I'm sick to my stomach - Michael Vick

This just in.....


What do you want from the guy? He has done prison time, he has lost $100 million dollars, he is still paying fines.

People want to compare Mr. Vick to regular people, saying he got special treatment because he was rich and famous. The truth is he was prosecuted because of his fame. You, me and any other regular guy would not have gotten the ame amount of attention from the feds.

When people compare crimes against animals to crimes against humans, it shows a lack of perspective...and weakens thier position, because there is no way they are equal. that is insane. Michael vick did not kill small animals like a serial killer, please do some research on this. the torture and mutilation of small animals is not what Vick did. Statements like this are also meant to draw emotional responses, because the facts do not support these claims...

Truth be told....if you or I were to be found guilty of Vicks crimes, we do our time, get out and try to find a job and get on with our life. That is what Vick is doing, he paid his debt to society and i getting on with his life.

PS: IF you really want to compare things look at how we treat chickens, keep them in overcrowded pens,saw thier beaks off..sleep deprivation. I know we got some country folks here....ever been to a slaughter house or worked on? are you telling me raising animals to be killed is "ok" and not cruel....

and lets not even defend hunting. Hunting is a sport, like fishing. ITs done for the pleasure, not to feed a persons family.....its cheaper to buy rice and ground beef than bring home a deer.
Stay away from the news man. some guy (sean bell) got shot on he's wedding day by nyc cops and they all walked. My attitude with that, f*ck the dogs let vic play ball.
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I like my 2 dogs better than most humans.
As for Vick he's a SUM BAG that should have been put into a cage with a fighting dog without any type of weapon to defend himself.
Now that would be justice.
as above- the guy is a scumbag but a good football player...
and i do hope he feels sorry and understands what he did- but i wont hold my breath.
i WILL however give him the benefit of the doubt and let him try to prove hes a better man...

That's kind of how I feel. I guess I'm the type of person that firmly believes in second chances and so far, Vick seems to be doing well on and off the field.
For those that don't think he deserves a second chance, you should look into what he is doing now as far animal rights, charities and community service. I know it will not change some of your opinions, but it is a complete 180 from what he was doing. All those organizations that were bashing him in the beginning have open arms for him and his money.

Money he wouldn't have if he were not allowed to use his talents.:whistle:
You claim to have dogs, but I don't really think you understand what it is to have a dog in your home. I assume you're one of these people that "owns" dogs in the sense that you "own" a bike. I may be wrong, and I hope I am. But I can't derive much more from someone that can defend this man.

Just to show we are on similar mind sets, I have a 5 yr old Siberian Husky, who happens to be my first dog and also my bestfriend. He's probably one of very few Husky's that has been raised in doors his whole life and is treated like a King versus being the typical dirty, thick haired, out-door husky.
I don't understand how people catagorize treatment of animals the same as humans.

People who hurt animals for their own amusement are worse than people who hurt humans! - Humans can always go to the police; animals can't tell anyone.
How you treat animals is a fair indication of how you will treat people.

I'll tell you something else, too: if anyone hurt my dog, that person would have a serious, permanent "accident".

I have no issues with hunting or fishing; I've done plenty of it myself. But people who torture animals are utterly worthless. I hope someone kills Ron Mexico.

Animals are better than humans.
People who hurt animals for their own amusement are worse than people who hurt humans! - Humans can always go to the police; animals can't tell anyone.
How you treat animals is a fair indication of how you will treat people.

I'll tell you something else, too: if anyone hurt my dog, that person would have a serious, permanent "accident".

I have no issues with hunting or fishing; I've done plenty of it myself. But people who torture animals are utterly worthless. I hope someone kills Ron Mexico.

Animals are better than humans.

As I said before, mess with my stuff or family and I will hurt you. Mess with my property, get a beat down. Mess with my dog, get a serious injury. Mess with my human family, well, let's just hope you survive.

Would you hunt a human?

Animals are better than humans? There are alot of people whou feel the way you do. Studies have shown that more people will give aid to an animal before a human.

