busa got IMPOUNDED !!!!!

i cant afford an attorney much less whatever they are gonna charge me at the tow yard .  so i found out getting your bike impounded and a ticket worth this much is not a good idea if you inbetween jobs and have no income ...........  
Dude... you NEED to get an attorney. You can't afford not to. You can take your chance without it (and to address your question, if the cop doesn't show, yes, you're free), but you will get royally reamed. Start call attorneys, first consultation is free. Ask them what they can do for you.

Flying at 150mph with no job is not the wisest thing you could have done. Live and learn. If you don't have a job and no money, then what's time in the slammer? Uncomfortable, yes, but what option do you have?

Get an attorney. And good luck.


You will be lucky if you get your bike back.

IF you get an lawyer you MIGHT get your bike back and you MIGHT not go to jail.

Otherwise if you don't get a lawyer I would plan on both.

Good luck
1. Borrow money to get bike out of impound.

2. Move to another state.

3. Wait for statute of limitations to run out.
ill know tommarow how much the impound wants for it and ill know if they took it out joy riding or droped it off the truck
....... alls i can say is if its not in the same shape it was when it was loaded then ill be making some molitoff cocktails and they will be sailing over the walls after hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Borrow money to get bike out of impound.

2. Move to another state.

3. Wait for statute of limitations to run out.
Regarding suggestion 2 and 3...
Don't do it because they will issue a bench warrant that will be visible nationwide and will plague you if you EVER get pulled over.
Don't ask me how I know this.
ill know tommarow how much the impound wants for it and ill know if they took it out joy riding or droped it off the truck  
.......  alls i can say is if its not in the same shape it was when it was loaded then ill be making some molitoff cocktails and they will be sailing over the walls after hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Don't get ahead of yourself... Pick up your bike and let me know how much you want for it based on it's condition at that time.
tow yard wanted $305 !!!!!!!  so i bit the bullet and borrowed money that i know i cant really afford to pay back .... the bike is in the same condition it was in just alot dirtyer since it was stored outside in a dirt/gravel lot !!!! nothing a good washing wont fix.  ive got a trade lined up for a 1970 El Camino... (aka- the mullet of all vehicals) he wanted $7,800 for the car or a trade worth the car and i offerd my busa and he wants it ! i go to pick it up and do the trade tommarow , if it falls through then i may be wanting to sell it outright .  ill keep ya posted . court date is set at ether 8/21/08 or 8/27/08 ...... cant read the cops writing if its the 21st day or 27th???   anyway if i do sell the bike outright it will be no less then $7,500.


ps. it happend in modesto rite at the last stop light at the end of oakdale rd. going towards riverbank , rite when you start to get out in the oarchards

I'm sorry about your bad luck, but since you were doing 150 on a road that has stop lights I think you are making the right decision to give up the Busa
that sucks was it a CHP? or Motown police? listen to what these guys are saying and borrow some more cash and get a lawyer he can save you a lot of grief down the road
it was past the Last stoplight in modesto ...... going out into nothing but oarchards and straght road , before you get into riverbank . anyway i cant afford an attorney im just gonna go with it and see what happinds . if i get jail time then i can hold my own in there (I'm 6'3 ,325) . and the fines i will eventualy pay off ........ but eventualy could mean the end of time ......
atleast it was chp ... if it had been motown police then they would have "Rodney king'ed" my ass !!! thats all i gota say ......

it was past the Last stoplight in modesto ...... going out into nothing but oarchards and straght road , before you get into riverbank .   anyway i cant afford an attorney im just gonna go with it and see what happinds .  if i get jail time then i can hold my own in there (I'm 6'3 ,325)  .  and the fines i will eventualy pay off ........  but eventualy could mean the end of time ......
atleast it was chp ... if it had been motown police then they would have "Rodney king'ed" my ass   !!! thats all i gota say ......

it won't be any jail time, he could have taken you to jail when he stopped you but he did you a favor. base on your record in the past, you will get big fine, suspended license for a while and probation.

when you go to court, act like you are sorry about what happened rather than don't give a poop attitude.