Diesel's setting the record straight

I am glad you guys are ok.
Jimmy i am sorry i didnt get to hang with you more but i am so thankfully you will make a full recovery and hope your family (us) will stand behind you.

Everythign could have been different that day but it wasnt. I am glad you all are recovering from tha accident. IT will be an up hill battle to say the least.

If this incident makes you think about what even just a few words form both sides could have been said maybe not so many raging attitudes towars one side.

NAOMI, Sorry your bash experience was a bad one but there is alot that the driver could also have done. hopefully next time you wont tell him to go faster...

SO jimmy if you want to talk call racerv he has my number i alwys like talking to memebers and this subject won't come up
The only apology you should be getting is the one from the person who put you in harms way. We all wish you the best Naomi however the denial of responsibility established by your husband is the issue of this entire debate.
The only apology you should be getting is the one from the person who put you in harms way. We all wish you the best Naomi however the denial of responsibility established by your husband is the issue of this entire debate.

whatever dude, you are the one who won't let this die down...and diesel does owe me an apology because he hit me regardless of who went down first...HE almost killed me. my injuries came from being ran over, so stop being an A-hole to the victim here!!!!
Diesel, whine all you like about someone else being responsible for your crash, there is no excuse for running over someone who crashes in front of you! NONE!

You are right, I have crashed so many times I have invented ways of crashing but I have NEVER ran over anyone or caused anyone else to crash.

At least I'm man enough to admit every crash I have ever encountered was my own fault.

Man up and at least offer the poor guy an appology as well as the victim whom you ran over.

Youre an idiot...:cussing:
whatever dude, you are the one who won't let this die down...and diesel does owe me an apology because he hit me regardless of who went down first...HE almost killed me. my injuries came from being ran over, so stop being an A-hole to the victim here!!!!

I was not there but listening to everyone i think i have most of the story figured out. How exactly did you expect Jimmy to not hit you? Sure, you can say he was riding too fast if you want, but then again, i guess you were riding waaaaayy to fast since you and your wife went down because of your own actions. Had you not gone down, Jimmy would have made that curve just like he made the others, riding within his own limits. I cant believe you really feel like you are the victim here.
I was not there but listening to everyone i think i have most of the story figured out. How exactly did you expect Jimmy to not hit you? Sure, you can say he was riding too fast if you want, but then again, i guess you were riding waaaaayy to fast since you and your wife went down because of your own actions. Had you not gone down, Jimmy would have made that curve just like he made the others, riding within his own limits. I cant believe you really feel like you are the victim here.

psss.....that's the wife speaking not DO3
I was not there but listening to everyone i think i have most of the story figured out. .
no you were not there and odds of knowing what happened from posts is also unlikely.., I think this best left to those that were...

name calling is not going to do a thing here...
whatever dude, you are the one who won't let this die down...and diesel does owe me an apology because he hit me regardless of who went down first...HE almost killed me. my injuries came from being ran over, so stop being an A-hole to the victim here!!!!

Naomi, the person you should be pissed at and receive an apology from is, Robert. He is the one that dumped your butts in the middle of the road by making the decision to ride reckless and beyond his level of control for what reason we have yet to see, hear or understand.

In addition, I have never known of any rider who would ride pushing their skills to the edge and beyond with their wife or GF on the back! How that thought escaped Robert and yourself I have no idea. If I ever did what Robert did with my wife on the back, my personal level of guilt from, "What the f*ck was I thinking?!" would hurt me for a long time knowing I put her in that situation. Not to mention hurting another innocent individual. The fact that you think Jimmy 'owes' you an apology is laughable. In short, if Robert decides to ride responsibly & within his means then nothing happens.

AGAIN, everyone knows Robert never had the intention of crashing and hurting anyone else and we're not wishing him a miserable existence for the rest of his life. But people must own up to their decisions, regardless how ill-fated they may have been. If not to themselves and those effected then God Himself.
no you were not there and odds of knowing what happened from posts is also unlikely.., I think this best left to those that were...

name calling is not going to do a thing here...

i was thinking the samething from the same sentence. He has it all figured out now. :banghead:
As I remember reading the original thread on this crash, the second rider ran over the female passenger? Someone please correct me if I am wrong?

In my view, to run over a fallen rider in front of you is unexcuseable! And then to blame it on the fallen rider? Unbelieveable!

