I'm sick to my stomach - Michael Vick

sorry, but dogs are property.

if dogs are property then what was the big deal with him killing and destroying his "property"? last time i checked i could do what ever i liked with my property as long as i didnt hurt anyone doing it.

Thats about the stupidest excuse i have ever heard.:banghead: It breathes its alive hmmm....maybe you could be property as well? if so would that justify me pimping you out, slapping you around for not listening, then killing you when you bored me? I highly doubt it. I like to think we have evolved quite a bit since that was allowed and legal. Apparently some of the human race hasnt.
whats sad is nobody would have heard about this or cared about this if it wasnt a celebrity, how many people here outraged actually do any work for animal rights, if anyone was informed on how things really are with animals they wouldnt eat them or realise how much this is blown out of proportion. you cant pick and choose which animals are too cute for abuse then not care how your food makes it to your plate.

the simple fact is that he is doing good now, makes everyone want to hate him even more shows the jealousy and maturity of america. everyone has to have something to be mad about, i guess real problems in out country can take a back seat to easy targets like vick. thats what the media knows you want and thats what they give you, thats why things like this are headlines. people cant handle truth so they spoonfeed you things to be mad about.
whats sad is nobody would have heard about this or cared about this if it wasnt a celebrity, how many people here outraged actually do any work for animal rights, if anyone was informed on how things really are with animals they wouldnt eat them or realise how much this is blown out of proportion. you cant pick and choose which animals are too cute for abuse then not care how your food makes it to your plate.

the simple fact is that he is doing good now, makes everyone want to hate him even more shows the jealousy and maturity of america. everyone has to have something to be mad about, i guess real problems in out country can take a back seat to easy targets like vick. thats what the media knows you want and thats what they give you, thats why things like this are headlines. people cant handle truth so they spoonfeed you things to be mad about.

Wow, you are right. Nailed it on the head. I am jealous.That is the reason I think this POS should've been taken behind the barn and shot. Because I am soooo jealous...

Good luck talking with Afterhours, I have learned that man has something wrong in his brain. Your dogs might be "property" like your car or your bike, treat my dog like that and you have another thing comin'. Just sayin....

BTW: You are right, SOME, SOME, places that slaughter animals for food are horribly inhumane. Places like KFC, this has been brought to the public's attention and some of these issues are being addressed. "Mature America," however, has decided not to boycot these establishments. Mind you, us immature, jealous individuals, that have boycotted these for-profit industires obviously haven't hurt their coffers. Stupid rich white bastard, I don't care that "the colonel" has been inhumane, I only care that the company is rich. I can't fool you though.
sorry, but dogs are property.

How do you explain laws against animal cruelty? If dog are just "property" then the society would have no reason to legislate their safety.

whats sad is nobody would have heard about this or cared about this if it wasnt a celebrity, how many people here outraged actually do any work for animal rights, if anyone was informed on how things really are with animals they wouldnt eat them or realise how much this is blown out of proportion. you cant pick and choose which animals are too cute for abuse then not care how your food makes it to your plate.

So because we don't have the time to volunteer at an animal rescue facility, we are unworthy to make observations? I donate to the SPCA, I have two dogs which were rescues and I have done some minor activism work on behalf of large cats. I'm not sure you're in a position to tell anyone that they have no right to speak out against these things just because they have never donated their time in the past.

