What was your first bike?

First bike ridden was a 1972 Honda Z50, then an XL125. The first bike owned was a 1982 Yamaha Seca 550 which was right out of the showroom except for a dented tank and a few scrapes that the original owner had accomplished in his first week of owning the bike. He also managed to scare himself enough to want to end his motorcycling career after that crash and I was the benefactor getting a 3 month old bike at a killer deal!:cheerleader:
My 1st street bike was an 85 Kawasaki GPZ 750. Had it for 4 years. In the 1st 6 months i had I hit a dead deer,with my soon to be wife on the back( and we didnt go down,miracle) Then 4 months later I was on group ride and was 4th inline every1 in front of me stopped as we came over the hill I noticed them stopped and grabbed toooo much front brake and locked up the front. It shook and the dumped me over on the left,all I saw was black, blue yellow blue,black blue then green. I rolled over into the on comming traffic lane and came to rest on the grass on the otherside of the road. My friend behiond me said, " All I saw was him break dancing down the road" .
My other (offroad) was a 91 Suzuki LT500R . for those that dont know back in the day this was the ATV they called " THE QUADZILLA"
My 1991 Honda F2/F3 that I bought for $700. It had no plastics except one side of the rear fairing. It had road rash on every single side/part/spot on it. I spent the first month riding it in a back alley getting comfortable with it. I finally tackled beach Blvd after that, then the freeway a couple weeks later...for one exit! :laugh: I put 30,000 miles on it in the first year and a half. When I decided I was ready for a new bike, I started riding a Busa to try it out and see if I was going to be ok with it. The Busa was the only bike I could reach the ground flat footed on. I loved it and bought my '05, then last spring I got the '08. :) I wish i had kept my little 600 though, I loved it for the tighter tracks on track days.

Me and Amber 09-08-04.jpg
Mine was a Kawasaki GPz 750. Bored out and jetted with V&H exhaust. Not a good first bike for someone with ZERO experience. I learned how to respect the right grip real quick. Had a lot of fun on it though.

The pics is not mine, but it looks just the same.

My first bike was a 1967 Honda 50, got it when i was 15 and rode this thing like the road never ended. i could hit 55mph with a good tail wind and 60 going down hill:laugh:

This is not my old bike but just a picture I found of one.:thumbsup:

Mine was a 99 R1 when I was 19. It was my first bike and I'm amazed that I never hurt myself on that thing. :whistle:
1988 GSX-R750 slingshot, I didnt get to ride it much. I bought it with a bad battery then found out it needed a carb rebuild. ended up selling it for $800 and Im kicking my self for not keeping it.
