Who Rode Today?

There are several places on the Blue Ridge Parkway(30 minute ride there for me), with no guardrail, as there is no room for any.
There is the edge of pavement, and literally 6" of gravel...then 80'-100' sheer drops. You look down at tree tops, and these are in curves, and can be a couple hundred feet long.
There have been several deaths over the years from mainly HD's sailing over the edge.
Heck of a way to go.
Kind of like a minnie version in spots of Colorado's Million Dollar Highway.
I'm @ dealer getting key fob sorted finally after 9.5 months .
Alex my friend does not fall into the HD crowd or category. No speed racer but not gramps either.
Rode the busa 100 miles one way to a Kawasaki Demo day and test rode a Ninja 650 and Vulcan S. Felt weird on the Vulcan with the pegs being so far on the front. The 650 was super comfortable that for a moment I was considering trading the busa in. But once I got back on the busa, the thought went away.

Got in 140 Smiles on a no pic day, just riding. Today’s route started nearby on my nearly private land speed course! :cool: Three beautiful smooth pavement straight sections miles long with no cross roads, railroad tracks on one side and fields and orchards on the other. Saw less than a dozen bikes, mostly Hawgs, but not there. I never see any bikes there and very few other vehicles. I had to laugh while at the top of the Golden Chain hiway later as I listened to an underpowered and overloaded two up sport bike struggling around the corners and up the hill. As they passed neither looked over or waved. The bike couldn’t have been over 400ccs.

Almost got caught by a CHP running radar on a different section of hiway 49. He was in the middle of a bunch of oncoming cars and didn’t look like the ones I’m used to, Ford SUVs. This one was a Chevy SUV which the sheriff’s department uses and they don’t run radar. Unlike almost every other CHP this one didn’t cruise with his unit always on and he must have turned it on as I approached. I was doing nearly 100 when I got the hit and braked down to about 70 as we met. I saw his brake lights come on but didn’t see him turn around. There were corners ahead and I never saw him again. On some of the country roads I saw a couple dead skunks, squirrels, a fox and surprisingly a big hawk. WTH? At road level? Dining on carrion and didn’t hear the car coming?
He was in the middle of a bunch of oncoming cars and didn’t look like the ones I’m used to, Ford SUVs. This one was a Chevy SUV which the sheriff’s department uses and they don’t run radar.
On I-95 near Baltimore, I’ve seen an unmarked Dodge Ram and Ford F-150 pulling cars over. Blend in really well because they don’t have the spotlight or rims that help identify an unmarked cruiser.
On I-95 near Baltimore, I’ve seen an unmarked Dodge Ram and Ford F-150 pulling cars over. Blend in really well because they don’t have the spotlight or rims that help identify an unmarked cruiser.
Here in Michigan mostly in Detroit they use any and every car they feel like. I've seen everything from some imports to jacked up 4wd's but ride aren't too often used for pulling people over. Over the last couple years because of all the people with hellcats and such always running they have taken quite a few of their impounds and turned them into unmarked cars and will chase with them. I can't find it now but I did have a screenshot from Facebook where I believe it was the state police posted a pic of them and said something along the lines of them being able to keep up so you better not try and run but obviously not those exact words.
The CHP on the interstates and freeways mostly use Chargers, even some with overhead lights. Most are the typical black and whites but some are all white. I have no doubts they also use some unmarked units too. My radar detector is a blessing but they don’t need radar to write you up. Gotta keep a keen eye out.
Didn't ride today but went with my neighbor to get a load of wood....lots of other bikes were out (99.99% were cruisers and 99.5% were HDs),

We both noted how many bikes were riding in groups side by side on the hiway with the inside person almost having their hiway pegged foot over the center line....he asked if this was how bikes were supposed to be riding and said not at all....riding like this gives zero room to other bikes in case they have to swerve to avoid anything...

I suspect this is what caused the accident I mentioned the other day...to bikes riding side by side and the ditch side bike got over a little too far and caught the loose gravel..

Even if I come up on another bike, I immediately go into a staggered formation until I decide if I want to overtake or not...if it's an HD, I almost always overtake.
Got a nice ride in today and this was the only pic I took. A building I pass on one of my routes and it seems to have its own security guard. Yeah that is a snake skin taped to the window lol. This building sits right next to the rode and is a good place to pull off to turn around if you are going up and down the mountain.

I rode the Busa today , with a mate up in the hills . A beautiful day for a ride , about midway through the ride , I ran up on a M4 BMW , the dude must have decided he wanted to race us , actually seemed to know how to drive it too , compared to others I have come across . The car of course is sitting on fat rubber and is / was planted to the road , he was really setting some serious pace for awhile there ... that is , until we hit traffic and I went around him and the mobile chicane in front of him , and it was goodbye from then on .
Me mate was busting for a turd when we finally stopped at a small town , he was yelling out about it while getting of his bike wearing his helmet , making his way in store with some haste .... Some of the nice people sitting outside the shops were laughing their heads off .....

Pic of mates little Mille 1000cc Aprillia and the Busa , outside a block of shops etc.