the simple fact is that he is doing good now, makes everyone want to hate him even more shows the jealousy and maturity of america. everyone has to have something to be mad about, i guess real problems in out country can take a back seat to easy targets like vick. thats what the media knows you want and thats what they give you, thats why things like this are headlines. people cant handle truth so they spoonfeed you things to be mad about.
Jealousy? I don't envy a man that has a mental illness. Would I like to have his income, sure. But jealous? No. As for maturity, it's ad hominem insults like this that really make me wonder why you even comment. Maturity is the quality that is lacking in a 27 year old man that beats, strangles and drowns dogs for the pure pleasure that it beings to his psyche. Maturity does not come from overlooking the ills of human behavior.
Interesting debate. This thread reveals deep seated views with a wide array of responses. I think we all agree that Vick's actions were beyond reprehensible. Canine's are the most noble of all animals in my opinion. I shudder to think what I would do if someone tried to hurt my moo-moo Maximus.
I would like to address the issue of redemption. Is it possible to be redeemed after such a horrific deed? Please take religion, no matter what varitety you practice or don't practice, out of this discussion and think of it more along the lines of what is philosophically acceptable in society. In my opinion there should be a way for a person who has done horrible things to recover and become part of society again if they meet the sentencing handed down by the adjudicated process. Michael Vick has met all of the sentencing requirements handed down by the Judge. The Judge did not creat special circumstances for Mr Vick. He followed the conscripts of the law written in that state. Did it help that Mr. Vick could assemble an expensive legal team? With out a doubt.
By all accounts Mr. Vick, even by his own peers who know him personally, is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Too much money, too little education, hangin with the wrong crowd who were all hanger ons. He acknowledged his mess. Perhaps the loss of image, vast sums of money, and prison time has led him to believe in the sanctity of life. It all could be a major P.R. coupe.
I, for one, would like to believe that Mr. Vick will never return to this demonic behavior. I believe that all human beings deserve a second chance if they are willing to look at their behavior and mend their ways. Most men make some pretty big mistakes in their lives. Are any of us without flaws? Only in the perspective of time will we know if Mr. Vick will stay the course.
He is just another brick in the wall of humanity...we all are for goodness's sake. Mr. Vick has a stain on his reputation that will never be able to be removed. However, it does not mean that he should be taken out and be shot. There isn't a person on here who loves their dog more than I love mine. But redemption, Gentlemen, is a very necessary part of all societies. It doesn't mean Mr Vick has to be on my Christmas card list. I wish him well and hope that he learned something that will serve him well in this life.
When will we abolish the cruel sport of bull-fighting...is that not just as cruel a death?
if vick was penniless outside of prison working to get by after his sentence everyone would say serves him right. but hes not, hes doing well everyone hates the fact he is doing well that is jealousy.

the maturity i was referring to was not an insult directed at anyone person, but at the fact that this is the type of news and outrage we choose to dwell on. celebrity related.

what is his mental illness, does that mean because his morals are different than yours hes mentally ill?

you can make all the observations you want, i just find comedy in the battles we pick to fight.
Wow, you are right. Nailed it on the head. I am jealous.That is the reason I think this POS should've been taken behind the barn and shot. Because I am soooo jealous...

Good luck talking with Afterhours, I have learned that man has something wrong in his brain. Your dogs might be "property" like your car or your bike, treat my dog like that and you have another thing comin'. Just sayin....

BTW: You are right, SOME, SOME, places that slaughter animals for food are horribly inhumane. Places like KFC, this has been brought to the public's attention and some of these issues are being addressed. "Mature America," however, has decided not to boycot these establishments. Mind you, us immature, jealous individuals, that have boycotted these for-profit industires obviously haven't hurt their coffers. Stupid rich white bastard, I don't care that "the colonel" has been inhumane, I only care that the company is rich. I can't fool you though.

if you arent any of these things the why so offended? if hearing that vick electrocuted, drowned, and forcefully bred these animals is that offensive your problem is bigger than kfc or whatever chain of your choice but the entire meat market. unless you buy privatised farm raised animals and have them butchered you really dont know the circumstances your food was killed, raised, bred in. just go to youtube or google and type in slaughterhouse. thers plenty of docs, videos and etc to show, just none that are .org approved.
Do you really find torture and murder of dogs to be a simple notch in the sliding scale of morality? So this behavior is normal? You seem to imply this by stating that we share different morals. As if he had any.
Do you really find torture and murder of dogs to be a simple notch in the sliding scale of morality? So this behavior is normal? You seem to imply this by stating that we share different morals. As if he had any.

