EV vehicles

I know I wouldn't want to be driving in the northern territory in an EV.....
That's an extreme example, impossible probably. But just going from Gladstone on the coast down to Toowoomba as my brother regularly does would be an impossibility without a 4 hour layover to recharge, or a detour into the capital city to look for a functioning supercharger. Taking an easy one day trip and turning it into a 2 day event. Unless of course you want to drive through the night, in winter, with all the kangaroos hopping across the road.

Either way you're paying 50~75 cents a kWh. You might do it with a Tesla long range, if you left the heater off. But that's a big out of pocket expense for a car you have to throw away in 8 years time when the battery is dead. $65,000 down here. I make the same sort of trips and could get that 540km, on a single tank in my jap 4x4 for the same cost as the recharge. Of course I don't run the tank that low, that would be imprudent and risky. I'll take a 5 minute refueling stop around 400km or so. If I go out West I have a couple of Jerry cans I toss in the back. I suppose if I had an EV I could lug a generator and the fuel. Is there enough room in a Tesla trunk for a 4kVA gen set and say 10 Gallons of gas? Better make it 15 gallons to allow for losses.

One thing I do when I travel is take detours to investigate interesting places. If I see a back-road on the map I might just take it to see some nice scenery or to just get away from the highway traffic. Driving or riding in Australia is about freedom for me, especially on the bikes. I only ever think about range if my tank is less than full because I know that even on the T7 with it's 18L tank there will be fast refiling at service stations in every small town, I don't need to plan around charge points in other words. I couldn't even imagine having to plan a trip around lengthy stopovers to recharge. My vehicles are here to fulfill my plans, I'm not here to fulfill theirs.

Someone made an analogy above about the transition from horses to cars and it's quite valid as far as the EV is concerned. One good days trip and then it's on the charger for hours and hours, just like a horse had to rest and recuperate. So for all the hype the EV is actually a step backwards in time. Back to the old days of the livery stable.


I'll stay in the future myself.

One wonders how long that battery will last with that sort of fast charging.....I know with my RC cars I have a setting on the charger for quick charges but the battery doesn't last as long doing that and it gets really hot charging.

The price of the LIPo batteries for my RC have gone through the roof as well.....crazy....
I guess I'm old and worn out but the thought of cars like these disappearing and being replaced by a rolling microwave oven isn't the future utopia I envisioned.......especially when the whole concept behind these microwaves is to save the planet.....which they definitely won't....



One wonders how long that battery will last with that sort of fast charging.....I know with my RC cars I have a setting on the charger for quick charges but the battery doesn't last as long doing that and it gets really hot charging.

The price of the LIPo batteries for my RC have gone through the roof as well.....crazy....
Hi. In New Bedford about 100,000 people I only know of only 2 charging stations.
Hi. In New Bedford about 100,000 people I only know of only 2 charging stations.
The power requirement for charging stations is no joke.......having a slot of stations will put a strain on most electrical grids....grids that in many places are experiencing rolling brown outs right now without the added burden of charge stations.

I still believe it will be decades upon decades before the EV becomes the mainstream transportation source if at all.....by that time any perceived benefit of EV will be lost.

Humans are either going to have to change how we live or suffer the consequences.....EV/ICE are both equal in the fact they do irreparable damage to our environment both in their manufacture, use and refueling/recharging.......there is no refuting this regardless of what we are saying on this forum.
@Oz22 yes I work in the EV and ICE industry. Side by side, EV’s out preform their ICE counterparts in every way except for refueling however this is changing. I don’t expect you to know any of the recent battery developments or charging progress that have been made but rest assured the train is moving. Sensational doom and gloom headlines sell so I wouldn’t expect anything less than negativity until there’s some new tech to bash.
Can’t wait for the ESS/SES hate to start rolling in. ;)
In what way other than actual throttle performance do EV out perform ICE?

There are indeed many "doom and gloom" headlines and videos concerning EV and for the majority of times, they are well founded......

EV is the flavor of the week and is being touted by government to be the way forward........and we all believe each and everything the government tells us.

