My stepson loves to ride too, and is geared up as well.
He wore an older helmet of mine a couple summers ago, that his head outgrew, lol, and fortunately an XL Bell came with my Goldwing, but we just ordred him a new HJC a few days ago.
He will be getting new gear of his own too, and he wants a bike bad anyway when he gets his license, he's 14 1/2, lol...but I see him growing alot more than my daughter, and we know how quick kids outgrow clothes, so I'm looking at quality gear that doesn't break the bank, or if I find any decent used jackets or boots that another kid has outgrown.
I'm stressing the importance of good full gear, and summer and winter gear, along with all the horror stories I've seen without it, and how the geared up guys usually walk away.
They see that, and thankfully they understand.
I see too many riders who get the bike...but then gear is too expensive.
I guess it's all where your priorities lie.
I also have seen Alot of kids on the backs of bikes with just a helmet.
There's no way I could see them after a crash, and know that if I had just geared them up, that they would be ok, or much better off, to each their own, but to me that's irresponsible on the parents part.
When the kids are grown, it's on them as riders what they wear...but I want to have instilled good habits.
I rode in a t-shirt and shorts enough as a young idiot, but it's been full gear for a Long time since then.