Gen 3 Latest report ..

or doesn't ;) :laugh:
It will kick arse, stock for stock or mod for mod the new bike has it down pat.

It can do this because it is a modified gen 2.

I still say Suzuki missed it's mark, this bike should have been in direct competition to the H2SXSE and came with hard bags, a more upright riding position and a bigger would have been a real winner then....
It will kick arse, stock for stock or mod for mod the new bike has it down pat.

It can do this because it is a modified gen 2.

I still say Suzuki missed it's mark, this bike should have been in direct competition to the H2SXSE and came with hard bags, a more upright riding position and a bigger would have been a real winner then....
Not value wise though imo.

You can buy a brand new Gen 2 for $16k here, plenty of go fast mods for $12k before you scratch the price of the brand new oem from the crate Gen 3.

I’ll sit back and see what one can do with tipping money into high end mods.
Not value wise though imo.

You can buy a brand new Gen 2 for $16k here, plenty of go fast mods for $12k before you scratch the price of the brand new oem from the crate Gen 3.

I’ll sit back and see what one can do with tipping money into high end mods.
They are selling here for $22K, which is more than a gen 2 but it is a bit more bike as well. I think it's priced right compared to it's "competitors" (and I use that term loosely).

A new version of a particular car generally costs more than it's predecessor, the gen 2 was more than a gen 1 and didn't have much more to offer for the price jump...

I know if I was in the market for a brand new bike, a gen 3 Hayabusa would be in my garage without hesitation.
This one has been in the garage since 2011 with about 28K miles so far. I cannot wait to experience the gen3 being new to Suzuki. I plan to keep this too

It will kick arse, stock for stock or mod for mod the new bike has it down pat.

It can do this because it is a modified gen 2.

I still say Suzuki missed it's mark, this bike should have been in direct competition to the H2SXSE and came with hard bags, a more upright riding position and a bigger would have been a real winner then....
for me hands down a versatile bike thats riding in the real world! where the gen3 should be better with more acclaimed brakes, mid power and new suspension, yep suzuki have held onto the faithful genes its a one trick pony
It will kick arse, stock for stock or mod for mod the new bike has it down pat.

It can do this because it is a modified gen 2.

I still say Suzuki missed it's mark, this bike should have been in direct competition to the H2SXSE and came with hard bags, a more upright riding position and a bigger would have been a real winner then....
Sounds like a good way to ruin a Hayabusa. Maybe training wheels, fringe for the bar ends, and a seat like a recliner. Or just buy a gold wing. Sorry couldn’t stop myself!
Sounds like a good way to ruin a Hayabusa. Maybe training wheels, fringe for the bar ends, and a seat like a recliner. Or just buy a gold wing. Sorry couldn’t stop myself!
Well, what exactly IS a Hayabusa now...

Many on this forum modify their Hayabusas for comfort and touring, LBL style bars, hard bags, those large bags the Kiwis and Aussies like to use...

If Suzuki would have made a version of the Hayabusa set up similar to an H2SXSE I would wager it would outsell a "typical" Hayabusa...
Well, what exactly IS a Hayabusa now...

Many on this forum modify their Hayabusas for comfort and touring, LBL style bars, hard bags, those large bags the Kiwis and Aussies like to use...

If Suzuki would have made a version of the Hayabusa set up similar to an H2SXSE I would wager it would outsell a "typical" Hayabusa...
Yes! And if you are going to walk away from the horsepower fray and put out a "broken horse" (pun intended), why not offer bags as an option?
Gen 3 vs h2 sx...for 10k more it barely beat gen 3 that's a win in my book. So glad I didn't pull the trigger on a left over silver 19 h2 sx se was gonna be 21k otd but even put a deposit on it something told me to look up 2021 version and damn sure enough new remodel and after riding one I didn't like the look or the feel then like 2 days later mcn dropped that first gen 3 video and it was all over but the cryin! Patience paid off big time...

I have a friend that just achieved 255,000 miles on an 08'....regular maintenance.
Tell buddy we need a pic for the org! For being a first year remodel the 08 was a trooper I bought mine used with 4k miles for 9k and put 36k on her in 2 years drove the same the day I bought it to the the day I sold it even with 40k miles still sold it for 8k... funny story the day I sold it I told the guy I will be home in 2 hours so I could give it one last ride I knew he was taking it because he drove like 4 hours and rented trailer and it was a insurance claim he wrecked his busa so I took her out for a serious spin since I knew I wouldn't have a bike for awhile drove it like I stole it and the guy comes and loads it up and says damn this thing is hott I said it was sitting out in the sun waiting for you lol that orange and black looked so sporty.