What about all the people struggling to survive financially right now and rely on that very inexpensive little ICE car to get them back and forth to work....what of these people....?

EV are expensive and their longevity is in question....how long can one last without requiring a battery replacement? How long can a battery hold up in extreme environmental conditions including life in the salt belt? Will the auto industry start the road towards disposable vehicles eliminating long term ownership or even ownership altogether....will future vehicles be lease only in order to negate the issues of battery longevity?

Will this spell the end of pride of ownership and eliminate all aftermarket shops and designers.....
When it comes to EV’s and this thread, these are the only and last thoughts I have left:

Some people find fault like there is a reward for it.

The world becomes a better place, when we focus on celebrating strengths, rather than finding faults.

The Fault-Finder will find fault, even in paradise.

If you limit your actions in life to things which nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.

Finding fault in matters just for the sake of finding fault, we will pollute our own minds.

To find fault is easy. To find solutions demands intellect.

Uneducated people delight in argument and fault-finding, for it is easy to find fault, but difficult to recognize the good and its inner necessity.
By - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Don’t find fault, find a remedy, anybody can complain.
By - Henry Ford
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When it comes to EV’s and this thread, these are the only and last thoughts I have left:

Some people find fault like there is a reward for it.

The world becomes a better place, when we focus on celebrating strengths, rather than finding faults.

The Fault-Finder will find fault, even in paradise.

If you limit your actions in life to things which nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.

Finding fault in matters just for the sake of finding fault, we will pollute our own minds.

To find fault is easy. To find solutions demands intellect.

Uneducated people delight in argument and fault-finding, for it is easy to find fault, but difficult to recognize the good and its inner necessity.
By - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Don’t find fault, find a remedy, anybody can complain.
By - Henry Ford
There are sure a lot of the use of the word "fault" in that post.....

However.........we ALL know you have more thoughts left in you on this subject....."final thoughts?" Don't make me laugh out loud to myself.....
New here, have been riding Busas for 15 years and appreciate the wealth of bike info and knowledge here.

I try to stick to the bike stuff, but lurked away as we have been driving Teslas for 7 years now with no issues.

Browsing this thread, perhaps the title should rather have been “Bashing EV’s”?

I agree with the Rug’s last post, to try and stop bashing and finding every possible fault we can with EV’s. They are coming, it may take time, but there is probably more wisdom in pursuing solutions rather than faults.
New here, have been riding Busas for 15 years and appreciate the wealth of bike info and knowledge here.

I try to stick to the bike stuff, but lurked away as we have been driving Teslas for 7 years now with no issues.

Browsing this thread, perhaps the title should rather have been “Bashing EV’s”?

I agree with the Rug’s last post, to try and stop bashing and finding every possible fault we can with EV’s. They are coming, it may take time, but there is probably more wisdom in pursuing solutions rather than faults.
So by this logic, Noone should be finding fault and bashing ICE, or any other solutions to ICE that may not be EVs?
So by this logic, Noone should be finding fault and bashing ICE, or any other solutions to ICE that may not be EVs?
No, not to offend you or anyone sir.

If you take your time to go through this thread, he seems to not be against either, does not own an EV.

Like everything in life, we have choices. EV’s are not going away. If one’s choice is a ICE vehicle, is it really necessary to fault EV’s unreasonably by bashing them with every possible reason one can find? Is that the smart thing to do?

We have both, the EV is making us money and the truck is costing us money, but there is a definite place for each of them and applications suitable for each.
No, not to offend you or anyone sir.

If you take your time to go through this thread, he seems to not be against either, does not own an EV.

Like everything in life, we have choices. EV’s are not going away. If one’s choice is a ICE vehicle, is it really necessary to fault EV’s unreasonably by bashing them with every possible reason one can find? Is that the smart thing to do?

We have both, the EV is making us money and the truck is costing us money, but there is a definite place for each of them and applications suitable for each.
We all use different data we go by. Your EVs make you $$, and your trucks cost you $$.