what you find torture and murder is a sport to him is what im getting at. its not mental illness is poor character. there are several places in the world that even more cruel behavior exists, is it mental illness or poor foundations that allows it to go on. sometimes behavior you are raised around or overly exposed to becomes normal and it takes something jarring to break you from it and realise the faults in it. even the sickest things can become normal if they are in your everday life. there is proof of that all around the world.
I do agree that what he did was sickening.....However, he did his time. He did the time that was given to him. I'm a dog owner and have a soft spot for dogs, but he admitted his mistakes, went to jail, and is still paying fines for what he did.

Child abuse and animal abuse are on 2 totally different levels of wrong.

With that said, he is, hands-down, playing the best football at the QB position in the NFL right now.

You're going to compare him to OJ? Really? OJ has had multiple offenses that he's skated on and he finally got caught with over-whelming evidence on the last one.

I agree 100%! The man did his time. The way he's playing football he deserves to go to the pro bowl whether we think so or not.
if dogs are property then what was the big deal with him killing and destroying his "property"? last time i checked i could do what ever i liked with my property as long as i didnt hurt anyone doing it.

Thats about the stupidest excuse i have ever heard.:banghead: It breathes its alive hmmm....maybe you could be property as well? if so would that justify me pimping you out, slapping you around for not listening, then killing you when you bored me? I highly doubt it. I like to think we have evolved quite a bit since that was allowed and legal. Apparently some of the human race hasnt.

2 count'em 2 thumbs up.:thumbsup:

what you find torture and murder is a sport to him is what im getting at. its not mental illness is poor character. there are several places in the world that even more cruel behavior exists, is it mental illness or poor foundations that allows it to go on. sometimes behavior you are raised around or overly exposed to becomes normal and it takes something jarring to break you from it and realise the faults in it. even the sickest things can become normal if they are in your everday life. there is proof of that all around the world.

I thnk you're confusing eating dog in places around the world with the abuse of dogs. Where is dog abuse considered normal? Even in Sakhon Nakhon, the dog meat capital of the world, abuse is not considered normal. Yes, they treat dogs much in the way that we treat cows, but that's not to say that they beat their heads into the ground repeatedly and drown and beat them. I'm sure, as with any food source, they use the most economical and efficient tools at their disposal. Yes it digusts me and yes I find it very sad, but that's where my sliding scale of morality comes to a full stop. Once you beat and murder (note:not kill, murder) a dog, you have left the plain of human evolution and become something of a caveman. So sure, I can let go of the "illness" moniker and just refere to him as a caveman. Perhaps that's more fitting.
Interesting debate. This thread reveals deep seated views with a wide array of responses. I think we all agree that Vick's actions were beyond reprehensible. Canine's are the most noble of all animals in my opinion. I shudder to think what I would do if someone tried to hurt my moo-moo Maximus.
I would like to address the issue of redemption. Is it possible to be redeemed after such a horrific deed? Please take religion, no matter what varitety you practice or don't practice, out of this discussion and think of it more along the lines of what is philosophically acceptable in society. In my opinion there should be a way for a person who has done horrible things to recover and become part of society again if they meet the sentencing handed down by the adjudicated process. Michael Vick has met all of the sentencing requirements handed down by the Judge. The Judge did not creat special circumstances for Mr Vick. He followed the conscripts of the law written in that state. Did it help that Mr. Vick could assemble an expensive legal team? With out a doubt.
By all accounts Mr. Vick, even by his own peers who know him personally, is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Too much money, too little education, hangin with the wrong crowd who were all hanger ons. He acknowledged his mess. Perhaps the loss of image, vast sums of money, and prison time has led him to believe in the sanctity of life. It all could be a major P.R. coupe.
I, for one, would like to believe that Mr. Vick will never return to this demonic behavior. I believe that all human beings deserve a second chance if they are willing to look at their behavior and mend their ways. Most men make some pretty big mistakes in their lives. Are any of us without flaws? Only in the perspective of time will we know if Mr. Vick will stay the course.
He is just another brick in the wall of humanity...we all are for goodness's sake. Mr. Vick has a stain on his reputation that will never be able to be removed. However, it does not mean that he should be taken out and be shot. There isn't a person on here who loves their dog more than I love mine. But redemption, Gentlemen, is a very necessary part of all societies. It doesn't mean Mr Vick has to be on my Christmas card list. I wish him well and hope that he learned something that will serve him well in this life.
When will we abolish the cruel sport of bull-fighting...is that not just as cruel a death?

