Turbo Busa vs. TT Viper.

they call us haters

i guess i can't read between the lines
lol, guys, i do not own that car. It was jsut a copy and paste from the viper forums(as stated in the first sentence)
So what was the point of posting it?
Trolling perhaps?
Did you post my reply at Viper Alley? Seems like those guys talk a lot of $hit, any willing to back it up?
sooo, this video should NEVER be posted on any bike forum....ever. Because whoever post it is a troll.

I got ya.

Did you even READ any of the replies on viperalley? I can say that none of there replies are as childish and made up of bullshit exscuses like over here.

Why do most of you take it so personal? Its all in fun at the end of the day, no one got hurt, everyone had a great day.
The thing is, why don't you post something that is legit.  If the guy set out to make a video of him beating a Busa then that is exactly what he will do.  I could make a video showing my Toyota 4x4 beating that Viper and Busa.  Just so long as I get to pick the track.  Not one person on this board has said the Viper isn't fast.  There have been some questions regarding some of the figures posted vs performance of the Busa, and the rider.  Neither of which have been answered by you.  But you sure haven't wasted any time posting back on viperalley saying everyone over here is whining and making excuses.  Not one person has made an excuse, they have posed questions that obviously you cannot answer.
Well, since no one cares to read anything on the other thread. he has done ANSWERED all the questions and said he will reply even more when he gets back. Im not gonna answer the questions, i dont know the exact answers, its not my car or bike, and i wasnt presnet at the race. I jsut simply posted the vid for everyone too see.

"Hey guys, I just got back to a computer. I only have a few minutes so I will try to clear up as much as possible. First of all, thanks for all of the support. I am glad you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it. I was shocked to see the outcome as many of you are.

I know there are doubters out there. There always will be. I will try to answer a few questions, but I bet no amount of answers will convince the true haters. At any rate, all I am asking is for some of those guys to see this race for what it is... the truth. I wanted to see how these two machines stacked up. We found out and here it is. If I would have lost it would be right up here all the same. Do you think I would somehow be shamed to get outrun by a TURBO HAYABUSA?? That's rediculous. I will try to answer some of the comments that I am sure have been made.

"The guy wasn't tucked, and he had his hand on his side. Clearly he wasn't racing."
No, that was the part of the video when we went from cruising speed(50mph) to our agreed upon race speed(80mph). I clearly put the text "getting up to race speed" on the video to clear that up, but I guess some folks missed that.

"Why didn't the guy line up even with the car? It looks like he was a little behind you."
We tried the three honks approach, but he couldn't hear my horn. I was going to go get one of those boat handheld airhorns, but there wasn't a place close to get one, so we agreed that it would be best for the bike to line up slightly further back than me so that he could see my passenger's hand signal start.

"Maybe the rider didn't know how to ride, or he started off in the wrong gear."
The guy told me he has been riding sport bikes for 15 years.(I have that part of the interview on tape), and he has been at the dragstrip just about every weekend for the part 2 months(that part is also on the tape) so i find it hard to believe that he wouldn't know what gear is appropriate to start in. I could be wrong on this(and I'm sure the skeptics will tell me if I am), but I was under the impression that a bike like this with an electric shifter and from that speed should be (relatively) easy to ride well.

As far as the question from the bike guy above about the speed and traction issues, let me say first, thanks for coming in here respectfully and in a positive way. We need more folks like you in the bike community. To answer your questions, I started at 80MPH in 3rd. My tires are a little taller than stock so my third gear will go to about 115MPH. Fourth gear will take me to 150 or so, and fifth gear will top out around 210-215MPH. The video shows me shifting into fifth and staying in it a few seconds. When I looked down after I let out of the throttle, the needle was sweeping back down past the 170 mark. I am guessing 180 because I didn't look at it right at my peak speed, and my tires are a little taller than stock, theoretically making my speedo read a little low. The bottom line is I am telling you it was 175-180MPH, and you can take that to the bank. If I only went 150 I would say I only went 150. As a matter of fact it would be to my advantage to say it was slower because it would be more impressive to outrun the bike by 2-3 cars from 80-lets say 140, than 80-200. The fact that we did reach 180 shows that it was in fact a pretty tight race.

