anyone in health care or insurance can poke in here and add but so far in my few years working in the field..
Walk into most any orthopedic group office... obesity is the norm.. easily 80% of the people sitting in these offices are morbidly obese.. (knee and other serious joint issues)
Yes there are a number of sports injuries but they are easily outnumbered by issues of weight
Unreal how many just feed their faces until they end up damaging their bodies.. Our office sees some 3000 plus patients (specialty practice) and again by far the vast majority of our patients are just plain FAT...
They end up with COPD , hypertension , asthma, diabetes, and a slew of other ailments due to lousy life style, eating habits and just plain lack of exercise.. (mostly self inflicted)
That is even before booze, drugs, smoking and other poor lifestyle choices are figured in..
Add on top of that, the numbers of people that run to the Dr because they had a runny nose or they sneezed... Others just think they "might" be getting sick..
In our office alone this is well into 6 figures a month in insurance claims... Add to that the ones that just want Rx's for drugs, Dr's notes for being off work, lifetime disability claims and the list just goes on and on.. It is a cavalcade of "pseudo sickos"
You wonder why it turns into a business run by the $$? it is because so many entering the system should not even be there.. how do you expect the professionals to take it serious?
In there we see a few patients a week that are really sick by bad fortune... (like something genetic, or a real bug).. They get short changed on time with the Dr, testing and genuine health care while all the "turds" are taken care of..
And what makes a Dr any better than a street walker? his parents had more money for an education?
I think you would do better to give everyone free educations.. god knows most teachers get paid squat to start with.. And then put the parents that allow the kids to screw off in school in jail instead of people not being able to pay for health care insurance.. Kids are products of their parents upbringing..
Socialist joke... "you get what you pay for.. "
Now here is a little girl that just spent her second birthday in ICU and is currently undergoing a brain biopsy as complications arise from her 4th liver transplant..
Link no longer works
Hang in there kiddo!!