Went down in Hollywood! (not a joke!)

Man that toatally sucks! Glad your in one piece. If your still going on the bike ride tomorrow I'll bring you my stock windshield if you want it. PM me if you do.
Too bad about the bike and the road rash.

Is it an optical illusion, or does your front tire have no tread at all?
Ouch...Thats making me hurt! Im glad youre ok, couldve been much worse! Get your bike fixed and Dude....get you some gear. The healing process on those knees are gonna suck.
(PaNDeM1C @ Nov. 17 2006,14:07) When the doctors were trying to examine my whole body I heard somebody say "strip him down"... and I said "no, I'm fine". I told them I can move my legs and arms and I just had some very sore limbs... that's it... with some nice road rash. I was lucky enough that I got to skip the full body exploration...

Hmmm.....what was he hiding? Dirty underwear? Thong? Oh wait, I think I got it.....Peter Pan undies!

All jokes aside, be glad you're ok. U will be in pain tomorrow. Take a shot of Black Label tonight before bed to ease the pain.

Your bike is ok. Damage is minimal. Nothing is broken except for the screen. If is was me, I would just sand the plastic down and then paint it.

About the lady calling the cops, maybe she was protecting herself. Maybe she doesnt want U coming after her later...then again, she can try to turn the table the other way around.

Just rest, Dude. Be safe.

PS: I bet tonight U wish U had that Latina Mami from CNN to ease your pain. U know who Im talking about.
dam Pan', glad you're good bro. i could'a swore you were gonna say jessics alba got out the lexus and picked you up...mannn that would'a been sweet.
Glad you are ok man..

sorry to say it, but $1,200.00 isn't gonna cover it.. I speak from experience..
glad you are relatively ok...sorry to see the rash on you and on your bike...hope you heal quick
I am glad to hear you are OK. Cars do that so often here in Socal, its insane that more riders arent killed. Keep some motrin handy, your gonna need it.
Sorry to hear dude!

Was going to meet you tomorrow, but maybe next time.

Your helmet is trash now. If your insurance pays, claim the helmet as well as the bike. Protective riding gear is almost always covered.
Umm... welcome to LA...?

You called me at 8:30AM... I wonder if that was before, or after the bump...?

I got hurt today too!!!

I hit a bee at 80mph and the little sucker stung me on the chest!

I'm ok though...

Glad you're ok, let us know what we can do to help. I have a good shop that can help with repairs and ins. issues.

The lady you bumped probably didn't want to get in trouble with her husband for not having a report. I tell my wife the same... No matter what... get a police report.

I was hit by a church bus one time. It pushed me onto the sidewalk and over a stop sign. They said "we're so sorry, you have our ins info, no need for a report".
My Ins company said they told him "There was a bus full of people that said he hit them!" ... some church that was.

Alovera on the rash should heal it quickly. Let me know if we can help with the bike or if you need chicken soup or something.

We'll ride when you're back on your wheels.

..., trip