Ever get tired of Bust'in , whie others..

its really simple...get rid of every senetor cept one for each state. Get rid of all the house we dont need em. Next get rid of the pres we dont need him either. The one sent from each state get voted in by the people majority wins period. Each sen represents their state and has to put everything to a vote period. Majority win no matter what. Then the sen goes with this vote to the rest of the senators and they vote majority wins. Its really simple.

This way we eliminate millions in salaries. For all the worthless garbage in washington and every other state that is fluff. Majority always wins and if a senator is caught looking out for himself and chang his vote other then what his majority was then it called treason. Crimes against his people and country. Death is the sentence. Not prison cause we dont want to waste any more time or money on his aS$. Hold a new vote in that state elect a new one:) My way is simple. Start all over on the constitution. Back to the bare bones of what it was before is was massacred by corrupt politicions. Lots of details to iron out but it could be done:)
For a start lets force social services or whatever gov institution that administers welfare to drug test the free loaders.....
And what about lobbying? Right out in the open our elected congressmen are paid on big businesses tab to change policy and get a check an office and more perks, wtf is going on here? This is the most corrupt system imaginable and they rub our nosses in it day after day...