What did you do to your Gen 3 today?

Working away from home today so had a pic of the ladies sent to me.

Bottom line of site glass 3.25 qts
Middle of site glass 3.50 qts
Upper line of site glass 3.75 qts
Full site glass 4.00 qts+

The engine runs safe at 3.25 quarts.
I prefer 3.75(more oil equals cooler and longer lasting oil, with more oil pressure)
I know several who run 4 qts without issue.
If the oil is on the bottom line, upright on level ground...then technically the dealer is right, the oil level is ok.
Thanks, that’s the same numbers I came up with when I did my first service so I stopped at 3.75 quarts. Technically the dealer is correct, on the add mark is ok but I did raise an eyebrow expecting to see it full. One theory if I was trying to guess why Suzuki puts them on the add mark is they may be thinking too much oil will cause oil splash from windage in the crankcase and this excess oil may effect the rings seating quickly, so Suzuki’s thinking may be the only oil they want on the cylinder walls during the break-in period should only come from the clearance between the rod big end and crank radius and any more oil may be too much and flood the cylinder walls and can cause ring skipping or slow seating. I don’t know their real thinking I’m only speculating because knowing mine was on the add mark and Bigbsbusa and others I read about their has to be a reason.
PeregrineKeith, if you’re still on the org. How are the love bugs up your way? I wanted to ride to Astatula and Sugarloaf tomorrow if the love bugs aren’t too bad, around Lakeland and Tampa area they’re about medium this year. For those of you who don’t know what a love bug is welcome to Florida. These are nasty little bugs that we get in May and September, they thrive on carbon monoxide so they breed and live on the road side, the male and female are joined at the abdomen for life. When they splatter on your paint you have 24 hours to get them off or it will eat the clear coat off. If they hit a hot windshield they will dry in less than 5 seconds and your washer and wipers will not get them off. They were brought here to eat mosquitoes but turns out they don’t like mosquitoes. At least we only have them 2 months out of the year. If the country sprays the ditches they aren’t too bad but the budget must be tight this year.
Love bugs actually aren’t too bad last weekend or even Monday or Tuesday but I’ve been away the rest of the week.
You pretty much explained them pretty darn good! These bugs are hated by anyone who gives a crap about their paint.
Love bugs actually aren’t too bad last weekend or even Monday or Tuesday but I’ve been away the rest of the week.
You pretty much explained them pretty darn good! These bugs are hated by anyone who gives a crap about their paint.
Yeah my wife has a new Cadillac and she’s having to run it through the car wash every other day, luckily she has a membership to the car wash.
I absolutely hate lovebugs! We get them here twice a year and I hate it. I try not to ride during that time period, more so because I have white gear, lol. I've seen a few of them as of recently, but they're not fully here just yet. I think when they start to get thick, perfect time to work on the bike.

I don't think we had any for fall of 2020.... but probably due to 2 hurricanes 6 weeks apart coming through here, lol.

Did 60 miles yesterday with the M4. It’s too loud for me, for how I ride.
Crazy resonance in my helmet/head from 3000-3500. So I revisited the Q7 dB killer insert.
Slapped it in and took a ride. Not bad, not great. If you want a little rumble, less weight & potentially more grunt- this is it. For me it sounded raspy, I want bass with an engine this big.

So I brought it to the drill press. Did 2x- 1/2” holes opposite from each other. Not bad.
Did 2x more, now spaced equidistant(ish) above the oem holes. (In blue below)

The sound is fantastic! Deep, bassy, and won’t set off my migraines. (The video has a ton of engine noise from that angle, it sounds great when riding…and is wife approved) Plus if I want louder, I can enlarge/add more holes. May pick up a second for legend I want it to purr.

Don’t shy away from M4 gang. Great price, easy to tune how you want it!


Did 60 miles yesterday with the M4. It’s too loud for me, for how I ride.
Crazy resonance in my helmet/head from 3000-3500. So I revisited the Q7 dB killer insert.
Slapped it in and took a ride. Not bad, not great. If you want a little rumble, less weight & potentially more grunt- this is it. For me it sounded raspy, I want bass with an engine this big.

So I brought it to the drill press. Did 2x- 1/2” holes opposite from each other. Not bad.
Did 2x more, now spaced equidistant(ish) above the oem holes. (In blue below)

The sound is fantastic! Deep, bassy, and won’t set off my migraines. (The video has a ton of engine noise from that angle, it sounds great when riding…and is wife approved) Plus if I want louder, I can enlarge/add more holes. May pick up a second for legend I want it to purr.

Don’t shy away from M4 gang. Great price, easy to tune how you want it!

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M4 makes a quieter baffle than the one that comes with it, they're about $80.
I bought one for the full M4 I put on the gsxr.

