I still say that the burden of responsibility lies with the city's government.
They SHOULD have had a better plan in place for a flooding such as this.
They SHOULD have made the dikes stonger.....could they have been made strong enough? Who knows.. But if it was common knowlege that they could not withstand a cat 5 storm....wouldn't you think that it should have been a priority long ago?
I know, I know....armchair quarterback.....
The levy and flood control system are actually all under federal control, (the Southeast Louisiana Flood Control Project, referred to as SELA) and administered by the Army Corps of Engineers.
The problem is SELA's budgets have been slashed by phenomenal amounts over the past three or four budgets, a sort of robbing Peter to pay Paul scenario. (This is not the first time it's happened, and has in fact budgetary issues with SELA have gone back at least to the Reagan presidency, possibly before... I didn't research THAT far back) Essentially this past year's budget awarded did little more than allow salaries to be paid, even though the money requested was earmarked specifically to go to trying to complete the SELA project, strengthening the levies to Cat4 - Cat5 preparedness, amongst other projects. Unfortunately with the amounts of cash actually budgeted in, the Corps of Engineers in the New Orleans district had to put a hiring freeze in place, and could do little more than maintain its current state, as lacking as it has proven to be.
Breaking it down by year over the past six FY budgets (I couldn't find any info on 2006FY except for Bush's request) it reads like this:
Army Corps request: $11 million
Bush request: $3 million
Approved by Congress: $5.5 million
Army Corps request: $22.5 million
Bush request: $3.9 million
Approved by Congress: $5.7 million
Bush request: $2.9 million