I've had a number of riders fall in front of me and never run over one. I school everyone on rides, if you are going to ride up tight on your buddies arse, tuck your front tire up on the inside as you enter the corner so if he goes down you DON'T run over him.

And, you never, ever, ever charge through a blind corner so out of control you can't save your butt if things go wrong!

Unbelieveable frickin thread! I'm surprised the trooper didn't cite him for vehicular assault.

Diesel, you have my best wishes for a quick and full recouvery but, you need your arse spanked for running over that girl.

As stated previously you are a fool on this matter since you know not of which you speak. Out of control?! Were you video taping the whole thing from an invisible helicopter or something? Were you even there? I've been riding with Jimmy for two years prior to this event and he does not ride out of control. I've been riding for 26 years (no wrecks) and know what I'm talking about here.

I guess if you hit an SUV that pulls out in front of you as your traveling down the road you would be at fault because you were 'out of control.' Get lost.
I Remember Once I was behind this guy on a ZX-14. We BOTH came in WAYTOO HOT for the Turn. :ghostface: I Leaned the bike as Far as I could and Gave it some Throttle. The other rider hit his brakes and Stode the Bike up. I was in a Direct Path to his Rear Tire............:shocked:
Let the Pucker Factor Begin :eek:............I just Leaned a Little More and Passed him.........He Managed to Regain Control and All was Well :colgate:

My point is that we ALL make Bad Decision's from time to time.........That includes You Guys (Big Diesel and Dadofthree) That is the Nature of Free Will :rulez:. Take Responsibility for your own side of the Street and Let it GO !!!!!!!!!!

Once You do that..........GO RIDE YOUR BIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Remember Once I was behind this guy on a ZX-14. We BOTH came in WAYTOO HOT for the Turn. :ghostface: I Leaned the bike as Far as I could and Gave it some Throttle. The other rider hit his brakes and Stode the Bike up. I was in a Direct Path to his Rear Tire............:shocked:
Let the Pucker Factor Begin :eek:............I just Leaned a Little More and Passed him.........He Managed to Regain Control and All was Well :colgate:

My point is that we ALL make Bad Decision's from time to time.........That includes You Guys (Big Diesel and Dadofthree) That is the Nature of Free Will :rulez:. Take Responsibility for your own side of the Street and Let it GO !!!!!!!!!!

Once You do that..........GO RIDE YOUR BIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's diesel(Jimmy) not Big Diesel(Scott):beerchug:
Hopefully all will atleast be able to get their venting out here so we can put this behind us.
I'll tell you what.....I am sorry, that any of you have to go through this !! You would think that something like this would pull us together, not apart, but what do I know ??
I feel it is productive to discuss this incident for which the thread started as a "setting it straight" post. We can all remember this next time we ride and maybe some of us can learn by it instead of living it. It has re-inforced my view that riders should not ride anywhere close to "their limits" on public roads, especially with passengers. And that they should not try to negotiate turns at a speed where they can no longer re-adjust their position in their lane in order to avoid a partial obstruction. At the same time, it frustrates me to have to defend myself as a mindful sport rider to cruiser dudes like the ones who were passed and would have eventually came up on the accident, shaking their heads at irresponsibility. Wouldn't they have a good story to spread to the motorcycling community!

Wish all 3 involved wellness.
Mike B
I feel it is productive to discuss this incident for which the thread started as a "setting it straight" post. We can all remember this next time we ride and maybe some of us can learn by it instead of living it. It has re-inforced my view that riders should not ride anywhere close to "their limits" on public roads, especially with passengers. And that they should not try to negotiate turns at a speed where they can no longer re-adjust their position in their lane in order to avoid a partial obstruction. At the same time, it frustrates me to have to defend myself as a mindful sport rider to cruiser dudes like the ones who were passed and would have eventually came up on the accident, shaking their heads at irresponsibility. Wouldn't they have a good story to spread to the motorcycling community!

Wish all 3 involved wellness.
Mike B
Very well said :thumbsup: I've never been a big believer in pushing it to the max in the twisties on the street. I really think that should be saved for a track. I've been riding for 25 years on the street...all sportbikes, and have never had a wreck (knock on wood). I like the twisties at a moderate pace, but when my buddies turn it up to race pace I let them go. I believe in freedom of choice, but I also know that bad things can happen with bad choices. It sounds like this was a combination of bad things coming together to hurt people. I hope everybody can heal up and move on :beerchug: