why i dont do the inners any more in detail

Pusher, Will you allow those of us that want to help to send you funds to recoup your loss or do we have to go through Shawn to get it done? I know that I would like a set of onners done in the near future and would like you to do them at your convience. We really do want to help offset the scr*wing you took by this AZZ clown.
Just tell us how we are going to have to go about doing it. PLEASE

could be, the net is a cool place to find stuff.

no funds from anyone, i dont need the money , its the principal of the whole thing. i truly thank you for the thought,. but its not for you or others to replace what this guy owes me. its for him to do.i would like to know if that is him, wonder what his boss would think about the deal.
his birthday is in 4 days hmmm maybe a few members that are close can take a ride by his house wait for him to leave his bike and take the panels back off then ship them back to joe lol rip his whole damn fairings off.
looks like the cell phone guy from the mustang forum... (if anyone remembers that fiasco)
Get ahold of Relsek. He's in Lakeland about 50 miles away. He'll beat the $$$ out of his azz. He'll prob. send you his whole bike.