Well thought out post 2hip. The issue is - some people cannot be redeemed because what they did is due to a mental illness. People that molest or rape children are one such example. We have tried to reform these people and let them go, unfortunately, they are ranked very high on the repeat offenders list. Certain crimes are committed, not because a person made an error in judgement, but because there is a fundamental flaw within that person. Most people would agree that sympathy and empathy are human traits, a person without these traits has something wrong inside. There is also a reason that bull fighting is illegal in this country. That brings an interesting point though, we humans are very malleable. Some people who have grown up with dog fighting, like bull fighting, say "meh, who cares." People who grew up during slavery probably said the same thing. However, as we continue to advance as a civilization, we realize that this is not the correct answer. We grow as we learn.

Antisocial personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if you arent any of these things the why so offended? if hearing that vick electrocuted, drowned, and forcefully bred these animals is that offensive your problem is bigger than kfc or whatever chain of your choice but the entire meat market. unless you buy privatised farm raised animals and have them butchered you really dont know the circumstances your food was killed, raised, bred in. just go to youtube or google and type in slaughterhouse. thers plenty of docs, videos and etc to show, just none that are .org approved.

Because you referred to everyone as jealous etc etc. That is called stereotyping and unfortunately a stereotype without any factual grounds to base it upon.

You do realize that there are laws in place that state how cattle can be slaughtered and housed right? Yes, there are going to be those individuals that do not follow the rules. This is true with everything, however, that does not mean that every person within the industry is as inhumane. Does that mean that these animals are living the high life however? Of course not, but unfortunately this is a necessary evil within humanity. Unless you would rather have us revert to hunter/gathering. Not to mention, there is a fundamental difference between the maltreatment of livestock for food and prosperity and the torture of a dog for pleasure.

I think some of you fail to realize that there is a hierarchy WITHIN the brain. What this means is that certain animals have more desires, needs for things, than others. For example:

A snake needs heat, a hiding place, and food. This snake is a happy snake. This is not the treatment that a puppy needs, this puppy will suffer. This has to do with the structure/development of the brain. You cannot compare a chicken with a puppy, this is apples to watermelons comparison. Each animal needs to have its basic needs met.
redemption, is reserved for only those that we like.

its ok to kill animals for sport, but not the ones we like.

the hypocrisy of the board never ceases to amaze me, that steak you just ate...was once a living breathing being....that fried chicken you loved was minding own business until it was murdered to feed you. People lots of money to get licenses to go out and murder innocent animals running around in the wilderness minding thier own business, for the pleasure of it.

why is sport hunting any different from what Vick did. Atleast in a dogfighting, both dogs have a chance, one dog is not armed with a rifle. How fair is it to blast a hole in a buck fromm 65yds?

we eat animals, we use thier hides for clothing and we don't even think about it....We do it for sport, and pleasure....

some of you can love your dogs more than people, you can insult others that do not feel the same way. It is however hypocritical to love one animal, while supporting the wholesale slaughter for sport of others.

