Unfriendly sportbike riders...Do you guys experience them?

I was coming home tonight on my '99 Copper and pulled up behind two guys on literbikes close enough that they knew I was there, at the traffic light. These guys completely ignored me and would not even acknowledge my presence... They were riding literbikes too. I usually am friendly to all bikers, regardless of bike type (even Harleys). The other day, a guy on a Ducati monster glanced at me at an intersection and completely gave the cold shoulder. I expect this stuff from Harley guys and mopeds, not the sportbike genre! I don't want to think this way, and it seems silly to me, but are many non-Busa riders intimidated by the presence of the Busa?

It's lonely at the top. :laugh:
If there is heavy traffic I won't wave becuase I am too worried about what the cage next to me is going to do. I might need that hand on the bars. They might be thinking the same thing.

Open road lots of people don't look in the opposite lane. I just dosen't have any impact on there sectors. There is the occasional person coming accross the median.

Just ride on and don't worry about it.
I always drop the arm.....I never take offense if not acknowledged....the rear view thing isn't a personal thing....they're busy in front of you and they didn't recognize you so they rode on. If you pull up next to me, the visor always comes up....it's my open-to-chat thing....now I do enjoy a good romp on the freeway....I get buzzed by liter bikes, and as soon as they pass I drop two or three hammer it and ride up on them like they're prey and slam the brakes....boy those kids get serious in the rear view......:whistle:
I always drop the arm.....I never take offense if not acknowledged....the rear view thing isn't a personal thing....they're busy in front of you and they didn't recognize you so they rode on. If you pull up next to me, the visor always comes up....it's my open-to-chat thing....now I do enjoy a good romp on the freeway....I get buzzed by liter bikes, and as soon as they pass I drop two or three hammer it and ride up on them like they're prey and slam the brakes....boy those kids get serious in the rear view......:whistle:

FYI, my girls and I pick up strays all the time. We will just be cruising around and out of nowhere we go from 2-3 up to 5-6...they guys usually end up chillin with us most of the ride too. Met most of my riding buddies this way.
Now when I go out I am usually 6 deep at the very least.

Just be the nice guy and say whats up. Some people are intimidated to ride with people that have nicer bikes than they do. But not everyone can reach Busa status you know? Everyone in the sport bike community needs to reach out their hand so we get rid of this stigma we carry around.

P.S. We have a Christian Sport Bike Riders club in Orlando. Super super nice people....
are many non-Busa riders intimidated by the presence of the Busa?
I think those kind of sportbike riders are intimidated by other riders over the age of 18.
Seriously, I find the same thing from these kids I see around Long Island riding 1000's... you know the type: GSXR-1000, tanktop flapping up their back, cargo shorts, little shorty socks and keds make up the "protective" gear, and a full face helmet worn on the crown of the head, not even pulled over their ears.
They dont even have to be on a bike... they're socially inept in ANY setting where they have to relate to people that dont use "yo" and "phat" three times in every sentence.
90% of my customers are bikers, all types of bikes, and I have been around bikers my entire life. 99% of those are great people, but there are always a few jerks thrown into the mix. I have learned to enjoy them, they are easy to intimidate for a couple of laughs:rofl::rofl:
some times i wave they just nod the head then i show them the finger only kiding about the finger lol:rofl:

LOL. If I am at cruising speed I will do the hand thing (in Orlando it is a low peace sign not a wave) but if I am in the middle of changing gears or something I do the head nod.

Unless the guy is super hot then he gets the heeeeyyyyy wave. LMAO
I do get a response some times, but many people blow me off. I feel stupid waving at them only to have them ignore me. The people in this area (MD/DC/VA) seem to be kinda snobby or tough acting. I could be wrong, but it I distinctly get that feeling.

I totaly agree, I'm from Delaware and I think too many people are trying to play the "tough guy". But just when I say "EF' em, I'm done waving to people", I pass someone, and just as I'm going by them they wave, and now I'm stuck looking like "THAT GUY"

So now I wave FOR ME, if they don't wave back, oh well......

Now if I'm having fun in the twisty's, I don't take it personal, I'd rather not wave to each other, and stay out of the trees !!!!@
Where do you live ????
I see a chick on a Busa and I'm waving like I'm swatting at bees !!! I LOVE see girls on the big bikes !!!

Now if I was on a 600, I could see be a little intimidated, LoL

Live in Orlando Florida. Busa riders are cool...its the "others" that can be stupid...darn haterz