I had a neighbor behind me, short little guy names Osvaldo...has this bike, it looked sooo cool I just stared whenever he went by..
One day Im in the back yard and I watch him park the bike at his house, turns out Os was so short that he would actually have to drive the bike into the driveway and lean it up against the house to park it due to his short stature. One day he dropped it, it went over on him, and I ran over there asked him if he was ok, he then began to explain how this bike was too tall for him, he always rode around dreading that he would have to stop...simply put, if he had to stop at a light he just made a right and kept going for fear of dropping the bike

he asked me if i could help him hold the bike when he got home everyday so he could park it without dropping it...in turn he would show me how to drive it???...thus my love was born at the tender age of 16...before too long I was riding it more than he was, he didnt care much. I remember I used to terrorize people at our old hang out spot flying by and doing wheelies in his black helmet, they would throw rocks at me and stuff, frankly they HATED my azz for 1 summer
Then one day I rolled through there and saw my sis hanging out with the guys I was terrorizing???turns out she knew them...well a few weeks later I went by and introduced myself, we were just standing there BSin and my sister walsk up and says "hey bro, Os wants the Suzuki back cause his brother wants to borrow it this weekend so go home and drop it off to him" ( of course the fellas didin't know this beast they hated was parked around the corner) when they heard that they were like " you?!, you're the azzhole thats been riding around here tryin to run us over!?"
Well all wound up good as gold, I actually got my first nickname from those guys because of my exploits...since those years I've ridden and owned a few bikes...now Im back to where it all began for me...Suzuki....ya know, my sis STILL wont let me forget those days...ahh youth...wasted on the young they say
Heres the bike

Thanks Os, for starting a passion that has endured ages