@ Diesel - Learn from the mistakes that you may have made that day and employ a revised strategy in the future. Part of that, is admitting to the fact that you were speeding and that once Do3 passed you, you did not let up on the throttle to give him plenty of space to be reckless on his own. I do understand defending yourself so as not to end up the scape-goat though! Remember though, given enough space, he would have laid that bike down and they would have been healing up post crash while you continued on that evening. Heal up quick and don't let this thread or the events that started this thread get you down. You were in the moment (just as dumb) as we all have been at some time in the past. I could easily see myself in your shoes.
@ Naomi - If someone tossed a child out of a moving car and onto the street who is then run over by the car directly behind them... who's to blame for the child's injuries? If a parent isn't taking care of the child and they fall out of a convertible onto the same roadway... who's to blame then? Do3's actions are what landed you on the roadway that day. End of story. If Diesel had not hit you, you would have still been injured. Hitting a guardrail and bouncing off seems to have that effect, I imagine.
If you weren't saying "Go faster" that day then did you ask him to slow down? If you didn't tap him, yell, or something else to let him know you weren't okay with his speed and maneuvering... you too are to blame on some level. You have a say! I know when I've gone faster than my better half wants me to, she let's me know. If you did ask him to slow down and he didn't, well that's a different story and one which I would think you would naturally blame him.
Let's be clear, you're not a single mother. You're engaged to Do3. You have an interest in Do3 being completely innocent. Sadly, from what I've read, no one was.
Heal up but don't don't wear blinders while doing so. This should be a growing experience and affixing sole blame to Diesel will prevent that growth for you (and Do3).
@ Do3 - I was sad when I read the accident report on the boards here shortly after the bash. I couldn't imagine what it was like to be in your shoes. Still, I don't envy your position with regard to all of this. However, just as Diesel has to man up to his responsibilities, you need to as well. You were driving fast enough and reckless enough that you lost control and dumped the bike and your fiance. Diesel just happened to be the unfortunate soul that you had most recently passed which ensured him being tangled up in the mix. Let me say this again for you and Naomi. He did not rub tires or run into you and cause the accident. You were having an accident which he became a part of due to proximity and physics... both of which you played a VERY active roll in setting up.
To all of you:
Coulda', shoulda', woulda' only works in the first person!
Sounds like the physical damage may be healing faster than the emotional damage...
Prayers to all three of you!