Why are you sitting on my bike?

My last bike was a Bandit 1200. Once in work I caught a guy leaning against it while smoking a cigarette. I opened the door and asked him if he'd like me to go sit in his car. He got up and apologised but never really talks to me anymore. I was pissed. Just walked away shaking my head. Sad bast**ds. They don't have a clue.
No doubt the busa draws attention. Ive walked back to mine twice to find gawkers inching closer. If, however, your in Virginia there is a "Vehicle Tresspassing" law on the books. If someone enters in, or in our case onto, your vehicle and actualtes the brake, clutch, or throttle,, its a violation. And of course, if that nimrod scratches up the paint, thats destruction of property. Im sure most other states have simular laws. That said,a taser (tho illegal in most states)would certainly get the message across (believe me, Ive been tasered, it hurts)..
I know its happend to me before and I flipped out.  Most resent ( Busa ) is when Im working on it in the garage and the boys friends come to the house.  They insist on touching it as they talk to me.  I got out the hammer and the hacksaw and continued to ask them to place there hand in my vise.  "But way "  So you dont squirm before I finish removing your fingers.  
.  They got the point.  One of them actualy put there wrist in the vise before the other told him what I was going to do.  KIDS.

The other time was at work with my work F-150.  Why does everyone want to use my hood for a plan table. Dont get me wrong it is a company work truck, but I take damn good care of.  Just swipped everything off the hood one day to the ground in front of the truck. As my Sub-contractor is yelling, I just got in the truck and drove over his shi!...then backed up to him ( yea over it gain ) and said "get your own F-n desk, dont let it happen again! Then proceeded to drive off, over his plans a third time.  LOL...that was two years ago and has never happen again ever.
I wouldn`t believe how violent you people are.....

It`s just a pile of aluminum and plastic...

Just kidding...

When I was 17 I owned 350cc 2 stroke Check made Jawa motorcycle. I was saving for 3 years to buy it on my own...
No lunch,ice cream, NO BEER, no movies.

One day I discovered 3 guys having fun on it, taking pictures, laughing, having a good time....

Man.. I flipped.... It was a long time ago but I remember my bloody fists and 1 year visits to anger management classes.

2 of those 3 will have permanent marks on their faces, third one run away... damn it.
I was riding with some other guys that I know. We stopped at taco bell and a local hangout near ohio state university. I went into taco bell to take a leak and my buddies were watching my bike. While I was gone 2 girls and a guy came over looking at my bike. On girl decides to sit on my busa. My buddies told her listen, I would not sit on that bike if I were you. We know him and he will be pissed if you sat on his bike. She would not listen, she decides to sit on my bike. I come out and I am big guy I workout all the time and I have been told by my wife that I am very intimdating and have a mean voice. I see this young woman 20s sitting on my bike. First impression is my the hell did my buds allow this woman to sit on my bike!!!! I walked over my buds tell me hey mugs we told her to not sit on your bike! At this point the young woman turn to look at me and she is thinking.....I messed up.... she jumps off the bike and made the kick stand fold up when bike moved forward a bit. I grabbed the handle bar just in time before would fell over to the other side. I pulled bike back to upright. I turned to the woman that sat on the bike and just went off. What the hell you think you are doing? You think your pretty little a** can afford to sit on my bike? If my wife was here do you know what she would do to you, she would beat you down and at this point I would let her. At this point the woman started to cry. I looked and seen this guy that was with these 2 woman was trying to say something, I immediately pointed my finger in his face and told him and you shut your pie hole. I won't hit a woman but that does not mean I won't beat your a**. All of these people just started to walk just as fast as they could back across the street where they came from. My buds started laughing and stated that was the most funniest thing they ever seen. I did not think anything was funny at the least. At this point I decided to get a scorpion alarm system. I figured yes they cost money, but it was better than me going to jail over BS because people don't respect other people's property.
I have a Scorpion alarm too. I just wish they had a Tazer device incorporated into it. But then again, the perpetrator could drop the bike after getting tazed. A tazer to the groin would be one helluva laugh, but not at the cost of dropping the bike.
I personally like when I walk up to my bike and see some CHICK oogling over it and I say... "excuse me PRINCESS can you please refrain from rubbing your CHANEL purse all over MY BIKE?" I have yet to catch one throwing a leg over it.... oh I think I would kill em!

It's only happened once or twice... I actually get worse "racial" comments about my bike down here.. then I shut them up by letting them see a WHITE GIRL ride it. (they assume it's a Black Guy's bike.... but I've never heard it in that nice of terms.... REDNECKS!)

I have a Scorpion alarm too.  I just wish they had a Tazer device incorporated into it.  But then again, the perpetrator could drop the bike after getting tazed.  A tazer to the groin would be one helluva laugh, but not at the cost of dropping the bike.
I don't know. A tazer in the groin might be worth the price of admission. Just think, the tazer will stun them so as the bike is falling over they can't move. The bike falls on top of them and continues to taze them in the balls while there on the ground! How funny would that be!
qoute from Jack Nicholson in Batman, "never rub another mans rhubarb!!!"
Hmmm Groin Tazer.... Lets see if we can also make a mod that will go with it to keep the bike up!

Then it's a Win Win situation
Just wondering if any of you guys ever walked out of a store to see someone sitting on your bike? How did you handle it?
yep i sure have, back in circa 1997/1998 i was in aggiville (manhattan ks)on my new zx-7R enjoying hanging out with some fellow bike buddys when all of a sudden my friend dave looked at me and said there's someone sitting ou your bike, i was pissed and told the mf'er to get off my bike, he was drunk and mouthey so we got face to face me ready to kill this guy, however the local constable broke up the argument.
Forget all the tazers and james bond talk. Here's something a little more within range and legal if your willing to expand your horizons a bit petwise.

1 Tank bag
1 Snake (rattlesnake prefered...your in bike gear so be careful and you should be fine)
1 Snake leash (yes i'm serious they do make these. www.snakewalker.com )

Even if it's not a rattlesnake, Only the dumbest SOB would sit on a bike with one of these guys chillin on your tankbag
A couple of neighbor kids asked to see my bike which was parked in the garage. Let the kids in and turned around to usher my dog out which had followed us in. Got the dog out and turned around to find the 8 year old girl sitting on my bike yelling vroom vroom. She couldnt even reach the clip ons. Whew....sure am glad she didnt knock it over getting on it. Would have been my fault for not watching them closer.
Happened in Miami. A very nice looking model type in a swim suit. She wanted to get a picture. I kindly asked her to get down, and then said never get on someones bike, what if it fell over. Both you and the bike would be hurt. She siad now that I was back would I let her take a picture. I said NO. She said How about if I take my top off for the picture. I said NO!! She did not offer to take anymore off, but I was still pissed, so I don't think it would have mattered. I DON'T KNOW WHAT GETS INTO PEOPLES HEADS.
After moving out of the town I went to college in, the busa is my only friend. I'd have to murder anyone sitting on it without permission. But I will let just about anyone sit on it if they ask, especially for the kids.
I havent had that happen in years but the last guy who did it had a broken nose after I taught him a lesson in motorcycle etiquette.
you never touch someone elses motorcycle unless invited by the owner.
A friend came out of the store and a kid was on his bike with the mother standing there watching. He told her to get her kid off of his bike and the mother got angry.