In germany, special the young people, dont have a feeling for their county, they feel no duty, no feeling for responsibility, just fun, fun, fun. And often you hear them say how obsolete the military is, how stupid the ones who join the forces. You hear such crap like "USA....military terrorists, all maniacs with guns, every soldier in the world is a killer".
I never was part of the army (in germany Bundeswehr) but i have deep respect for all those, who join and defend their country and the ones he loves. Who helps when nobody want to go out there, and nobody wants to do the job". In my eyes the deserve a lot more recognition!
Yeah maybe the desicions of the Leaders are not the smartes, sometimes maybe for their own interests, but every man and woman in uniform does a damn good job out there. And special the younger ones forgett, how many soldiers risk and lost their lives in WWII, to free us and europe from dictatorship!
So yeah..i think this day should be celebratet!