What was your first bike?

Scary huh.

This crossed as a Street Bike / Dirt Bike / Stunt bike and anything I could think of to do.


1962 Sears Allstate Scooter (Actually Made by Piaggio).
Sold at Sears and parts where ordered in a back room from a microfiche machine.
I had to order a lot of clutch cables as the bike lasted from the time I was twelve till I was in college and still ran years after that.
Scary huh.

This crossed as a Street Bike / Dirt Bike / Stunt bike and anything I could think of to do.


I know what you mean, I rode my scoot behind a Yamaha 125 Enduro on back trails and jumped everything I could, ditches, doors on stumps, anything with a hump. I though I was Evel Knievel.:laugh:
First bike, 1976 Honda MR175 Elsinore, seriously ported and piped, great wheelie and jumping machine (for its day).

First STREET bike was a 1972 Honda CB450, except mine was black with wide wide orange and yellow stripes on the tank, and, umm, 6" over forks and some cool high handlebars welded out of tube! A chopper! :rofl: Photo below is much nicer than mine.

1976 Honda mr175 Elsinore.jpg

first street bike, 82 or 83 (can't remember year) Suzuki Tempter 650
And I used to think it was fast :laugh:

Pic is of one I found not the one I had but it is identical.

My apologies if this already exists.

What was your first bike?

Mine was a 1979 Kawasaki KZ650
I rode the thing pretty often until I was jumping tree stumps in my father-in-law's yard. I popped the front end up and it landed on it's side from about 5 ft up. I tried to start it, but we later found out that I had knocked it out of time and bent the valves.

Amazingly, I worked at a place with a machine shop. One of the machinists was actually able to straighten the valves and I installed them and kept on riding.

Best bike I ever had...until now.

Funny I had the '78 blue KZ650. That was the first bike that I bought.
first street bike was a '74 Honda, it was either a 400 or 450 but i don't remember since that was a "few" years ago :laugh: