What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

I look at mine today....covered up and still sleeping. Prob ordering new tires and fluids for spring soon. Hoping to hide away a few bucks and maybe upgrade brake lines or the seat this spring. All still a dream as we got snow again last night. Just enough to be annoying
I look at mine today....covered up and still sleeping. Prob ordering new tires and fluids for spring soon. Hoping to hide away a few bucks and maybe upgrade brake lines or the seat this spring. All still a dream as we got snow again last night. Just enough to be annoying
I hear you, we have at least 2 months until a bike can be ridden around here.
Got my latest side job in today, KDX200, a good going over and getting it enduro ready!

Reeds are damaged/worn out





Intake boot is toast

I hear you, we have at least 2 months until a bike can be ridden around here.
I'm probably 2 months out as well. got to get a start on some of the maintenance and stuff otherwise without busy I've been I will never get it done in time. Blessing of the bikes here by me is toward the end of April so yea
I know it’s apples to oranges but it would be cool for your to do a ride comparison between it and it’s big brother
From the 150km ride on the way home I can already tell this thing will be a baby monster with minor mods, hard to compare this to the LE since that is very far from standard. If the GSXR had the same mods which it will in due time,it'll no doubt be quicker than the LE.
I ordered the smallest of the bags C10 gave me the link to. I wish I had got the next bigger size but like it. I took the cushion of my rear seat and used the base to connect the bag to with large zip ties. I may also fit the hump to it. I ordered a rear Corbin to match my front seat.