Ever get tired of Bust'in , whie others..


Donating Member
Man I just sent out some bills, and I dont know about you But it gets really old sometime. Other than basics I live pretty much simple. No Cable TV , No new cars, No Rolex, and yet I really have to bust and watch every dime.. Why is it like that? I guess I should reword it But Not sure how. I mean Car insurance, House Insurance, Tags , High electric bills, Property tax , on on and on and on.. Shheeezzzz Are we in the matrix and want my blood next ? Even being self employed is getting to the point , that the state is choking the Cr*p out the working man.. The system is soo screwed up! Example : Here in my county a dude is doing crack/ meth etc in jail every week..He wrecks a 4 wheeler drunk . Breaks his neck ( has steel rods ) free surgery etc, Back out and in jail again,( him and his ol lady ) and HUD makes his house payment.( every month $750.00 & Food stamps. etc , and there are How many like him across the country that get everything for free? While I'm scraping to make ends meet or work overseas getting bombs and bullets tossed at me ..
Another dude on Crank get over 4k on his income tax return ( only worked part time) cause he's got 2 babies. Well man I have 2 dogs, Dogs- babies whats the difference? Ones a (want) just like the other- ( babies are want Not a Need) so whys he get a break? where's my stimulus package?
How can we as a people stop this giving away of our country to the lazy free loaders ..? If we stand up and say something your local community labels you as a trouble maker or worse..
I mean I can tell you countless stories about all the freebees given to foreign people that live here and the tax dollars are paying for it. Free school ( college ) . free baby sitters for a family that bought a Hotel and needed a baby sitter ( so the state pay for a baby sitter to come to the Hotel while the parent work the counter) ..
free cell phones non working group. etc etc . So again Wheres my Stimulus ? Sorry for the rant But man stuff gets old, including me..
I sympathize with you. I feel the same way at times. The feds, state, county, city just to name a few demand their fair share and really don't care if there is anything left for me!

Yep, nothing fair about this system we have allowed our politicians to create. And every year all those folks want a bigger piece of the pie.

You and I are not the only ones who feel this way. I think I'll make a donation to the TEA Party. That seems to be our only hope! :moon:
We can ALL band together and refuse to pay our taxes...

That worked before right?

Thing is... it takes ALL of us.

Income tax isn't even really legal, but who's actually fighting it?
I can sympathize with you also. Too many people freeload off of the gov't!

I went the day before Christmas to pick up the rest of the things needed for our dinner (remember pretty much just the necessities) the lady in front of me has 2 carts full of food with at least 2 trays of shrimp and other costly stuff. Needless to say I was FLOORED when she pulled out her food stamp card. UNBELEIVABLE!!!!

I am comfortable where I am at money wise but this is part of what is wrong with America at the moment. I believe it is ok for people to get some help from the gov't but my example above is exactly what pisses a lot of people off including myself.
i too feel your pain. I work almost everyday of my life as i have 2 jobs and a family. My wife works as well. Between us we live paycheck to paycheck. Its a toss at times as to wether we can keep the checking account out of the hole for that week. I dont live outlandishly. To give you an idea it took me 4 years to save enough money to buy my busa a couple of months ago. Its an 02 with 12k on the ticker. I got it for 3500.00 Four years of saving what i could to get it. Yet i see like stated above i go to the grocery store...aldis by the way..which if you dont know is the cheapest store there is. I watch people pull out food stamps to pay for steaks shrimp etc as well. I follow them to the parking lot and i see them unloading groceries into a brand spanking new denali! I about sh1t myself. I couldnt keep my mouth shut and spouted off to em all i got was a grin and some gibberish as i couldnt understand a word of it. This happens all the time too! Yet when my wife lost her job last year we couldnt and didnt get any help at all!!! they said i made to much for a family of 6!!! I let them have it right then and there too!!! I almost got arrested. I think it bs and i get sick thinking about how far we as a country have fallen. Sad thing is it will not stop as we have now been over run with illegals to the point of no return. Bout the only answer i see is arm up and legalize hunting.:beerchug:
We can ALL band together and refuse to pay our taxes...

That worked before right?

Thing is... it takes ALL of us.

Income tax isn't even really legal, but who's actually fighting it?


I really wish I could itemize where my tax payer dollars go.
there is no easy answer.....

to fix the problem, it will take work....lots of hard work.

