WOW! Great video but sorry it had to be of you. Only $200 buck, consider yourself lucky.
YEah i was so set on beating my buddy i just fuggin dumped it...i usually dont go wide open till i start rolling pretty good.I NEVER roll through the water box. I always go around and back up into the edge of it. First off I don't want water on my front tire. Secondly I don't need that much water to do a burnout so I won't have any excess on my tire when launching.
Try to slip the clutch more than just dumping it. You can go WOT right away and as long as you slip the clutch until you're moving you shouldn't loop it.
No dobut...took it as a lesson learnedHim, get back on, and keep doin it....
Nah it only makes you hate the fact you cant go back in time and change shidDamn Sam, sorry to read about this - Glad u r OK... wish I had video of my crash
Damn guess you like seeing ya boy in pain...why is the link not working anymore?do you have another copy of the video that i can download?
Ahh want it to last a life time huh... on the copy i have my wife was taping so after the wheel lifts the camera goes down...and you cant see shidthe link works it just doesnt let you save it