That is all I have time for now. If some of the bike guys have questions, just ask them here(preferably in a respectful manner) and I will answer all of them when I get back to a computer. I will be over to the bike forum a little later. Participating in this race has made me even more eager to build a turbo Busa of my own. I look forward to joining in on the fun on both sides of the fence.
If that ain't talking $hit, then i don't know what it is. You posted on there yourself, it ain't even your car, but you still got something to say about the responses. Like I said, c'mon down here to the country. since that ain't your car, bring your own, and I'll spank it and send it to its room just like I do my son.
he wasnt tucked when the passenger said go. or so it seems. i would like to hear this from the riders viewpoint, not the guy who installed the turbo..

not hateing, just skeptical
If that ain't talking $hit, then i don't know what it is. You posted on there yourself, it ain't even your car, but you still got something to say about the responses. Like I said, c'mon down here to the country. since that ain't your car, bring your own, and I'll spank it and send it to its room just like I do my son.
there ya go, go job on moving away from the point of the thread.

and why in the FCUK are you calling me out for a race? Really, please answer that for me. When did i say i had ANYTHING that could beat ANY other vehichle on the road, much less your bike?

Oh, or was that you trying to get off subject again? You wanted answers, i posted what the guy said, you had to come up with something else to argue about.

Dude, i really dont give a #### if the Busa but 500 bike lengths on the viper, I have a bike of my own. I was jsut posting the god damn video.
there ya go, go job on moving away from the point of the thread.

and why in the FCUK are you calling me out for a race? Really, please answer that for me. When did i say i had ANYTHING that could beat ANY other vehichle on the road, much less your bike?

Oh, or was that you trying to get off subject again? You wanted answers, i posted what the guy said, you had to come up with something else to argue about.

Dude, i really dont give a #### if the Busa but 500 bike lengths on the viper, I have a bike of my own. I was jsut posting the god damn video.
Whoa there tough guy, no need to get excited. The thread concerns the video that YOU posted. You didn't say it wasn't your car until we called Bullsh!t. I called the owner of that car out, asked you to post it the same way you did other responses, on Viper Alley. Then, since you didn't, but you want to talk sh!t with your Viper Alley buddies, I figured I'd invite you over too. If you can't make it, that's okay but calm down a little, you're awfully excited!
Bottom line, you posted the vid, you are responsible for answering the questions. Obviously I read the thread on Viper Alley, how else would I know that YOU had something to say? I'm not trying to get some internet war started, I prefer races in real life. My point is that the video that YOU posted looks suspect.
Did anyone else notice both videos from the rear and the side, the viper took off while the Busa was behind the viper. They were not even neck to neck.

Video is still B.S. no matter.

and ScrewDrvr, get off the board.. jeeezz, you are worse than some couch quarter back.

You don’t even have anything that would keep up with one of our Busa's do you?

We ride Busa's, the guy in the video, (even though it is B.S.) owns a viper. what do you own?

Unless you own a Busa OR a viper stop trying to live through other peoples adrenaline rushes

I thought the video was of YOUR Viper. Even if the guy with the Viper were to post on here I would call B.S. but at least I would respect the fact that he was the owner of the Viper..

What do you own? If you don’t own a Viper or a Busa or anything else comparable, go play in someone else’s sand box. You are out of your league and even though I think the video is b.s., you are out of the league of the guy how owns the viper in the video.

Now go post this on your web site.

We aint whining, we just like to correspond with people who know what they are talking about and have some experience. And personal experience, not experience gained through others
Don't be mad cause you come over here with some video that is probly fake or rigged . Just have the guy post some real time slips !! We've got plenty of them to compare . So how about you and your buddies over at the viper board post up or shut up ! Also I saw the same roll on about a week or so ago and the bike won , But no, We didn't post it over there so whos being childish? TRACK TIMES DON'T LIE! By the way , nice car ! Oh , my bag, its not yours !
Did anyone else notice both videos from the rear and the side, the viper took off while the Busa was behind the viper. They were not even neck to neck.

Video is still B.S. no matter.

and ScrewDrvr, get off the board.. jeeezz, you are worse than some couch quarter back.

