more races like this lined up...

550+rwhp/300# trq. -- on 2 wheels(sometimes only 1)!

May 03 2005 06:27 AM  Post Extras:              

Super Squirrel  
come get some!
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Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Blackhawk] (53 words)  #515430  

Jesus Gary, that car spools instantly!!!!!!!

I've ridden and driven Gerald's Supercharged Beast and it pulls bikes too, but a turbo busa is a different caliber of vehicle...n
Nice race and nice job of shutting up those who doubted you...

How many bikes do you have to kill to convince people???

Gerald, there's your next mod. :-)

2001 RT/10 (Borla, catless, smooth tubes, NXpress 150 shot, eibachs, etc.)
1997 Toyota Supra TT (stock but in the works)
2000 Toyota 4 Runner-the loaded grocery getter
2001 Katana (stock bike)

May 03 2005 06:48 AM  Post Extras:              

I hate work
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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Super Squirrel] (45 words)  #515438  

Some Cool responses, some dork responses over there. I actually replied on the alley and called everyone of their excuses..
I'll do it again
1. Rider wasnt' tucked
2. Riders wasnt' wearing proper gear
3. wasn't in proper gear
4. Car costs more money
5. Rider has no skill,

Too funny.

*****12/01/04 Voted by Michael Pierce as #3 Troll on ViperAlley*****
1998 Viper GTS, Faster than a vette
2003 Black Great Dane, BIG & Friendly - De-modded
2002 Grey Great Dane, BIGGER & Stupid - De-modded

May 03 2005 07:41 AM  Post Extras:              



 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Gerald] (13 words)  #515442  

thats awesome man great race i will host the video for you too  

02 Roe S/C FE GTS (XXXX RWHP & XXXX RWTQ) more power soon
01 yellow GTS - Got Twin Turbo ? "Stay Tuned"

May 03 2005 07:49 AM  Post Extras:              

Viper TT  
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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: MbnViper] (17 words)  #515446  

Nice run Gary!

I'm sure you've been wearing your Crap Protective suit since the video was released!  

99 Black Viper GTS
Heffner's Prototype Twin Turbo
927rwhp/1067rwtq @ 17psi
9.72@147.42mph @ 12psi

98 Quicksilver Supra - 6 Speed

May 03 2005 08:09 AM  Post Extras:              

No, we can't just all get along!  

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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: Viper TT] (36 words)  #515450  

Great run Gary! What is it with those bike guys? Every time one gets beat they break out the same old tired ass excuses. Whatever they have to tell themselves to sleep at night I guess.

May 03 2005 08:35 AM  Post Extras:              


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Thats kick ass GARY!

May 03 2005 09:38 AM  Post Extras:              


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 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: GARY JAVO] (38 words)  #515478  

Congrats Gary, that is AWESOME! I knew when you posted the Busa's MPH in the 1/8th (126 MPH) that you had a real good shot at pulling him from a roll at "moderato to higher" speeds (~80 MPH roll).  

01 Sapphire Blue Viper GTS
Borla, Fidanza, Smooth Tubes, Stereo, Navigation
98 6speed Black/Black TRD Widebody Supra
74mm turbo with all the goodies, 845 RWHP
2003 911TT 6speed 500HP/500TQ (SOLD)

May 03 2005 09:44 AM  Post Extras:              

Paolo Castellano  
Designer and Fabricator of Cutting Edge Viper Twin Turbo Systems  

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Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: ScrewDrvr] (19 words)  #515483  

So said ScrewDrvr
And already we have the haters/non beleivers on the hayabusa forums!!

My favorite quote thus far: All I can say is dont get too excited because you beat one Turbo Busa.

BWHAHAHAHAHA. Dont be excited that you beat a turbo busa, that must be something any car can accomplish these days guys.

Gary, #### those guys!

It seems there are many people just cannot believe that certain things are possible!  

Castellano Twin Turbo now completed!
Most powerful Twin Turbo Viper on the dyno ever!
1512 RWTQ and 1279 RWHP Through and auto in overdrive locked up! This is only the beginning!

May 03 2005 10:00 AM  Post Extras:              


way to go man...can't wait to see what my buddy has to say!!


 Re: ***** HEFFNER TWIN TURBO VIPER VS TURBO HAYABUSA VIDEO ***** [Re: blk04cobra1] (4 words)  #515498  

Congrats Gary, GREAT kill!

98 Supra
1132 rwhp, 986 rwtq (36 psi + NOS)

<!--EDIT|Mr Brown
Reason for Edit: None given...|1115198036 -->
lol, guys, i do not own that car. It was jsut a copy and paste from the viper forums(as stated in the first sentence)
So what was the point of posting it?
Trolling perhaps?
Did you post my reply at Viper Alley? Seems like those guys talk a lot of $hit, any willing to back it up?
sooo, this video should NEVER be posted on any bike forum....ever. Because whoever post it is a troll.

I got ya.

Did you even READ any of the replies on viperalley? I can say that none of there replies are as childish and made up of bullshit exscuses like over here.

Why do most of you take it so personal? Its all in fun at the end of the day, no one got hurt, everyone had a great day.
The thing is, why don't you post something that is legit. If the guy set out to make a video of him beating a Busa then that is exactly what he will do. I could make a video showing my Toyota 4x4 beating that Viper and Busa. Just so long as I get to pick the track. Not one person on this board has said the Viper isn't fast. There have been some questions regarding some of the figures posted vs performance of the Busa, and the rider. Neither of which have been answered by you. But you sure haven't wasted any time posting back on viperalley saying everyone over here is whining and making excuses. Not one person has made an excuse, they have posed questions that obviously you cannot answer.
what in the hell was the point of you posting all that?
 (mr brown)

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