9.35@145 today. Opinions from the 1/4 mile experts please

Working on that scan still.

Found out I have stock clutch and parts.

Also we don't know exactly the power we had at the track last we because we added the ram air seals,stacks and sprocket before we dynoed.
The ram-air seals won't change anything on the dyno. The stacks will some. I don't believe the dyno will show a change with the gearing. It will be noticeable at the track though.

what should I put in?

If it were me, i'd run the one piece hub and spring spacers at the minimum. On my Gen I, i was able to do a best of 1.55 60's with the stk setup at stk wheelbase, but it was not super consistant. I thought it was me. I added the one piece hub and spring spacers and was able to progress a little more but with much better consistancy.(ended up with consistant 1.53-1.55 with a best of 1.51)
My preferred setup is Brocks clutch cushion along with the one-piece hub. I just picked up a clutch cushion and hub to install in my 03. Found it already had the one-piece hub in my bike. I just listed it in the classifieds a day or so ago. If you want it, i'll make ya a deal. If no, not a problem.

Well, thats STD. Maybe you can get them to send you one(or email) in SAE? SAE compensates for weather conditions which makes comparing much better and also shows wheter the weather conditions were hurting or helping your STD #'s.
No A/F trace either. S'ok, but would have been nice to have seen.

Decent gains up top at peak hp and tq, but looks like the lower the rpm, the more the gain. The bike should "feel" much better with a good deal more grunt down low...???
Sent ya a PM. Don't need anything else. Just swap it for the stk two piece unit and add the spacers under the stk springs. Thats it. I would also look at the teeth on the inner/outer basket while everything is out. Looks for notches where the fibers/steels touch. If there are some, file them with a small file(like a points file) til they are gone. You also wanna install all your steels with the sharp edge facing OUT towards you. This keeps the steels sharp edge from digging in while you are modulating the clutch.
your 60' time is good are you going WOT ? Cause your finish MPH is low.

Absolutely wide open. Not sure why my MPH was so low. we will see what happens Friday. New sprocket and a few more HP :colgate:

I was told there was a decent head wind that day but who knows.
Run 45 in the front at the track. Less rolling resistance. You prolly know that already though.

BTW, didja get the hub yet?