We want to think this is something new, but freeloading off the gov., actually of the rest of us taxpayers has been going on for decades....generations even.
Been working hard, and watching my in-laws live off of the state for as long as I have been married. They drive nice cars, I'm still saving for my used bike . .
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It does suck however try living in other countries. We have it pretty damn good here and we still have choices in what we do such as what we can watch on TV, owning a cell phone, car, motorcycle, home, having electricity, water, and sewer. You don't even have a clue about all of the things we have and take for granted. Other places don't offer these opportunities. You watch, Lalo whatever his name was will be back after he leaves with his girlfriend because it will suck for him and his 7 figures.
bad thing about being in a bad financial situation is you created it. ive created mine and im working and gaining ground on getting out of it. while i get tired of seeing "freeloaders" ive already decided its not worth my time worrying about them. move on and make the best life i can for my family, the rest can do so or not. im gonna pay the same money to the man regardless. no form of gov has even began to unravel the massive handouts, cuts, breaks, assistance, insurance, nonsense thats been created so hard working people and people that work hard at not working can live the same lifestyle.
I hear ya.
Too bad as a group we cant all stick together and just not pay taxes...what would they do?
and to make it worse they are raising gas prices again of all things....:banghead:
It does suck however try living in other countries.

just me personally, I don't give a d*** about how other third world crap countries live. They've had hundreds of years to create a decent civilization and (many) have failed. And it is not our job to fix their mess, or lower our standards

Earlier generation Americans have sacrificed so much. They have created an infrastructure at tremendous cost. They have freed the world from fascism and tyranny several times over. It is our country!

There is a growing class of people who feel entitled to huge welfare, whether it be food stamps, free insurance, section 8 housing, straight cash or countless other avenues. They won't take a low paying job, and instead just freeload on the back on working taxpayers.

Require ANYONE who receives any free benefits of any kind to take a monthly drug test. If hard working honest people must do this at their jobs (I do and have no prob with it), then the freeloader should have to also. The would "improve" the rapid welfare fraud currently taking place.
I hear ya.
Too bad as a group we cant all stick together and just not pay taxes...what would they do?

They wouldn't be able to do anything... or so you would hope. It would be a HUGE undertaking, and the small group that would (or possibly have already tried) to get it started, would likely just simply... disappear.

The civil war that 'could' result if you get enough people to 'revolt' could leave us incredibly vulnerable to our enemies from other countries... not to mention, no one that is sane really wants to go up against the US military which is exactly what we would end up doing.

just me personally, I don't give a d*** about how other third world crap countries live. They've had hundreds of years to create a decent civilization and (many) have failed. And it is not our job to fix their mess, or lower our standards

Earlier generation Americans have sacrificed so much. They have created an infrastructure at tremendous cost. They have freed the world from fascism and tyranny several times over. It is our country!

There is a growing class of people who feel entitled to huge welfare, whether it be food stamps, free insurance, section 8 housing, straight cash or countless other avenues. They won't take a low paying job, and instead just freeload on the back on working taxpayers.

Require ANYONE who receives any free benefits of any kind to take a monthly drug test. If hard working honest people must do this at their jobs (I do and have no prob with it), then the freeloader should have to also. The would "improve" the rapid welfare fraud currently taking place.

I agree man. Most certainly agree with the first part!! :thumbsup:

However, the solution isn't an end all solution. It would certainly help, however... since that money has already been decided it's not yours, if they do that, and IF it actually lowers the tax money used. It won't lower your taxes.
Here in canada a politician came up with the idea that if you were in decent physical shape you could collect your welfare check after 20-40 hours of picking up garbage on the side of the hi-way. You should have seen all the rats running to part/full time jobs then.I like the drug testing idea too.Welfare is supposed to be for folks who need temporary help,its not supposed to be a lifestyle. Now the ones that can prove mental or physical permanant limitations ....well...we are fugged there. Ours is supposed to be a more kinder,gentle society.Those folks will always have to be tollerated.

Banding together to not pay income tax would leave your cities in ruins.No cops,no garbage pick up,no street lights,no electricity etc etc etc.

Its the way the money is spent. We have provinces in Canada,you have states. So far,the head of one province has managed to run his prov. properly and there is no tax there.It can be done.One out of 10 provinces.So why cant the others follow suit? No natural resources,no income from tourism or man-made revenue or....you guessed it,mismanagement.

