Who Rode Today?

I rode this morning, it was around 65'F or so and the bike loved it......it gets really frisky when the air temp is lower......reminds me of the old 2 stroke days....

Later on this evening the boss lady and I took the truck for ice cream and we saw at least 10 Gold Wings riding together...they were all the latest gen except one and it looked a lot larger than the others.....it dramatically stood out....

The old GW's are alot bigger, and 90 lbs heavier.
I would like to ride a newer one...but I love my fat girl
My 13 year old daughter and I took a 25 mile cruise earlier tonight.
This cool air is really nice.

Good for you gearing up your daughter! I wear some similar hard shell knee and shin guards under my boot jeans.

Thankyou sir...she is precious cargo.
That's a bike jacket and leather bike gloves, and the helmet fits perfectly, but with regular thick denim jeans and some heavy duty lace up boots of hers.
She finally had an intrest to start riding with me, and loves it, this was only her second ever ride, last weekend was 73 miles and 2 hours...and she wanted to keep going.
But now I will be getting her some proper armored pants and motorcycle boots.
My daughter showed more of an interest sooner than my son although both bought and rode their bikes with me. She felt more secure in the proper gear plus girls love to shop anyway. I’ve worn knee armor since my low side a couple decades ago. The surgeon told me that if I’d had knee protection I could’ve avoided three knee surgeries and a skin graft from my thigh. It just makes no sense to me how riders don’t wear knee protection. Mine are MX style that Velcro strap around my legs under my Levis. Cost is under $30!
My daughter showed more of an interest sooner than my son although both bought and rode their bikes with me. She felt more secure in the proper gear plus girls love to shop anyway. I’ve worn knee armor since my low side a couple decades ago. The surgeon told me that if I’d had knee protection I could’ve avoided three knee surgeries and a skin graft from my thigh. It just makes no sense to me how riders don’t wear knee protection. Mine are MX style that Velcro strap around my legs under my Levis. Cost is under $30!

I agree
So often I see riders wearing just a helmet, or a helmet, jacket, gloves...and regular jeans and even shorts, with regular shoes.
I don't understand why they don't want to be protected from the waist down as well.
The helmet, gloves, and jacket that my daughter is wearing are my wife's, but my wife's armored jeans and motorcycle boots don't fit my daughter.
I will be ordering her a helmet of her own in a few days, then the rest.
I agree
So often I see riders wearing just a helmet, or a helmet, jacket, gloves...and regular jeans and even shorts, with regular shoes.
I don't understand why they don't want to be protected from the waist down as well.
The helmet, gloves, and jacket that my daughter is wearing are my wife's, but my wife's armored jeans and motorcycle boots don't fit my daughter.
I will be ordering her a helmet of her own in a few days, then the rest.
A few years ago a friend of mine just adjusted something on his bike and decided to take it for a short test run in his neighborhood wearing just a tee shirt (and helmet), he hit some gravel at almost walking speed dropped the bike and slid just enough to take all the skin off his elbow right to the bone.....and rip up his fingers......

Needless to say even if he rides his bike anywhere, he is in full gear now....

When I taught the riding courses there would be times when students would balk at my suggestion of full gear so at one point we came up with dragging a pineapple or other tough skinned fruit behind a bicycle to show them what road rash is like.....it kind of worked until another friend dropped his bike wearing a ballistic jacket and jeans.....he brought all his gear in as a training aid for us...

When I showed the students how little the jeans protected them, it was an eyeopener....the ballistic jacket was frayed but did it's job and his visor on his then new Shoei helmet was almost worn through......I saved that for the devout open soup bowl helmet wearers.....it was sobering for many of them to see the damage inflicted by a crash less than 30 mph.....I reminded them pavement is like coarse sand-paper.
My stepson loves to ride too, and is geared up as well.
He wore an older helmet of mine a couple summers ago, that his head outgrew, lol, and fortunately an XL Bell came with my Goldwing, but we just ordred him a new HJC a few days ago.
He will be getting new gear of his own too, and he wants a bike bad anyway when he gets his license, he's 14 1/2, lol...but I see him growing alot more than my daughter, and we know how quick kids outgrow clothes, so I'm looking at quality gear that doesn't break the bank, or if I find any decent used jackets or boots that another kid has outgrown.
I'm stressing the importance of good full gear, and summer and winter gear, along with all the horror stories I've seen without it, and how the geared up guys usually walk away.
They see that, and thankfully they understand.
I see too many riders who get the bike...but then gear is too expensive.
I guess it's all where your priorities lie.
I also have seen Alot of kids on the backs of bikes with just a helmet.
There's no way I could see them after a crash, and know that if I had just geared them up, that they would be ok, or much better off, to each their own, but to me that's irresponsible on the parents part.
When the kids are grown, it's on them as riders what they wear...but I want to have instilled good habits.
I rode in a t-shirt and shorts enough as a young idiot, but it's been full gear for a Long time since then.
I rode this morning, it was around 65'F or so and the bike loved it......it gets really frisky when the air temp is lower......reminds me of the old 2 stroke days....

