I'm sick to my stomach - Michael Vick

VB - I have a question. Do you have children? This is not an attempt at insult as I have dogs also. Just helps to understand your perspective.

No, I have no children by choice, married 19 years this month. My dogs are my children. Obviously we don't treat them like children, but they're family as far as I'm concerned. I don't dress them in outfits or anything silly like that. (No offense to those that do.)

To be honest with myself and everyone here, I take exception to this behavior because it was done to animals that have a higher functioning brain. Had it been chickens, I can't say I would be as upset on an emotional level. However, I would still find Vick to be morally reprehensible.
While Vick did some bad stuff, the guy did his time. Who are you to say he hasn't changed? Do you know him on a personal level? His coach has said Vick is a different guy now. Vick also does stuff to help against animal cruelty now too. Let him be.

Focus your anger toward Obama.

Yeah there is an intelligent thought...???
The question should be, what thought process and rationalization goes through ones mind when deciding on how and which animal to do away with. It's is not normal behavior.
If you think you can turn it off and on you are all sadly mistaken. You actually think a short stint in a CC(country club) lock-up, some fines with additional probation and some community service has set him on the path to the straight and narrow...He is the same scum bag he was before he and his crew got busted.
We are talking about basic regard for life, respect and doing the right thing.
This guy has some serious issues.
No, I have no children by choice, married 19 years this month. My dogs are my children. Obviously we don't treat them like children, but they're family as far as I'm concerned. I don't dress them in outfits or anything silly like that. (No offense to those that do.)

To be honest with myself and everyone here, I take exception to this behavior because it was done to animals that have a higher functioning brain. Had it been chickens, I can't say I would be as upset on an emotional level. However, I would still find Vick to be morally reprehensible.

Ok. That helps me understand. I am a parent and I have dogs and I love mine as pets also, but I wouldn't hesitate in a second to put a bullet in my dog if I thought it threatened my child. There is something very visceral involved when it's your child (of if you have one, any other child). I really can't explain it, and if you don't have one it's somewhat hard to understand (no offense intended).

However, there is a difference between humane treatment of an animal (swift and as painless as possible) than torture; same as hunting. I can kill an animal (and will still feel some remorse) but I could never torture one for sick sport. Vick and his punk buddies tortured these animals. Yes, there has to be something messed up in your brain to think this is ok or condone it. I can only hope that Vick is remorseful and - fame and fortune or not - sees now what he did wrong and lives his life to make up for it.
This is just one of those things you/we/all of us develop beliefs on early in life and do not change.
Dog fighting , coc k fighting and others are things acceptable to some and reprehensible to others.
Posts seem split down the middle here and I don't think either side will change.
Some think he's reformed and changed others think he's deformed and deranged !
Just have to agree to disagree .
Ok you need to look at this another way. A little...Try to bear with me.

We can't undo what he did to the animals. It is horrible no doubt about it. The laws do not in this day, categorize animals to the same extent they do humans, so we can't undo the punishment handed down. Its over and done with. He paid that price.

Now for this angle. He is making a good fortune playing ball again, to which pretty much all of that income is going to pay back debts he owed, numerous creditors and also animal education funds. That is also part of his punishment. He isn't being given a free ride now.

While I hate that because he plays sports they will do what is necessary to get him to play (read make them money), I take some solace in the idea that he is essentially enslaved to this "job" now and he lives to play and pay back his financial obligations now. I can live with that, if he isn't going to be to be kept in jail. We can't hold him any longer in prison than we did. As was said he has paid that time asked of him.

Now lets suck every last dollar out of him we can until some linebacker breaks his knees for us sometime down the road.
"I am sorry but, crimes against dogs are the least of our problems right now. This is however the typical American response, to be outraged over the little things and ignore the bigger picture"

Could't agree more.
I would rather have M. Vick walkiing around on the streets, if it frees up a cell for a child molester.

Then again, I do not see dogs as "my children"...and rather have our children safe, that worry about a bunch of D-bags that are into fighting dogs.
I would rather have M. Vick walkiing around on the streets, if it frees up a cell for a child molester.

Then again, I do not see dogs as "my children"...and rather have our children safe, that worry about a bunch of D-bags that are into fighting dogs.

This is a false dichotomy. There is no reason why a child molester would be released in lieu of a dog murderer. Our justice system does have priorities and I can guarantee you that child molesters will be treated with far greater scrutiny than what Vick experienced. There is no reason that we must choose one over the other. There is also no reason why I cannot multi-task my anger towards a dozen or a hundred different societal ills. I am more than capable of condemning more than a single issue.
Ok. That helps me understand. I am a parent and I have dogs and I love mine as pets also, but I wouldn't hesitate in a second to put a bullet in my dog if I thought it threatened my child. There is something very visceral involved when it's your child (of if you have one, any other child). I really can't explain it, and if you don't have one it's somewhat hard to understand (no offense intended).

I agree, dogs are inferior to children in the hierarchy of life. But I also believe that every one of those pit bulls are superior to Vick. I would sooner put a bullet into Vick than I would allow a single one of those dogs to be abused.

However, there is a difference between humane treatment of an animal (swift and as painless as possible) than torture; same as hunting. I can kill an animal (and will still feel some remorse) but I could never torture one for sick sport.

