why i dont do the inners any more in detail

I hope he makes it right by you.  He not only screwed you but has now screwed the rest of us who want to use you in the future.  
Unfortunately this is not the first time. I would suspect it won't be the last.

I can think of several members who offered a unique service to the membership besides Joesph only to get hassled to the point of no longer providing the service.

It's apparent that if you are a long time member here you can see the trends in membership. Rotten apples come and rotten apples leave.

"Ethics, morals and standards".

well said run it happends.. And well i would be the same as joe dont do anything without recieveing your payment first period. Joe is one of a kinda i must say i offered to pay 4 weeks before he could have my clutch cover done and he refused payment until it was complete. Not many around here that way. I sure hope it doenst make things change with him not doing stuff for the rest of the members who have some type of integrity..
Well JR lives in Central Florida, tinmann lives around Tampa, I live in South Florida and I am sure that there are a few members spread thru the state if needed. I hope it works out for you.
Hey Joe, two things, first, if you don't get the money by the deadline, please tell us who the guy is (very noble of you to hold that info back at this point)....second, after that deadline, I have no problem charging my paypal 20 bucks if a few others of us do the same, that deed could reduce the pain for you. The far reaching relationships and web of humanity (and trust) we have built up and sustain here is too important to not support one another.
So when chapter 2 unfolds (deadline passes), post it up and I'll help cross that bridge if needed....Doyle (Raydog)
I remember that guy.  He was wanking about how easy it was and yet he funked it up.   I hate crap like that.  he'll get his  
I do too. He tried doing something his self. I forget who it was though
I'm just curious, could you save me some search time and PM me who it was. It's just one of those things that's gonna bug me till I find it or remember it
He'll never just let us help him. When the deadline passes we'll have to pp the $ to shawn and he'll make him take it

OR, we could sell his name for $10 a pop. He'd get his money in 10 min.
Thanks for screwing it up for everyone here ya JACKA$$ !!!!

Pusher , sorry to hear about this but theres always one in the crowd!
You rendered a service, he agreed to pay.
Not paying is the same as stealing.

I have no use for a thief. Hope it works out for you.
i say we have him banned for it. ban his ip address so he cant even reregister...
Joe I see you are pissed and all. but I'm in need of a set of painted inners. I have a new set from Ron Ayer that I can send you. so how much would you need to match these up to an 05 black and gray? ADD the 150.00 you didn't get from your last deal and I will send you the $ with the parts. I'm in no rush because I have a set on the bike now.

jboogey84 or jon tavarez from riverview florida. right in the tampa area

times up now everone will know what and who you are.

look back at his thread, he destroyed his panels,in my kindess i gave him new ones and just got these repaired.
im sorry its a shame i had to do this, but it works as a warning to others not to deal with this guy