There is an easy answer to your solution thou Pocket Rocket.

Just do more coke or meth.
So you can work longer hours.
So you can make more money.
So you can buy more meth.
So you can work longer hours.
So you can make more money.
So you can buy more meth......................J/K :laugh:

Here in canada a politician came up with the idea that if you were in decent physical shape you could collect your welfare check after 20-40 hours of picking up garbage on the side of the hi-way. You should have seen all the rats running to part/full time jobs then.I like the drug testing idea too.Welfare is supposed to be for folks who need temporary help,its not supposed to be a lifestyle. Now the ones that can prove mental or physical permanant limitations ....well...we are fugged there. Ours is supposed to be a more kinder,gentle society.Those folks will always have to be tollerated.

Banding together to not pay income tax would leave your cities in ruins.No cops,no garbage pick up,no street lights,no electricity etc etc etc.

Its the way the money is spent. We have provinces in Canada,you have states. So far,the head of one province has managed to run his prov. properly and there is no tax there.It can be done.One out of 10 provinces.So why cant the others follow suit? No natural resources,no income from tourism or man-made revenue or....you guessed it,mismanagement.

There is an easy answer to your solution thou Pocket Rocket.

Just do more coke or meth.
So you can work longer hours.
So you can make more money.
So you can buy more meth.
So you can work longer hours.
So you can make more money.
So you can buy more meth......................J/K :laugh:


rubb that is awesome!!!! i think that is the way it should be here!!!!
Banding together to not pay income tax would leave your cities in ruins.No cops,no garbage pick up,no street lights,no electricity etc etc etc.


Ummm, dunno about you, but I have an electricity bill that comes every month. I WISH it was included in my FEDERAL income tax.

I don't mind paying state taxes. I actually see most of the benefits that go along with those. Which are all the things you just described. Minus the electricity of course.

I don't wanna get into the federal reserve or the banking system and try to explain how it's completely screwing america, but I'm gonna mention it anyway. Google it to learn more. We've instituted the exact system in the US which mirrors the major reason we seceded from Britain.
just me personally, I don't give a d*** about how other third world crap countries live. They've had hundreds of years to create a decent civilization and (many) have failed. And it is not our job to fix their mess, or lower our standards

Earlier generation Americans have sacrificed so much. They have created an infrastructure at tremendous cost. They have freed the world from fascism and tyranny several times over. It is our country!

There is a growing class of people who feel entitled to huge welfare, whether it be food stamps, free insurance, section 8 housing, straight cash or countless other avenues. They won't take a low paying job, and instead just freeload on the back on working taxpayers.

Require ANYONE who receives any free benefits of any kind to take a monthly drug test. If hard working honest people must do this at their jobs (I do and have no prob with it), then the freeloader should have to also. The would "improve" the rapid welfare fraud currently taking place.

You are right, it is very simple to stop. Ask yourself, if it is so simple to stop, why hasn't it been done yet. We aee simple solutions to the wrong problem. The real problem is how do we stop giving away money without hurting the people who benifit the most?

There are three groups that benifit from this system, (1), the people who see their tax dollars being given away, (2), the people who get free money, and (3), the people who get the money from the people who get free money.

How does each group benifit?
Group 2 is given money to provide food, cloths and shelter. Some of the money is spent on things it is not supposed to be, luxuries.
Group 3 sells the goods that are purchased with the money given to group 3, even the money that is spent on drugs, i mean luxuries, gets back to group 3.
Group 1 gets the benifit of fewer people ingroup one trying to rob them. Doesn't seem like much of a benifit, especially since we see our money being given away. Who do you think benifits the most?

The problem with group 1 is we place the blame in the worng place. We see group 2 as half of the problem and liberal politicians as the other half. Group 2 has been tricked into thinking they are living the American Dream, when in fact the are helping someone else do that. Liberal or Conservative, politicians are really just politicians. They do what they have to do to get in office and stay in office. Both are sitting back and allowing this to happen.

Since Group 2 rarely votes, and Group 3 doesn't have enough votes to get anyone elected above a City Councilman, we, Group 1 votes these people into office. Even though we elect them, all high level politicians are controlled by group 3.

We can complain all we want, but things won't change until group 3 want them to.