I have never hunted, but I would like to. I have a pretty strict opinion on the subject which pretty much stems back thousands of years from our earliest inhabitants. Use what you kill. Killing is not a sport, it is a means to an end. Today, hunting has become a sport, I admit. But if we maintain the basic moral template of eating or processing what we kill, I am of the opinion that Mother Earth or God, or whatever standard judges us, will still see the sense of honor in our endeavors. If you eat meat, someone is killing your food for you. And to be honest, it's likely a much less humane manner than shooting a deer in their natural habitat.
This is a false dichotomy. There is no reason why a child molester would be released in lieu of a dog murderer. Our justice system does have priorities and I can guarantee you that child molesters will be treated with far greater scrutiny than what Vick experienced. There is no reason that we must choose one over the other. There is also no reason why I cannot multi-task my anger towards a dozen or a hundred different societal ills. I am more than capable of condemning more than a single issue.

There are a finite amount of beds in our prison system. Any criminal that is the sustem for crimes against animals, is taking a spot that could be used to incarcerate a murderer, child molestor, or anyone that has committed crimes against "HUMANS".

I have no problem with punishing people,for dog crimes. I would however like to make sure that all the criminals that have committed crimes against humans are in jail.

I know you are an intelligent man, I am sure you can be angry at more than one type of scum that currently infect this society. The problem is that our penal system is limited the number of scum-bags it can house.

Do I support Vick, no. Did I like him before his jailtime, no. However, the man did pay his debt to society.....as he was sentenced. Time served, fines paid...I do support his right to try and make a living, to try and get a life back on track.

The man lost it all. served time, paid more in fines than most people will ever make, is bankrupted, I am not asking for pity, the man made his choices and paid.

But, when is it enough?
Wow really? You want to make the argument that we need to conserve prison beds for the real criminals? You mean like all the marijuana dealers? Or any part of the prison population that is in right now on drug related charges?

The man is bankrupted.. Really you want to make that argument too? The man will be far richer than all of us combined in a few years to come. He might be broke now, because his dumb @.. had millions tied up in assets prior to committing his atrocities. It isn't like he had a series of "unfortunate events."

Some of you are truly amazing... equating zoos to dog fighting? Who can logically make this comparison?

Oh wait, he did his time in jail. I forgot. The law says he's a new man, his new coach does too, therefore, I should be a sheep too and follow the herd.

Who cares that he created Auschwitz for dogs. There just stupid dogs, furry little heathens. We humans own this Earth, it is ours, we can drive it into oblivion. Who cares? We own it, we're top Ape. Screw all the other sentient beings. Massive extinctions, continue forward - screw them zoos too, that's silly torture.

BTW your not alone GSXRBots, I agree completely with you.

Last note: There are worse problems in the world right now, you are right. Those problems are CREATED BY HUMANS. Thats an interesting thought, torture, decay, famine, destruction, hate, genocide, violence, all created BY HUMANS. You make your bed, you lie in it.

Well He DID pay his dues but why was he hired again ? Thatrs bull$@#@ ! My job doesn't hire felons why should the NFL
I agree, dogs are inferior to children in the hierarchy of life. But I also believe that every one of those pit bulls are superior to Vick. I would sooner put a bullet into Vick than I would allow a single one of those dogs to be abused.

I have never hunted, but I would like to. I have a pretty strict opinion on the subject which pretty much stems back thousands of years from our earliest inhabitants. Use what you kill. Killing is not a sport, it is a means to an end. Today, hunting has become a sport, I admit. But if we maintain the basic moral template of eating or processing what we kill, I am of the opinion that Mother Earth or God, or whatever standard judges us, will still see the sense of honor in our endeavors. If you eat meat, someone is killing your food for you. And to be honest, it's likely a much less humane manner than shooting a deer in their natural habitat.

Well said. I do hunt for sport but I eat what I kill, and don't like it when I see others hunting just for the sake of killing. P.S. I won't kill a deer just too amazing an animal (although one of those little bastids jumped right into my car one night and messed it ALL Up).
I do agree that what he did was sickening.....However, he did his time. He did the time that was given to him. I'm a dog owner and have a soft spot for dogs, but he admitted his mistakes, went to jail, and is still paying fines for what he did.

Child abuse and animal abuse are on 2 totally different levels of wrong.

With that said, he is, hands-down, playing the best football at the QB position in the NFL right now.

You're going to compare him to OJ? Really? OJ has had multiple offenses that he's skated on and he finally got caught with over-whelming evidence on the last one.
I agree, leave your feelings about him at home and let him earn his living. I too am a dog lover and I am over it..... People make mistakes, it was a big one but he PAID for it. OJ is another story, got away with murder but that's another story like I said. Let the man play football and leave it at that. We shouldn't really judge him on the feild for what he has already PAID for. Let sleeping dogs lie.... You know what I mean.
"Do I support Vick, no. Did I like him before his jailtime, no. However, the man did pay his debt to society.....as he was sentenced. Time served, fines paid...I do support his right to try and make a living, to try and get a life back on track."

There in lies the problem. His debt wasnt to society. His debt is to the dam dogs he mutilated tortured and killed. He hasnt oayed his debt to them. So what if the frickin humane society collected and continues to collect. I volunteered there for numerous years and i can tell you right now that money isnt going to the animals as much as its going to advertising and peoples pockets. His debt to the animals can never be paid, as long as he is alive. Reason being he can only die once. He deserves way worse.
"Do I support Vick, no. Did I like him before his jailtime, no. However, the man did pay his debt to society.....as he was sentenced. Time served, fines paid...I do support his right to try and make a living, to try and get a life back on track."

There in lies the problem. His debt wasnt to society. His debt is to the dam dogs he mutilated tortured and killed. He hasnt oayed his debt to them. So what if the frickin humane society collected and continues to collect. I volunteered there for numerous years and i can tell you right now that money isnt going to the animals as much as its going to advertising and peoples pockets. His debt to the animals can never be paid, as long as he is alive. Reason being he can only die once. He deserves way worse.

sorry, but dogs are property.