Am I bad becasue I spend my time and efforts at a homeless shelter instead of a animal shelter.
I just think he should have gotten a much longer prison sentence in a max security federal pen is all.
Hes done the time the judge gave him and I will not fault the NFL for letting him play again as people come out of jail and are expected to get a job and rejoin society.
That's what he has done , come out and gotten a job as a quarterback in the NFL .
On that good for him. It certainly wasn't given to him. He earned that .
I'll just revert back to my original statement.
He should have gotten a longer sentence ..
he served his time and came back to football an amazing player. The voting is on his football performance, not his moral character.
there are countless posts about what is wrong with this country, or people in general.....yet people do not understand that people and dogs are not the same.

maybe that says something...
i am a philadelphia eagles fan and also a pitbull owner. i think he should lead the pro bowl votes because he deserves it for his ON FIELD play. off the field he did some very stupid things. nothing will ever change that. i guess we all forgot that daunte stallworth got drunk and ran over a man with his car and killed him and he didnt even serve 1 year?!
I personally won't watch a game he is in even if it's the superbowl. I also will not buy a product of any kind that I know is being advertised during a Vic game!

Just me I guess, but I will never forget what he did to not one animal but who knows how many. And the ones he didn't kill, he had others kill. Not much difference in my view!

It's one thing to kill for food, it's intirely different to kill for fun.

Let Vic finish his life working at Seven Eleven and I could care less.

I agree,the low life POS.
So he can throw a damned football,big deal.
My dog is my best bud and not only would i give my life for him,i could care less about some idiot i had to take out in order to protect him.
I think what Vick did was pretty heinous and I dont care how well he is playing football since coming back. With that being said, I think the man did his time, paid for what he did, and is making the absolute best out of his opportunities since returning. I believe his humbleness in his interviews, and I believe he really is sorry for what happened. I think he got the ultimate eye opener and is learning from it immensely.

I'd like to know what makes anyone here any different than him saying they would like to see him injured or given the death penalty for what he did.
Yeah,what a great human being,some of his dogs didn't perform to his satisfaction so it's ok for the scumbag to drowned,eletrocute,choke,or body slam the dogs to death?There is no redemption for anybody that would do that to a dog,i don't care how some of you try to white wash it.
For the record, I don't own any dogs, nor do I particularly care for them (mainly because of their owners, or lack thereof).

Of course what he did was morally wrong and illegal, and he has paid the price for it. He doesn't appear to be a very bright individual either, so that really doesn't help matters much. I suppose much in the same way I am unable to understand and detest how a Catholic can remain so, despite a large number of their leadership having an obviously unpopular taste for young boys, yet they still find a way to separate those values, some of you cannot understand how we can applaud his play on the field. I'm not a fan of the NFL for it's moral character, which it sounds to me like some of you are. I'm sure you could find better examples of that a little more locally at your nearest whatever denomination church, YMCA or B&G Club which is what they're for. Therefore I'm able to separate what he did and what he's currently doing on the field and leave it at that. Some of you make it sound like he was nominated for Time Man of the Year or something. I could understand something like that making someone sick. The award is for NFL Player of the Year, and he, along with a few others qualify for this award IMO. I think people need to move on, just as he's doing. If you're a die hard animal lover...I could see how this could permanently stain your view of him, however something tells me that for whatever reason, you probably didn't care for him before this all went down.
I look at it kinda like this. Typically, the more a person is better looking, or intelligent, or athletically gifted, the chances that they are lacking in other areas grows tremendously. That's why you'll rarely see a supermodel that's a nuclear physicist, or conversely the President of the Visual Arts club holding the school record for the 100m dash. Sure, you'll have some here and there, but they're not populating the planet. Here's another newsflash...the overwhelming majority of professional athletes ARE complete schmucks and @$$ho!3s! Just like most CEOs or anyone else who is the best of the best at their craft. To become the best at something, you typically become more deficient in other areas, and I see this as no different. Vick is definitely deficient in several areas, but that doesn't seem to apply to the field this season.

I'm surprised more of you southern boys ain't pipin up about how much more common dogfighting is down there than the way it's being portrayed in this thread. It's all over the place down there from what I've heard. :whistle:
Am I bad becasue I spend my time and efforts at a homeless shelter instead of a animal shelter.
Of course not. No-one has said anything negative about you.

I agree with Blanca's point that convicts should be encouraged to rejoin society after they've done their time. I suspect that what rankles with many is the short sentence he got, so I also agree with Blanca that he should have received a firmer penalty.

Furthermore, I view Vick's charitable activities in the same way that I looked at the footage of Bill Clinton walking around with a 10lb Bible, right after he got caught having affairs/possibly raping/lying to investigators.