why i dont do the inners any more in detail

I'm sick and tired of dead beat loosers ripping people off and others saying give him the benefit of the dought or you shouldn't have given credit or any other excuse that take the blame off these thievies. I've been a tool dealer for over 18 years and get taken for 4-5 grand(thats right,grand!)almost every year! Do the math. That almost 100 thousand dollars! If it weren't for these dead beat looser thievies I could put one of my three kids through college, pay off my mortgage by now instead of having a second, maybe a small vacation home or 10 busas. It doesn't matter what I could have done with the money, the point is too many people screwing one little guy can have life changing effects and to many time others are all too willing to make excuses for these people. I pay my bills,you pay your bills and these dead beet loosers need to start paying their bills. Sorry, but this kind of sh-d really hits a nerve with me. Make this SOB pay!!!
nah chris, im in central florida, but id like to meet ya
Man, now you know why I always tell people I'm stupid.
You JUST said you were in FL.
Then I ask you where your at.
My bad.



I can't believe this!

"Ethics, morals and standards" Is this to much to ask?

That doesnt mean anything to alot of people anymore. I see it alot with some of the young Airman we get coming through school after they graduate basic training. Sad really...
Just a shame. Someone will help you out, Joe. I will definitely help.
I hope the guy makes it right, ownes up to it and apologizes.

I hate to hear stuff like this
I hope that the one rotten apple does not spoil our bunch... There is nothing wrong with PIA when doing business in this industry though, the honest people can understand and accept that fact. Don't let it get the best of ya man, shid does happen, not all apples are perfect... The man upstairs sees all, live and let die brother. It's not worth the stress.

Hope you get your money. Seems like everytime I try to help someone they end up burning me.
thepushercg, you sound like a stand-up guy as i have read some of your posts here. I sure would hate for someone to put a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to business, and ruin your services for the rest of us. I sure hope you dont punish us for this a$$hat that is obviously tryin to stiff-you. Remember 1 thing, "what comes around, goes around". and I've seen it when it comes around it's twice as nice, and when it goes around it's usually twice as shiddy. Hope this person Mans-up and pays up.
Sux stuff like this happens... Hope you get your funds due to you. A person who gets his name put on the black list on these boards has a lot to lose IMO. Hope this person realizes that though you have his address and would suck to have to look over my shoulder for quite a long time wondering if a fellow Floridian might be seeking some justice old school like...

BTW I live here in FL And love road trips. There is always a place to take the lady shopping. I wish I could only claim a she had a shoe fetish,but it's more like a buying fetish. Plenty of beach to get a room for a relaxing evening. Gotta love those mini-vacations. 6'3" 235lbs

Good luck hope it all works out.
I remember that guy. He was wanking about how easy it was and yet he funked it up. I hate crap like that. he'll get his
bad news , didnt think bikers shid on their own, sure it will turn out right once this thread is read  
Yeah, espeacially here !!! I'm so afraid of something happening I NEVER let someone do ANYTHING for me BEFORE I pay them for it !!!

Pusher, I feel VERY bad for you, you do some REALLY NICE work for alot of people here, and for a VERY GOOD price. Sorry this had to go down like this, tou you !!
joe u did me a favor and shipped me my clutch cover to me before i shippe dyou mine without a core.. You should be recieveing your core i have a tracking number if u need it also if you need a few dollars to recoup your losses please le tme know id be glad to send a little something your way because of the services you offer this forum.
I hope he makes it right by you. He not only screwed you but has now screwed the rest of us who want to use you in the future.
honestly f that.. i say put him out there anyway.. So he doesnt do it to someone else.. or at the very least after you get paid put him out there joe..