VA Spring Ride Attendance

Darn Cathy!  I was hoping you'd make this one...just how close are you to "this friend"?!  

I'm still in, but after reviewing the itinerary, Mike and I may have to bow out of the last few stops and head on back home...we're staying in Winchester Friday night to make the departure time on Saturday, but need to get back home Saturday night and I'm not a fan of riding at night...

Thanks for the pics Warren; looks awesome to me!  
What hotel are you and Mike staying at? I am at the Comfy-Inn....

I jotted your info down...Mike and I fly by the seat of our pants, so no reservations...we're just heading up and we'll stop when we find a hotel big enough to park the bikes in!  

I did note the Comfy Inn though...and I've got your cell #, so if we stay there and aren't too late, we'll catch up with you...
Sounds good. I hope to be there around 8:00 PM Friday.
Hopefully my bike will be ready by then.
I know the feeling, I ordered a Tobin seat and haven't got it back yet (no reflection on Tobin, it was my fault for waiting so long to send it). Tobin said he was shipping it today, so looks like I will have it by Friday. Thanks Tobin!!!!!! Now I don't have to ride all day on the battery.
We'll, I've been watching the 10 day forcasts for a few days now, and it changes almost daily. Should be great temps, but as of today's forcast, sunny skies and isolated t-storms are possible. Let's hope it keeps getting better as Saturday approaches...

Looks like I'm out guys...

Hubby's so on the fence about going, and I've pretty much blown my window to get one of the grandma's to take the boys...

I'm quite pissed...don't want to talk about it...
what? you have to go !

on a side note, looks like I'll be up there barring any last minute heroics by my boss to get me to stay in town and work
I'll see what I can do,

I also need to change my coolant and the front break pads before going.

If I can't make it, I wish you a great ride and a safe one.
what?  you have to go !

on a side note, looks like I'll be up there barring any last minute heroics by my boss to get me to stay in town and work
Yeah, well I REALLY want to, but the hubby isn't up for's too long for me to go it alone (4 hours just to meet up with everyone in Winchester) in the Fall?
I'm heading out from Richmond (will be there thursday night, working Friday day and then heading out whenever), so how about we meet up somewhere and head up there together? that way you aren't goin alone
You gotta go
I'm heading out from Richmond (will be there thursday night, working Friday day and then heading out whenever), so how about we meet up somewhere and head up there together?  that way you aren't goin alone
  You gotta go
Believe me, I'd do it if my hubby wouldn't mind, but I'd have hell to pay if I take off with people he doesn't know...

Thanks for the offer's gonna drive me nuts all day Saturday knowing you guys are all riding and I'm not there...
just tell him he can come along or stay home .... no reason you should catch crap about it since he's the one being a wus
nah, you got it
just tell him to shuddup and hold on

see you gotta come, tell him to stop being a wus or not give you crap and come ride with us

I wish like hell that I could...I'll keep working on a a few days left...
No Michelle? Barbie Busa jokes? Chicken strips? The ride just won't be the same without you.
I sure hope you can pull something off, as you will definitely be missed.
What a rollercoaster of a 10 day forecast. As of today, (thurday) it has cleared up again for Saturday. Conditions are looking favorable for a launch as planned.
