9.35@145 today. Opinions from the 1/4 mile experts please

My best is on my 08.

60' 1.285
330. 3.713
1/8. 5.746
Mph 120.69
1000 7.52
1/4. 9.23
Mph. 147.27

The bike is FOR SALE see classified.
Wondering why the et is a little slow given the 1/8 mi et/mph as well as the 1/4mi mph?
Killer 60'(guessing wheelie bars), but the 330 and 1/8mi et don't match and does not show a good smooth transition.
Yes it's running a slick with 7lbs of air, I am about 230 lbs in leathers. Should run in the eights with a lighter rider.
Well here it is.

After making a few changes I was back at MIR today. Front sprocket and a new tune.

The weather was nice but not the best for ET and MPH as there was a steady 20-25mph head wind directly down the track all day. Spoke with a few guys that run the MIROC events and they said they were all about 2mph and one tenth down.

Last time my best pass was 9.35@145 and most were in the 9.50 range

I got there and started running 9.40's and then most of the day in the low 9.30's@148mph or so.

Jason had me raise my rear links so the bike would not rub on the undertail anymore.

I could not duplicate my 1.49 60 from the last time out. With the suspension up the guys all thought I needed a re valve or a drag shock.

Best pass of the day was this:
1.522 60
3.940 330
5.966 1/8th

Pretty happy considering the conditions. I will go for either a drag shock or re valve this week at Adams. Maybe get rid of the bolt on extensions and go with an arm about 5-6 over. Hopefully get into the 9.10 range when I can 60 in the low 1.40's.
Good job!
Why do you think your mph cam up? Did you do something different?
Compared to your 9.35 pass, your 60' was a little slower(no biggie though), but your 330' was a little better. Shows a nice and much improved transition. Your mph in the 1/8 was just a little better but the momentum you had by the 330' carried all the way down the track. You mph came up a nice amount ESPECIALLY considering the conditions. On a simmilar day as when you ran the 9.35 and pulled 145mph, you would prolly now be pulling 150ish(right in the area you should).
Did'nt realize you were hitting the tail with the tire. Definetly makes for inconsistancies. Thought about a Tiger Tail? Should give you plenty of clearance.
You should be happy! You picked up .1 and over 3mph in WORSE conditions!
How didja like the class? Jason is a cool fella, eh? Did he make any passes down the track on anything? He can ride VERY well!
When you switch to a complete swingarm you thinging about a +6 over Street Tail from Airtech so you can lower the rear more without rubbing issues aswell. Here a pic of the airtech tail that I found on another site.
Airtech 08 Street.jpg
Here is the reason I suggest the Airtech, below is the same +6 Street tail from Catalyst notice how is does not flow smoothly like the pic above.
Catalyst 08 Street.jpg

Airtech 08 Street.jpg

Catalyst 08 Street.jpg
Good job!
Why do you think your mph cam up? Did you do something different?
Compared to your 9.35 pass, your 60' was a little slower(no biggie though), but your 330' was a little better. Shows a nice and much improved transition. Your mph in the 1/8 was just a little better but the momentum you had by the 330' carried all the way down the track. You mph came up a nice amount ESPECIALLY considering the conditions. On a simmilar day as when you ran the 9.35 and pulled 145mph, you would prolly now be pulling 150ish(right in the area you should).
Did'nt realize you were hitting the tail with the tire. Definetly makes for inconsistancies. Thought about a Tiger Tail? Should give you plenty of clearance.
You should be happy! You picked up .1 and over 3mph in WORSE conditions!
How didja like the class? Jason is a cool fella, eh? Did he make any passes down the track on anything? He can ride VERY well!

I am pretty happy. I think once I get the suspension right It will pick up another .1-.15
I do have a tiger under tail. I am going to have Adams set it up with a new shock or a re valve as soon as they can get me in.
Jason is a very good instructor. Great guy. I have been going to MIR for years now. One of the best tracks IMO.
Thanks again for all your input. I will let you know what the plans are for the bike at Adams. I did see a busa and liked the wheel base of it. I measured from the swing arm pivot to the center of the axle and it was 29".

When you switch to a complete swingarm you thinging about a +6 over Street Tail from Airtech so you can lower the rear more without rubbing issues aswell. Here a pic of the airtech tail that I found on another site.
View attachment 216902
Here is the reason I suggest the Airtech, below is the same +6 Street tail from Catalyst notice how is does not flow smoothly like the pic above.
View attachment 216904

Loos great and I'm sure it works well. How much are they?
I did notice a few other things yesterday after hot lapping it.

When I would go around the turn at the end of the track the oil light would come on for a second or two.

The shifter was very tough to change gears on the return road.

When I started it back up and put it in gear she would start moving forward with the clutch in.

All this when super hot and still have the stock clutch.