You don’t even have anything that would keep up with one of our Busa's do you?

We ride Busa's, the guy in the video, (even though it is B.S.) owns a viper. what do you own?

Unless you own a Busa OR a viper stop trying to live through other peoples adrenaline rushes

I thought the video was of YOUR Viper. Even if the guy with the Viper were to post on here I would call B.S. but at least I would respect the fact that he was the owner of the Viper..

What do you own? If you don’t own a Viper or a Busa or anything else comparable, go play in someone else’s sand box. You are out of your league and even though I think the video is b.s., you are out of the league of the guy how owns the viper in the video.

Now go post this on your web site.

We aint whining, we just like to correspond with people who know what they are talking about and have some experience. And personal experience, not experience gained through others
I will leave if you take your own advice also. I must be agaisnt the law for people who do not own vipers or hayausa's to perticipate on the internet. Sorry about that. Please refrain from posting in any thread about a product or vehicle that you do not own.

Now, Do YOU own the turbo hayabusa that raced in the video? Do YOU own the TT viper htat raced in the video? Are YOU the passenger that was filming the race? Are YOU the builder that built the bike and/or Viper? err..ummm..whhaaa...blah, Was that a NO? If so, then please take your own advice and leave the thread.

Oh, damn, did i just shoot down your arguement and then turn it around on you?

Again, why the FCUK is ANYONE trying to put me down or call me out? WTF did i do besides post the video?
You didn't say it wasn't your car until we called Bullsh!t.
Very first sentence in the thread.

"(cut and paste from viperalley.com) http://www.viperalley.com/showfla....1"
Okay, maybe I'm blind but where does that say "Guys this isn't my car but I thought you might like to watch it anyway....."? how are we supposed to know who you are, what your other screen name might be etc....?
blah blah, i never tried to pass the car off as mine so i have no clue why we are even arguing over this. The car is not mine, i will never have the funds to own/build a machine of that magnitude. End of arguemnet on that.
Don't be mad cause you come over here with some video that is probly fake or rigged . Just have the guy post some real time slips !! We've got plenty of them to compare .  So how about  you and your buddies over at the viper board post up or shut up ! Also I saw the same roll on about a week or so ago and the bike won , But no, We didn't post it over there so whos being childish? TRACK TIMES DON'T LIE! By the way , nice car ! Oh , my bag, its not yours !
wow, you saw the same race a week ago when the actual race only took place less than 2 days ago. That is nice.

i have no clue if the viper guy has time slips or has een ever taken it to the track. The Viper guy even says that the bike would tear him a new one from a stop. So why are you trying to argue?

Also, i agree with you. The video was sent by aliens to make us beleive that a 8.0liter built TT V10 car could somehow beat a 1.3 I4 turbo. They are trying to distract us so they can take over the world. End of that arguement ok?
You still didn’t answer my question.. what do you drive?

I at least ride a Hayabusa and I have at least pegged my speedo out at 185 indicated numerous times. (I stated indicated because everyone knows the Busa's Speedo is not accurate at that speed)

Doesn’t matter if I have a turbo or not.. I still have a Busa. now again I ask, what do you drive? what is the fastest you have ever been on two wheels?

Most of the guys on the viper board are giving a thumbs up to "Gary" thats cool, at least he has a viper and has more than likely been over 150mph.

Most of the guys on the viper board are in all honestly probably posers who don’t own vipers and probably have never see any speeds higher than 140

And, to play my final card you might say. Anybody can get in a car and take it to speeds above 160 (if the car will do it) it doesn’t take much balls or skill.

But to take a motorcycle that has only two wheels to speeds exceeding 180+ takes balls AND skills.

Most motorcycle riders that are honest about it don’t like to push that envelope.

So I would say most of the people that are talking smack over on the viper board are posers, probably just like yourself.

And I would venture to say that this “Gary†person who owns the viper, if you pinned him down and have a few beers with him would probably agree.

Once you have taken a vehicle, two wheels or 4 wheels over 180mph, you have just drawn a line in the sand where probably ¼ of the population will ever go.