Later on this evening the boss lady and I took the truck for ice cream and we saw at least 10 Gold Wings riding together...they were all the latest gen except one and it looked a lot larger than the others.....it dramatically stood out....
60 Easy miles this morning, autumn is just around the corner, best time to enjoy NC.
My stepson loves to ride too, and is geared up as well.
He wore an older helmet of mine a couple summers ago, that his head outgrew, lol, and fortunately an XL Bell came with my Goldwing, but we just ordred him a new HJC a few days ago.
He will be getting new gear of his own too, and he wants a bike bad anyway when he gets his license, he's 14 1/2, lol...but I see him growing alot more than my daughter, and we know how quick kids outgrow clothes, so I'm looking at quality gear that doesn't break the bank, or if I find any decent used jackets or boots that another kid has outgrown.
I'm stressing the importance of good full gear, and summer and winter gear, along with all the horror stories I've seen without it, and how the geared up guys usually walk away.
They see that, and thankfully they understand.
I see too many riders who get the bike...but then gear is too expensive.
I guess it's all where your priorities lie.
I also have seen Alot of kids on the backs of bikes with just a helmet.
There's no way I could see them after a crash, and know that if I had just geared them up, that they would be ok, or much better off, to each their own, but to me that's irresponsible on the parents part.
When the kids are grown, it's on them as riders what they wear...but I want to have instilled good habits.
I rode in a t-shirt and shorts enough as a young idiot, but it's been full gear for a Long time since then.

I watched a female pillion get on her hubby’s BMW one day wearing only a helmet. I asked, no gear today? And she responded with ‘we’re not going to go very fast’. I could barely restrain myself from laughing out loud.

Despite the 96 degrees outside (and it’s not even noon) I’m heading out on the Kawasaki. It’s in the rotation and unlike the Honda it has a radiator lol.
I got in a 136 mile loop in the foothills on the Kawasaki today. Temps ranged from 91 to 96. Wasn’t bad as long as I kept moving. My mew mesh jacket and mesh gloves work pretty well. Had to keep my shield up a half inch for better air though. Nice day as usual, saw 4-5 bikes in a group, 3 in a group and one solo rider. Supposed to be a whopping 2-3 degrees cooler tomorrow!

Pretty lil meadow eh?

I got in a 136 mile loop in the foothills on the Kawasaki today. Temps ranged from 91 to 96. Wasn’t bad as long as I kept moving. My mew mesh jacket and mesh gloves work pretty well. Had to keep my shield up a half inch for better air though. Nice day as usual, saw 4-5 bikes in a group, 3 in a group and one solo rider. Supposed to be a whopping 2-3 degrees cooler tomorrow!

Pretty lil meadow eh?

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Hi. No rude for me this werkend. More work on the barn. That is there 3 leged cat. It was hit by a car cost mr daughter $4,000.00 to save its life. The cat is very loving come over to me as soon as I get out of my truck.











I got in a 100 mile loop today on the Honda. Temps were in the high 90s. It’s 96 now but I’ve been home for over an hour. Passed a few road runners near the road. They look remarkably like they do in the cartoons! Saw a flock of turkeys and a bigazz angus bull was outside his fence. This animal looked very nasty, about the size of a small bison. He kept his eyes on me as I slowly passed. Thankfully his stare is all I got. Isn’t there a lease law in this county??? Lots and lots of squirrels running back and forth too. Do they (all) live right next to the pavement? Are they playing in some kind of contest to see how close they can come to our tires?

I’d rather be here…
Hi. No rude for me this werkend. More work on the barn. That is there 3 leged cat. It was hit by a car cost mr daughter $4,000.00 to save its life. The cat is very loving come over to me as soon as I get out of my truck.


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Hi. More work done today. We only need to finish the top of the walls the last boards and the door.


