2021 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa

A lot of grapes out here. There are wineries everywhere.



Cypress Mountain Rd goes single lane but was repaved in 2018

Peachy Canyon west of Paso Robles is one of the best 'finds' you'll ever discover. Super Fun!



Peachy Canyon ends at Vineyard Dr, skip that and ride Willow Creek instead

The final leg is dropping down to the ocean from the top of the range. You can take the main highway but who wants to do that. Old Creek Rd has 'old' in the title. The rule is always ride the road with 'old' in the title.



Old Creek Rd gets us back out to the ocean at Whale Rock Reservoir.


Reaching the ocean at Cayucos

Have you ever wanted to get on the bike and just ride and never stop?

Would a 600-mile day on the Hayabusa help satiate that need?

The day went like that with a 5am departure and 13 hours nonstop allowing me to cover 600 miles in a day. A few miles shy of a 1000-mile day and somewhat of a slow pace by Iron Butt standards, but still taking a ton of pictures along the way. The plan was to loop the Sierra Nevada Range to see the snow that cancelled my plans to ride the Sierra Nevada Range two days prior. All the passes had been re-opened, so why not. And… I needed to check out some new stuff I recently discovered.

Writing articles about roads & tour routes for the pashnit.com California Motorcycle Road website often involves a tremendous amount of research, moving mile by mile along a route or road. I often stumble on new stuff I’ve been missing.

Awhile back, I had written an article about Benton Crossing Rd and 'discovered' the road rides across an ancient caldera. Don’t you hate it when you learn about something super cool to check out, and you’ve been riding past it for 20 years? Pet Peeve of mine for sure.

Headed off into the dark of night

Very remote area on Highway 58, nearly 100 miles between anything
I rarely night ride anymore, but the idea is to cover the boring straight stuff in early morning, so I can arrive at the twisty stuff at first light.


Can you see me now? Clearwaters are super bright.

Some portions of Highway 58 are bone straight across the California Valley. We'll ride this again in daylight in a couple of weeks on a near-future tour.

The real highlight of Highway 178 Kern River Canyon is getting off it and onto this side road, Kern Canyon Rd, up the canyon wall. Tight, twisty, no center line, and super fun!

Nearing the summit of Walker Pass at 5200 ft along Highway 178, there are Joshua Trees everywhere. Every time I see Joshua Trees, it reminds me of the band U2. I have a tendency to start humming inside the helmet, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, which seems fitting with all my wandering. When the Joshua Tree album by U2 came out in 1987, I was 16, had just got my license and would play U2 on the cassette deck in our ’72 Ford F150 pickup. The exhaust was so loud, you had to crank the music. Every song was perfect & I’m still listening to that same album 36 years later. Joshua trees only grow at higher desert elevations and are common to the American Southwest, particularly the Mojave Desert regions.