PS: you call Vick a monster, say he has something wrong with the way he thinks because can harm a dog....Well, there is also something wrong with you if cannot see the difference between humans and animals. If in your eyes a dog is the same as a person,perhaps you also need to seek medical help.
Id be more worried about running in to some of you people putting children and dogs on the same level than running in to Vick smh...and everybody saying that he got off easy because of his celebrity is giving too much credit to the justice system, one of my neighbors here in Atlanta got caught organizing dog fights and all he got was a hefty fine and probation; so in reality, his celebrity is what screwed him in the long run because he's suppose to be a role model and be raising our kids...
Posted via Mobile Device
redemption, is reserved for only those that we like.

its ok to kill animals for sport, but not the ones we like.

the hypocrisy of the board never ceases to amaze me, that steak you just ate...was once a living breathing being....that fried chicken you loved was minding own business until it was murdered to feed you. People lots of money to get licenses to go out and murder innocent animals running around in the wilderness minding thier own business, for the pleasure of it.

why is sport hunting any different from what Vick did. Atleast in a dogfighting, both dogs have a chance, one dog is not armed with a rifle. How fair is it to blast a hole in a buck fromm 65yds?

we eat animals, we use thier hides for clothing and we don't even think about it....We do it for sport, and pleasure....

some of you can love your dogs more than people, you can insult others that do not feel the same way. It is however hypocritical to love one animal, while supporting the wholesale slaughter for sport of others.

PS: you call Vick a monster, say he has something wrong with the way he thinks because can harm a dog....Well, there is also something wrong with you if cannot see the difference between humans and animals. If in your eyes a dog is the same as a person,perhaps you also need to seek medical help.

the hypocrisy of the board never ceases to amaze me, that steak you just ate...was once a living breathing being....that fried chicken you loved was minding own business until it was murdered to feed you. People lots of money to get licenses to go out and murder innocent animals running around in the wilderness minding thier own business, for the pleasure of it.

Either you're ignoring my posts or you simply aren't reading them. Can you not discern the difference between killing and murdering? Deer are killed, be it for sport or food. These dogs were abused, then murdered. And that's putting it mildly. Beaten, drowned, shot, smacked, kicked, choked, etc. I'm uncertain how you can equate that to hunting, which is almost always a rather speedy process. I have never known a hunter to wound a deer than beat it senseless with with a rock, have you?

some of you can love your dogs more than people, you can insult others that do not feel the same way. It is however hypocritical to love one animal, while supporting the wholesale slaughter for sport of others.
No it's not. It is commonly accepted that domesticated animals are held to a higher standard by the general public. There's also the condition of mental capacity, which dogs rank fairly high. Their capacity for fear and pain are very well documented. Deer and birds do not have such emotional range.

PS: you call Vick a monster, say he has something wrong with the way he thinks because can harm a dog....Well, there is also something wrong with you if cannot see the difference between humans and animals. If in your eyes a dog is the same as a person,perhaps you also need to seek medical help.
If you'll give me your address, I'll let your neighbors know that any missing pets are likely buried in your back yard. :whistle:
Dear Vonderbach, I know what your problem is exactly. You had a German Shephard..and I have one too. Guys..once you've had a German Shephard you can no longer think of a dog as just being a dog...nor can you think of them as just a pet. They are the most noble of all of God's creations in my opinion...Please, Gentlemen, don't make it personal in our debates...If you have never known the love of a German Shephard you have no idea how strong your opionion would be of those who cruelly do harm to a dog. I could spend every minute of my life with a German Shephard and feel that my time was well spent. Vonderbach lost his boy last year I think..Can you post up your picture again of your boy standing outside the slider with a sprinkling of snow on his nose?
We all agree that Mr Vick's actions were reprehensible. We may not all agree as to how he was punished..whether he should be allowed to be a productive part of society..are dogs to be held on the same scale of worth as a human being...I can't remember the famous person who said it...but he said when I die I want to go to the place where dogs go after they die...You will never find a truer friend than your dog...and why someone would hurt such a fine friend ...I can't even begin to comprehend...allow Mr Vick his chance at redemption...maybe even begrudgingly...if he's a changed man he will walk upright before society the rest of the days of his life...if he fatally flawed some sort of disquieting behavior will return and be exposed...and even I would not allow him another shot...