Went down in Hollywood! (not a joke!)

awww, shiiiii...now Charlie-you know I got love 4 ya bro, but if you sell your Bus' while you're still hurtin...Im guna come over n punch yo azz in the head so hard it'll fix yer lazy eye!

you need to take some time off-sho nuff, its been a ruff coupla' weeks. Take a break from the bike, go play outside-ball, jogging, golf/whatever your thing is-and get your mind off the whole subject. Get healed, then go surmise the dmg totals and make a good, financially-motivated decision of whether or not to keep the Busa.

n if you do sell it....well, you can always ride bitch on mine, sugar!
(BA BUSA @ Nov. 19 2006,13:21) Dude...ya missed the ride
a little duct tape and ya could have made it...what a puss
LOL! Yeah, duct tape for the bike... not my body! I can hardly walk right now...

And it hurts to breathe. I landed hard on my right side and my right booby hurts when I breathe deeply or cough.
(PaNDeM1C @ Nov. 19 2006,20:57)
(BA BUSA @ Nov. 19 2006,13:21) Dude...ya missed the ride  
a little duct tape and ya could have made it...what a puss
LOL! Yeah, duct tape for the bike... not my body! I can hardly walk right now...

And it hurts to breathe. I landed hard on my right side and my right booby hurts when I breathe deeply or cough.
You gotta suck it up Bro...I drove 800 miles and did the 300 mile ride in less than 34 hrs
Glad you are ok. Dang, to many pics of damaged blk and greys. Have to go to bathroom to throw up now.
(PaNDeM1C @ Nov. 18 2006,05:04) I'm actually considering getting rid of the bike. I can't ride it here in LA the way I did in Alabama... and the Hollywood streets, namely Hollywood Blvd and Sunset (on the famous strip sections) are very slick. I almost ate it a few times before actually going down for real on Friday. I'm not scared to ride at all, and I rode the bike home today after taking the spill. It's just not practical for me to keep the bike even though I love it. I think I should just consider myself lucky enough that I was able to walk away from a crash that could have been so much worse... and I'm also lucky enough to even own a Hayabusa to begin with since many only dream of riding such a badass machine.

But I think it's time to cut my losses and get the bike looking new again and just sell it... or try to sell it as is. If anyone is interested in the bike, let me know. My mind is made up to sell. It's the best thing for me to do.
Pan, if you decide to part it out, let me know, would be interested in left fairing and rear cowl.
(PaNDeM1C @ Nov. 19 2006,23:57)
(BA BUSA @ Nov. 19 2006,13:21) Dude...ya missed the ride  
a little duct tape and ya could have made it...what a puss
LOL! Yeah, duct tape for the bike... not my body! I can hardly walk right now...

And it hurts to breathe. I landed hard on my right side and my right booby hurts when I breathe deeply or cough.
First off I am glad you are kicking and screaming. I can imagine how you feel and thoughts you are having.

About 10 years ago I was riding a Suzuki 125. I was messed up by a cager turning into the left side of me. Broke my femor making me land with my left foot behind my head. Took about nine months to recover.

I had probably some of the same thoughts about giving up riding. The way I looked at was if at least I learned from the accident I shouldn't let it stop me from riding. I relearned what I really already knew.

--- Never assume someone sees you and always be prepared for the unexpected. And never ride a bike that does not have the power to get out of a bad situation. ---

It took a few years for me to get on another bike. I started out riding my friends Katana and was nervous like a squirl. I have had my Busa for the last 2 years and have not looked back.

My point. Like everyone here has said. Wait until the pain is gone before truly making the descision to sell your Busa. I remember when I was in pain I said I would never ride again and all I could think about is the dangers of riding. Take your time and all will be good.

Best wishes,

good to hear that you walked from it. sorry about the bike but from the pic's it doesn't look all that bad. if you need a stock windscreen give me a holla'. there are a few minor scratches on it.