awww, Charlie-you know I got love 4 ya bro, but if you sell your Bus' while you're still hurtin...Im guna come over n punch yo azz in the head so hard it'll fix yer lazy eye!
you need to take some time off-sho nuff, its been a ruff coupla' weeks. Take a break from the bike, go play outside-ball, jogging, golf/whatever your thing is-and get your mind off the whole subject. Get healed, then go surmise the dmg totals and make a good, financially-motivated decision of whether or not to keep the Busa.
n if you do sell it....well, you can always ride bitch on mine, sugar!
you need to take some time off-sho nuff, its been a ruff coupla' weeks. Take a break from the bike, go play outside-ball, jogging, golf/whatever your thing is-and get your mind off the whole subject. Get healed, then go surmise the dmg totals and make a good, financially-motivated decision of whether or not to keep the Busa.
n if you do sell it....well, you can always ride bitch on mine, sugar!