Unfriendly sportbike riders...Do you guys experience them?

I get the cold shoulder from all groups sometimes, but it doesn't hurt my feelings any. I'm out there to enjoy the ride for me not them.
I do get a response some times, but many people blow me off. I feel stupid waving at them only to have them ignore me. The people in this area (MD/DC/VA) seem to be kinda snobby or tough acting. I could be wrong, but it I distinctly get that feeling.

Im here in MD and I dont get that type of response...???
Once in a while...I'll see a pack of harley's coming my way..I wave but if the first one dont wave then I know the other sheeple won't either...

So, I just adjust myself to the outside peg in a half tuck and stare tham all down as they drive by..then of course they look at me like im crazy...but then... I AM! Mwahahahaha

BTW, funny how when I then see the SAME peeps and Im on MY harley I DONT wave..THEN they wanna be like " WTF?"


And yeah, funny how the chic on the backs stares at ya...I just lift my visor and wink..
LOL. If I am at cruising speed I will do the hand thing (in Orlando it is a low peace sign not a wave) but if I am in the middle of changing gears or something I do the head nod.

Unless the guy is super hot then he gets the heeeeyyyyy wave. LMAO

Still waiting for my wave...:whistle:
As long as it's safe, I drop the hand, or nod or wave from bar regardless; if they don't wave back I figure it's their problem, not mine.

I do notice that Harley riders seem more apt to acknowedge me when I'm on my Duece.
i don't sweat it. if they wave or nod i'll return the favor, other than that i will do the same and ignore them like i do with a car. i've been burned before and i don't normally wave at random people i don't know personally.
Commuters don't wave. When you ride everyday in rush hour traffic waving is usually reserved for the middle finger. :laugh:

Now during the winter when you happen upon a loan rider in near freezing temperatures both parties most certainly wave....I know I'm thinking something like "hey there! you're as crazy as me. Have a good one. Stay safe"
If it's safe to wave, I do. If not, I'll nod. Sometimes I don't see the other rider until it's too late to respond.

At intersections/stop lights, I rarely try to talk to other riders just b/c it's tough to do through a full face helmet over engine/traffic noise, but I certainly acknowlede them.

Most riders that I've encountered return the response but, of course, there's a few that don't and they're usually on HD's or HD clones. Nothing to sweat either way.

PS: I can totally understand not wanting to wave in places like CA and FL where bikes are much more numerous. Wouldn't wanna spend my entire ride with only one hand on the bars. Here in the DC Metro area bikes are few enough that waving doesn't take much outta my riding time.
It's not so much the bike as the person. Some people ride with a superiteriority trip and why would they wave or whatever when you are beneath them. Sometimes it's just not a good time to wave. I always wave when It's safe. If they don't return it ,big deal. I do think within 10 miles of a rally it's optional.
Try going to Myrtle Beach or Daytona bike week and wave at every bike rider you meet going from one place to another. I learned real quick that it is understood at these places, Just ride and save the waving for open road riding where the bikes aren't as plentifull. Some don't wave here but most do. Even Harley riders. I think even Harley riders respect the Busa, Most of them anyway.
There are a lot of cliquish riders out there and I have to say I have experienced them more on the sport/sport touring side. While riding up over Hwy. 33 between Ojai and New Cuyama two weeks ago ran into two separate groups of sport/sport touring riders and they wouldn't acknowledge me (must be a pack thing). But then stopped at the CalFire station smoked a cigar and joked with a group of Harley Rider's, yeah the were all old guys like me so maybe it's an age thing too. :laugh:
Try going to Myrtle Beach or Daytona bike week and wave at every bike rider you meet going from one place to another. I learned real quick that it is understood at these places, Just ride and save the waving for open road riding where the bikes aren't as plentifull. Some don't wave here but most do. Even Harley riders. I think even Harley riders respect the Busa, Most of them anyway.

Good point.
They are Intimidated by your BUSA. It happens to me ALL THE TIME !!! I just Ride by them and Smirk as I Look in My Mirrors :thumbsup:

the sad truth is that a 07 or never GSXR1000 with equal weight rider can wax a busas ass in most cases unless you have a slightly modded 08 and then u will only catch them up top
I wave at everyone, on two wheels, to me a bike is a bike, it gives you freedom that a 4 wheel vechicle cannot. If they don't wave back no big deal, Most of my friends, that I ride with are "Yuppie" Harley Riders. We stop and people with ask them about their bikes and then they get to mine, and ask me what it is, and I tell them, Hayabusa and I get the same answer almost everytime, "OOOOHHH" and they kinda lean back We always seem end up at the local Harley shop with my harley friends,(their weekly pilgrimage to the holy ground") and their will be 100 harley riders, and none of the them say a word, most do respect the busa! My wife and I walk in with our Suzuki Jackets on and nothing is said. :laugh:

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I never hae that problem either, i will pull right up next to not behind them.....I will make sure they wave or smile or nod....if not i do a nice burnout in front of them so they can eat my rubber:laugh:

:laugh: I never get next to another rider space even if he is stopped at light. if he waves me up I will get next to him an give em the old:thumbsup: