What did you do to your other motorcycle today ?

Got the new led front turn signals for my GW, and removed the chrome farkles on the mirrors.
Much brighter, and I think they look better than the stock ones with the aftermarket chrome trim.





I could not find a "What did you do to your house today" so I will post this here.

This locking female connector never worked right. Pulling on the mechanism, one of the plates could not be entirely pushed out of the way of one of the plug slots. I am well aware that I am weaker than your sisters but I could not push in plugs with all of my might. Who leaves this type of thing that is supposed to "help" to Chinese manufacturing specs?

The hardware store had this yellow connector and another that cost three times as much deemed "commercial". I like that it is very long for a substantial grip but in practicality could not see a reason to spend the money on the upgrade.

Decided to add a 2003 Goldwing with 34k mi. to the stable! Found it on CL and rode it home yesterday.

I had my eye on the listing at the beginning of the weekend, and the seller dropped the price by a grand on Sunday evening. I was in the area and decided a road trip with my Pops was in order. After checking it out, I pulled the trigger. From the Grapevine to Frazier, out to the coast and back to the middle of Ventura Co, I’m averaging 38.7 mpg.

I’m impressed by the function, performance and quality of this bike. The GW hype is well earned in my book. After work, I spent this evening changing fluids as an introduction to refreshing the maintenance, as I do to every new to me bike.

There are many cosmetic flaws that I will address once I’m satisfied with the mechanical status of the new road warrior. She is a driver more than a looker.

Glad to see there are fellow Wingers in our Busa family for me to take pointers from.
Decided to add a 2003 Goldwing with 34k mi. to the stable! Found it on CL and rode it home yesterday.

I had my eye on the listing at the beginning of the weekend, and the seller dropped the price by a grand on Sunday evening. I was in the area and decided a road trip with my Pops was in order. After checking it out, I pulled the trigger. From the Grapevine to Frazier, out to the coast and back to the middle of Ventura Co, I’m averaging 38.7 mpg.

I’m impressed by the function, performance and quality of this bike. The GW hype is well earned in my book. After work, I spent this evening changing fluids as an introduction to refreshing the maintenance, as I do to every new to me bike.

There are many cosmetic flaws that I will address once I’m satisfied with the mechanical status of the new road warrior. She is a driver more than a looker.

View attachment 1687716Glad to see there are fellow Wingers in our Busa family for me to take pointers from.