45 Days on a Gen3 Hayabusa - 2023 Pashnit Touring

Tangle Blue is a cool little eatery we bring all our tour groups to when we're passing through Weaverville


Hearty fair, I'm partial to the blue cheese burger


The Trinity County Courthouse is one of the oldest courthouses in continuous use in California. The first courthouse building constructed in 1853 was destroyed by fire in 1856. It was re-built in 1857 by Henry Hocker as a hotel, store, and saloon. Located at the North end of Historic Main Street, this functioning courthouse serves as a cornerstone landmark in Weaverville's Historic District.

Yes, that's a GoPro, and yes, that's two phones.

Bit of an odd setup on the Gen3, but the old iPhone 5 on the right has the GoPro app on it which connects flawlessly with the GoPro 8 and turns it on or off. I don't shoot video off the bike as then you have to process that video and i've no interest in making videos about these rides. We've done that multiple times through the years and a whole bunch of videos about these motorcycle tours are here:

What no one tells you about YT vids is they are hugely time consuming to produce and make. One minute of finished footage is an hour of processing. Yes you can use the GoPro app to make the video for you, but they're canned and boring. This setup is to take pictures off the bike with the GoPro. I don't use the center phone to wirelessly control the GoPro, my Samsung S22 and the downloaded GoPro app is now called Quik and works for sh!t. Maybe somebody else is much better at it than I, but it doesn't connect to the camera like its supposed to & I gave up a long time ago. Added a RAM mount, boom, done.

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Highway 299 - Trinity Scenic Byway is a fast road through a mountain valley and follows this river for 60 miles.

Wide open sight lines so easy to get around any other traffic if any.

Might notice I've only got two riders with me. All the fast guys hauled ass past me and we'll all meet up at the next town. Fast road. We're movin' but I'm in no hurry be anywhere. My super fast days are behind me.

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Highway 299 along the Trinity River is known for these super long corners which can last for miles.


These canyons are also very hot in NorCal during summer.
We got stopped at some construction and the temp went up and up.

Yup, 104, that's hot in black leather even with the cool vest.


Then 107. Final answer?


Nope. 109. Yuck. All you can do it ride through it & don't raise the visor, the 109 degree blast will melt your face.

At least we're headed for the ocean and temps will drop 40 degrees. Really!

109 & smoke. California has been doing well this last year for forest fires.

This smoke is from Oregon to the north of us.



Headed into the tiny mountain community of Willow Creek

We got stopped at some construction and the temp went up and up.

Yup, 104, that's hot in black leather even with the cool vest.

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Then 107. Final answer?

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Nope. 109. Yuck. All you can do it ride through it & don't raise the visor, the 109 degree blast will melt your face.

At least we're headed for the ocean and temps will drop 40 degrees. Really!

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Really and literally! It’s sooooo nice heading west when you sense the cooler air coming at you.
I will ask the guys if they have been to the Bigfoot Museum in Willow Creek. Most have as they've all ridden with me many times over. But if we've got a newbie on the tours and they haven't been here, we have to stop. It's a tiny musuem, but still fun to see all the Bigfoot stuff I remember as a kid.



One section of this museum is just for the 1962 flood in this region.

I got really interested in this event while working on an article about the Avenue of the Giants. Fascinating stuff. This flood along the Eel River washed away entire towns, many were never rebuilt.

More pics & history about this event here:





These are the NorCal mountains we're constant talking about in these posts. Endless curves, but also Bigfoot sightings.


My childhood in the 70s looked like this


Remember that episode of the six million dollar man & they dressed up Lurch and then Six Million Dollar Man tore off Bigfoot's arm. Yeah, that was awesome. :D

And Bigfoot was played by Ted Cassidy who also was Lurch on The Adams Family.






Having lived in Humboldt county for a time and hiking around the Avenue I got to see several ‘landmarks’ showing the high water marks. Absolutely incredible! Standing well above the river bank and looking up ten feet or more it’s hard to believe that’s the high water level. The expanse of the area the overflowing river covered was gigantic. And in the late 70s you could walk across the river in many areas. Those who have never ridden thru the old growth forest of the Avenue of the Giants should plan a trip ASAP. It parallels the river for miles as Tim will probably show.
On the bike before the sunrise, first light. Opted to ride across the state and head south for home base through the northern Sierra Range.


Heading through the redwood forest before the sunrise. Dark in here, nice to have the Clearwater Lights lighting up the forest.


Made it Bridgeville to see the sunrise, what a view! We're headed for those mountains in the distance.

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