EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

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The same guy I know who owns a Tesla S was out with his wife at a movie theater the other day and when they came out, the car was updating its software and wouldn't let them drive...he said it took 35 minutes before they could drive home....there is a daily scheduled software update and he said it is usually after midnight but this was an unexpected one...

When he called Tesla to ask if this could happen while driving, they didn't know at that time....they called him back an hour later and said the car would realize it was driving and schedule the software update when it was shut down unless it was an emergency update and then the car would go into limp mode so he could get to a safe place to stop...

Your friend has the ability to schedule updates for a time when he wants. If he doesn’t do that it’ll update when it wants to. It’s in the settings system.
I’d rather have an MKlll but Superformance has an electric cobra.

Fueltech has a new ecu coming out that will be able to control an electric vehicle.

This guy put a Tesla battery and drivetrain in an old Jag. I enjoyed watching him build it.
Your friend has the ability to schedule updates for a time when he wants. If he doesn’t do that it’ll update when it wants to. It’s in the settings system.
This was an unscheduled update...he said it is set up to do updates after midnight normally.

He's owned it for 3 yrs now and it has never done this unscheduled update before that he knows of...it could have done one while he was at work or something he didn't know about.
I was watching a show last night and a tow truck operator was having to tow a Tesla, apparently when it runs out of juice, nothing works and it won't go into neutral....he had to drag it onto his flatbed which was the easy part but trying to get it off at the repair shop was almost impossible....he came up with a genius solution but it wouldn't have worked everywhere....
I was reading somewhere that there is an incentive to standardize batteries used in EV so they can be readily changed if necessary..

I can imagine if this incentive fails, there will be a hundred different batteries out there which will cost a small fortune to create and change..
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I was reading somewhere that there is an incentive to standardize batteries used in EV so they can be readily changed if necessary..

I can imagine if this incentive fails, there will be a hundred different batteries out there which will cost a small fortune to create and change..
This will piss off Elon.
Electric vehicles is a dog and pony show . . .
The infrastructure to supply the energy needed just is not there. And never will.
Hydrogen powered vehicles is the future. (if we can avoid a full blown nuclear war).
I know our ICE vehicles all have different batteries to start them but if EV all have their own swing on their main power source, I can only imagine how many of them will end up in a land fill or worse when they get too weak to run the vehicle...

I just read that Volkswagon has been given the green light to build an EV battery plant here in my province...
I know our ICE vehicles all have different batteries to start them but if EV all have their own swing on their main power source, I can only imagine how many of them will end up in a land fill or worse when they get too weak to run the vehicle...

I just read that Volkswagon has been given the green light to build an EV battery plant here in my province...
The Lithium in these existing batteries is easily, readily and preferably recyclable. Far cheaper source of Lithium. So I could see them putting a value on them to encourage recycling. Thus minimizing the landfill burden.

Sort of like glass Coke bottles. Nobody threw them away. Coke paid you for them.

I bought my first bike scouring the countryside for empty bottles.
The Lithium in these existing batteries is easily, readily and preferably recyclable. Far cheaper source of Lithium. So I could see them putting a value on them to encourage recycling. Thus minimizing the landfill burden.

Sort of like glass Coke bottles. Nobody threw them away. Coke paid you for them.

I bought my first bike scouring the countryside for empty bottles.
Most likely a "core return" for these batteries...

Even depleted I've read they are very dangerous to transport....I wonder how they will set up recycling centers.....
How many car's does a family of 4 have and how many charging stations needed ? When you get your new electric motorcycle add another charging station. Just driving Coast to Coast will take time when you pull into a charging station and they are all being used and waiting for hours to recharge. I'll be driving a Big diesel truck and towing EV's to reach 50 % regen for 200 bucks then turn around and tow another one round trip LOL !
How many car's does a family of 4 have and how many charging stations needed ? When you get your new electric motorcycle add another charging station. Just driving Coast to Coast will take time when you pull into a charging station and they are all being used and waiting for hours to recharge. I'll be driving a Big diesel truck and towing EV's to reach 50 % regen for 200 bucks then turn around and tow another one round trip LOL !
Add in lawn care/snow removal machinery...everyone on my block has a lawn tractor and snow blower..

Then I ask what will be done about the ATV/boat/snowmobile users..?? Will these be done away with?
you'll be safe NZ is the last place to get fall out and possibly the best place to survive a Nuclear winter
Joel Skousens's book titled Strategic Relocation details out the how and why your statement is true. It still takes a lot of preparation and money

to give oneself the best chances of survival. Imagine living in a buried shipping container for weeks while monitoring the air outside from your

safe space to see how much fallout finds its way to wherever you might be.

Deep valleys in the southern hemisphere between mountain ranges is as safe as it gets.
Joel Skousens's book titled Strategic Relocation details out the how and why your statement is true. It still takes a lot of preparation and money

to give oneself the best chances of survival. Imagine living in a buried shipping container for weeks while monitoring the air outside from your

safe space to see how much fallout finds its way to wherever you might be.

Deep valleys in the southern hemisphere between mountain ranges is as safe as it gets.
Who would want to survive?

Find out where ground zero is and take a lawn chair and set up right on it....
Add in lawn care/snow removal machinery...everyone on my block has a lawn tractor and snow blower..

Then I ask what will be done about the ATV/boat/snowmobile users..?? Will these be done away with?
The bad thing about battery power tools is they always changed the voltage of batteries and then you have to buy new tools. When I worked at Lowe's folks would spend hundreds of dollar's only to find out years later those batteries are discontinue. I tell my son I'm a corded guy and only buy an extension cords if I cut one LOL.

I got a few Seadoo's and always wanted to install a jack plate with a Merc 150 on my GTI. I think the engine cover would make a great back brace.
Who would want to survive?

Find out where ground zero is and take a lawn chair and set up right on it....
Who would want to survive? Perhaps it is those of us that are hardwired to survive and go beyond what the perceived limits of life are.

Jim Carrey thinks like the action you posed... When the possibility of a nuclear attack on Hawaii was broadcasted to the public Jim walked outside his place in Hawaii and looked west and waited for the possibility of a rocket attack from Rocketman.