2021 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa

The goal today is to ride Highway 395 which borders the Eastern Sierra Range along the CA-NV border regions and extends all the way to Canada. Highway 395 is a complete ride by itself, with a deep dive into the Eastern Sierra regions. I’ve organized several PashnitTours.com that focus solely on Highway 395, there’s a lot to see out here. But, in particular, I wanted to see Hot Creek Geothermal Area.

It’s literal. As in, the creek is boiling. I never knew this was here, and I’ve ridden past it many, many times. No signs, you just have to know this stuff. Hot Creek is right in back of the Mammoth Airport. Within walking distance, who knew?!

There's a certain science to these visits. Obviously, the plan is to test-run a future tour leg of a future motorcycle tour I might plan with a group to this region. It often starts solely with a picture. This photo below I didn't take, it was shot by a Boris Belov. No idea who that is, but in looking at this photo, I'm wondering where the photographer was standing to get this angle. First time I saw this shot, I thought, where's that?! Hot Creek? Never heard of it. It was taken a few days after my visit when another light snow fell. Turns out he's 100 yards away at the other overlook. Well, now I know. But there's only one way to figure out where the best vantage point is, go there in person and take the shots and compare.

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That's Mammoth Mountain in the distance.

All in all, this is minutes off the main highway & if you ride past the Mammoth Airport near June Lake & Benton-Crossing Rd, you're riding right past it.
Bonus, across Highway 395 from the Mammoth Airport is Convict Lake.

Another place I never knew was there. And it's only several miles off the main highway. I visited here earlier in the ride season.

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The wild thing is people travelled that country on horseback before roads...it must have really been something then because it's really something special now.
Highway 120 along Mono Lake is one of my favorite motorcycle roads.

Remote, long, fast, middle of nowhere, it wiggles along the southern edge of Mono Lake across the high desert to Benton. I have ridden it many times, plus it has Whoops. As in, you can get the bike airborne at the right speed. I have also ridden past Panum Crater many times and never knew it was there. A crater named after the Hunger Games? (jk, Panem vs Panum, probably not related. Maybe a little?) And a short distance off the main road to boot. And demarcated by a tiny sign I’ve ignored many times over as I knee dragged past a righteous set of s-curves.

Karmic Balance to the universe must be restored. Advance research showed two different dirt roads to get there. But this is the high desert, and they aren’t dirt, it’s sand. Sand and Hayabusa’s probably don’t mix, but I forged on to reach the Hunger Games Crater, finally finding the right road. Turns out the parking area was a mere mile off Highway 120 via a dirt road. I was told not to come here in summer as it gets rather hot, but it’s fall and the temps are perfect. Panum Crater was a pretty cool thing to check out, especially if you’re into a short hike in the Eastern Sierra. You need to check box this.

How do I get to the crater?


I've often said this bike does all things well, but this might be pushing it. Am I on the right road? Nope. Opted to turn around, not easy with this bike in sand.


Seems kinda sketchy. Note down slope & the huge sand holes. Probably not the right road for a Hayabusa.

Mission accomplished. Although, the mile trek off the main highway is likely a bit sketchy for most bikers. Well worth stopping by here to check out the Panum Crater, especially considering how many times I've ridden right by it.


The passes that were closed three days prior have reopened. The snow turned out to be a mere dusting.

A quick stop by Mono Lake. We'll come back here next year.


Mono Lake is a super cool place to check out. I'm designing a new tour for 2022 that includes a stopover to the lake. The lake has 3x more the salinity than the ocean, and the water feels like soap (really!). No natural outlet, so the water flows in from the Sierra and evaporates, leaving the salts behind.

Choice of two: Ebbetts Pass or Sonora, I opted for Sonora as it's a bit faster. Ebbetts Pass is single lane for 23-miles at the top. Sonora is straight up and straight down and has the steepest grade in the state at 26%.


