Man I just sent out some bills, and I dont know about you But it gets really old sometime. Other than basics I live pretty much simple. No Cable TV , No new cars, No Rolex, and yet I really have to bust and watch every dime.. Why is it like that? I guess I should reword it But Not sure how. I mean Car insurance, House Insurance, Tags , High electric bills, Property tax , on on and on and on.. Shheeezzzz Are we in the matrix and want my blood next ? Even being self employed is getting to the point , that the state is choking the Cr*p out the working man.. The system is soo screwed up! Example : Here in my county a dude is doing crack/ meth etc in jail every week..He wrecks a 4 wheeler drunk . Breaks his neck ( has steel rods ) free surgery etc, Back out and in jail again,( him and his ol lady ) and HUD makes his house payment.( every month $750.00 & Food stamps. etc , and there are How many like him across the country that get everything for free? While I'm scraping to make ends meet or work overseas getting bombs and bullets tossed at me ..
Another dude on Crank get over 4k on his income tax return ( only worked part time) cause he's got 2 babies. Well man I have 2 dogs, Dogs- babies whats the difference? Ones a (want) just like the other- ( babies are want Not a Need) so whys he get a break? where's my stimulus package?
How can we as a people stop this giving away of our country to the lazy free loaders ..? If we stand up and say something your local community labels you as a trouble maker or worse..
I mean I can tell you countless stories about all the freebees given to foreign people that live here and the tax dollars are paying for it. Free school ( college ) . free baby sitters for a family that bought a Hotel and needed a baby sitter ( so the state pay for a baby sitter to come to the Hotel while the parent work the counter) ..
free cell phones non working group. etc etc . So again Wheres my Stimulus ? Sorry for the rant But man stuff gets old, including me..
Another dude on Crank get over 4k on his income tax return ( only worked part time) cause he's got 2 babies. Well man I have 2 dogs, Dogs- babies whats the difference? Ones a (want) just like the other- ( babies are want Not a Need) so whys he get a break? where's my stimulus package?
How can we as a people stop this giving away of our country to the lazy free loaders ..? If we stand up and say something your local community labels you as a trouble maker or worse..
I mean I can tell you countless stories about all the freebees given to foreign people that live here and the tax dollars are paying for it. Free school ( college ) . free baby sitters for a family that bought a Hotel and needed a baby sitter ( so the state pay for a baby sitter to come to the Hotel while the parent work the counter) ..
free cell phones non working group. etc etc . So again Wheres my Stimulus ? Sorry for the rant But man stuff gets old, including me..