In my formula it is just the opposite. My ICE trucks make me $$ and the cost of having an EV for personal use makes no economic sense. If I would have electrified my fleet, Id be broke already.

Neither of us are right or wrong.

I think ICE will still be here long after EVs survive or not. I admire anything that can do a better job than an ICE. But that is still decades out. If at all.

I don't know anything about your background. Don't need to. I have no reason to make personal assaults about your intelligence level. You provided your views. At least you own an EV.

Someone can post data that says ICE vehicles are 6100% more likely to burn up than an EV. Then post data that contradicts that claim.

I can post data that will support EVs being 2100% more likely to catch fire than ICE. Different data collection methods yield different statistics. Nobody has to be a rocket scientist to know that. Bee speaks from his personal perspective. Nobody should assault him for what he knows by his data.

I personally think I'll wait on hydrogen. And by then I doubt I'll need to drive anything anyway.

Unfortunately when the government tries to solve a problem. It's done in the most inefficient way possible. So I'd prefer to steer clear of being taxed for that privilege. And I am not ashamed to admit, I'll take my $$ and live elsewhere before they figure out how to do that.

And P.S. I've been active in this thread since about page 2.
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338WM, do you shoot a 338 Winchester Magnum?:beerchug:

Welcome here.

You can’t win this one, the OP will find every and any possible use for an EV and bash it. Few guys here tag team, and they get exited when presented with facts which they don’t like. They shoot from the hip, throw things against the wall and if shown it does not stick, they get annoyed.

They will continue with infinite vigor, you have no chance.

This thread is about being correct for those who know they are wrong, but they have something to prove.

Best to let it go.
338WM, do you shoot a 338 Winchester Magnum?:beerchug:

Welcome here.

You can’t win this one, the OP will find every and any possible use for an EV and bash it. Few guys here tag team, and they get exited when presented with facts which they don’t like. They shoot from the hip, throw things against the wall and if shown it does not stick, they get annoyed.

They will continue with infinite vigor, you have no chance.

This thread is about being correct for those who know they are wrong, but they have something to prove.

Best to let it go.
I KNEW you had more thoughts on the subject.....LOL!

The OP (me) isn't wrong either, EV are touted as the savior of the planet where my (and your) government is attempting to ram them down our necks whether they work or not.

What I've said from the get-go is EV is no different than ICE in their carbon footprint.....resources have to be used to manufacture them and non renewable resources are used to make batteries and something has to produce power to charge them....

What exactly differs them from ICE in this regard other than the inherit strain on the electrical power grid?

EV cost more, are heavier, and until another power source is designed and released to the public, create a new phrase called "range anxiety."

Then look at the data I provided which is pointing towards current EV owners switching back to ICE for some strange reason....

I get the benefit of having more than one mode of transportation and when and if EV are developed properly, they will be a decent thing.

The fact is, they were rushed out to the public without proper infrastructure in place....
There are sure a lot of the use of the word "fault" in that post.....

However.........we ALL know you have more thoughts left in you on this subject....."final thoughts?" Don't make me laugh out loud to myself.....
We’ll go on repeating ourselves but there’s not much more to say. More likely it’s the next 20 years that will talk.
I KNEW you had more thoughts on the subject.....LOL!

The fact is, they were rushed out to the public without proper infrastructure in place....
Here we go again. The infrastructure was and is in place here. Your fact is that in your region, it wasn’t.
Here we go again. The infrastructure was and is in place here. Your fact is that in your region, it wasn’t.
Exactly, here we go again.......

The infrastructure might be in place 100% where you are, but I'm reading it isn't in place all across the US......and certain states and cities are suffering with power grid woes.

The required infrastructure certainly isn't in place here in Canada where distances between cities is vast and there isn't much in between settlements....lots of fields and trees.....and if a person was crazy enough to even consider driving an EV across Canada in the middle of winter...they need their head read.

Our government is telling Canadian citizens that ICE sales are going to cease (similar to what California did) but we are nowhere even close to being ready for that.....