So again I ask you.. what do you drive? How fast have you ever been and you got to be kidding me if you did not expect to catch a bunch of crap by starting this thread and being a new member.

You either expected a bunch of crap, in which case stop your whining for the crap you are getting or if you really thought you were not going to stir up a pot of shid then you should stop breeding because you have a bad gene pool.

No offense of course  

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ok, i dont know why it matters what i drive like i stated befor. but i have a 97zx7r with an 850 big bore kit, and a 94 Supra TT BPU+(75 shot) The car has been indicated 180mph and wouldt go any faster(no nitrous). The bike has gone 170 indicated and the rider would not go any faster(yeah, im scared as hell of the bike). Both of my vehicles would be destroyed by a stock busa and would outrun a stock viper.

I do not want to race any turbo busa or built viper. There is no point.

But just becasue i dont own either doesnt mean i dont know jack about whats going on and i cant participate in the threads.
Did anyone else notice both videos from the rear and the side, the viper took off while the Busa was behind the viper. They were not even neck to neck.

Video is still B.S. no matter.

and ScrewDrvr, get off the board.. jeeezz, you are worse than some couch quarter back.

You don’t even have anything that would keep up with one of our Busa's do you?

We ride Busa's, the guy in the video, (even though it is B.S.) owns a viper. what do you own?

Unless you own a Busa OR a viper stop trying to live through other peoples adrenaline rushes

I thought the video was of YOUR Viper. Even if the guy with the Viper were to post on here I would call B.S. but at least I would respect the fact that he was the owner of the Viper..

What do you own? If you don’t own a Viper or a Busa or anything else comparable, go play in someone else’s sand box. You are out of your league and even though I think the video is b.s., you are out of the league of the guy how owns the viper in the video.

Now go post this on your web site.

We aint whining, we just like to correspond with people who know what they are talking about and have some experience. And personal experience, not experience gained through others
I will leave if you take your own advice also.  I must be agaisnt the law for people who do not own vipers or hayausa's to perticipate on the internet. Sorry about that. Please refrain from posting in any thread about a product or vehicle that you do not own.

Now, Do YOU own the turbo hayabusa that raced in the video? Do YOU own the TT viper htat raced in the video? Are YOU the passenger that was filming the race? Are YOU the builder that built the bike and/or Viper? err..ummm..whhaaa...blah, Was that a NO? If so, then please take your own advice and leave the thread.

Oh, damn, did i just shoot down your arguement and then turn it around on you?

Again, why the FCUK is ANYONE trying to put me down or call me out? WTF did i do besides post the video?
Oh and one other thing. In reference to your comment

“Please refrain from posting in any thread about a product or vehicle that you do not own. “

I pretty much don’t.

I normally do not post on boards that do not contain anything I am not involved with.

I own two Camaros and I don’t belong to a Camaro board.

I own guns and I don’t belong to any boards having anything to do with guns.

There are a great deal of other things I am involved with and I don’t belong to any boards having to deal with other areas in my life. Heck this board by itself takes up too much of my time

I tried to make a post over at the viper board just so I could bring to everyone's attention they were being posers but decided why bother.

So yeah, I do refrain from posting on boards I know nothing about.
I just want to say that i love each and everyone of you.

If you have anything to ask, You can easily go to viperalley.com and hit register and post away. If you actually have a valid question then i will post it for you if you want on the viperalley.
Ok, out of this thread and the one over at SH.org, this has got to be the funniest shortest reply I have heard yet.

Made by Motorhead lol

"A MR TURBO KIT (rolling eyes)

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I just want to say that i love each and everyone of you.

If you have anything to ask, You can easily go to viperalley.com and hit register and post away. If you actually have a valid question then i will post it for you if you want on the viperalley.
No you dont, if you really loved me you would send me money so I could install my own turbo.. your just teasing
I just want to say that i love each and everyone of you.

If you have anything to ask, You can easily go to viperalley.com and hit register and post away. If you actually have a valid question then i will post it for you if you want on the viperalley.
No you dont, if you really loved me you would send me money so I could install my own turbo.. your just teasing  
you buy me a single kit for my supra, and ill buy you a single for the busa ;)