New Florida Motorcycle laws-Effective 01 Oct, 2008

What is considered a Improperly displayed tag??

This is very vague, it could be a plate just leaning a little, it could be a non stock mount, it could be a plate mounted any way but horizontal, it could be a partially covered plate such as up to high on the rear fender. anything a police officer feels like writing up.
The other "old fart forums" I visit are all singing praise for the new law. Yippie! About time, safer roads etc.

It should come as no surprise to any of us here. The azzclowns on sport bikes will eventually seal it for everyone and in every state.

Add to that the politicians will sing "look what I did for you!"

those laws are insane...

licence plate laws are probably in response to the cops getting ditched on a regular basis, but would they be able to enforce that on a bike registered in another state? MT requires 2 plates on cars but many states don't and I know that is not enforced up here on out of state autos
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those laws are insane...

licence plate laws are probably in response to the cops getting ditched on a regular basis, but would they be able to enforce that on a bike registered in another state? MT requires 2 plates on cars but many states don't and I know that is not enforced up here on out of state autos
The out of state thing really worries me. I know here it's legal to have them vertical or horizontal. If I got a 1k ticket for it in another state I will flip the bird and never come back.
Hmmm I think Florida should just stop all this crazy stuff. Change motorcycle licenses and have them be just like a fishing license or duck stamps..

State Residents pay $1000 a year for a motorcycle stamp, and out of state residents pay $1500 a month for the stamp and squash this new law. :sarcasm:

NOBODY in their right minds would want to travel on 2 wheels in Florida ever again..

$1000 for what a LEO can call a tag violation? What about what MY state considers a "Legal tag location"? I just can't see how that would hold up. But I guess I will never find out because the only way I am gonig to Florida now is if I am Ice Fishing off the Pacific Coast.. :whistle:
The enforcement is what really scares me too. My tags are entirely legal for my state and I had a cop with an attitude tell me he could write me a ticket for them... If there was a 1k fine attached to that I may go to jail for a felony....

These new rules seem a bit abusive but I understand the reaction to the bike rinding wannabees.

I hope that bit about bike week moving is true.... and they need to hear why.
I`d be running without tag at all. Less charges on that one. I`d put my tag in the hump and it stopped I can always explain that it broke off.

What pisses me off is discriminating nature of this law. Cages can do that but not bikes.

WTF? If I had to brake hard and my rear goes airborne for a sec? $1000.00 for that?

Bikers of Sunshine state should protest.
The actual bill makes for interesting reading. I should point out no one has mentioned the part of increased penalties for injuring or causing death to motorcyclists. Certainly could be better for us but it's sad they have to legislate riding a motorcycle facing FORWARD and sitting on the SEAT. ???
They must be having a huge problem down there to jack the penalties up like that. Maybe being a drug dealer would be safer:laugh:
I'm not worried about the new law. I'll never get a ticket for riding on the tank with my legs over the bars, riding facing backwards, riding on 1 wheel intentionally, trying to obscure my plate, etc...they run the tolls on the turnpike because they are to cheap to pay. It is a problem that is caused by a small segment of riders that all Florida riders are now paying the price for. :spank:

As far as speeding....while I have been over the posted speed limit maybe once, it's not something I normally do, 50+ over that is.....

edited: is instead of was. D'oh!
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I strongly suggest that if you're wondering whether or not your plate is "properly affixed," you immediately contact your state senator or representative's office, and ask them where you can go to have the determination made in advance, because you want to comply with the new law. And document it in writing.
Well, I'm crossing another state off the list of places I intend to visit, it now stands at Ohio and Florida.

Seriously though, don't many people who evade LEO's only do so because the potential consequences of getting caught aren't that much worse than the known consequence of pulling over and taking it? I know that I, for one wouldn't pull over just to hand them my liscence and take the cuffs. This thing they're trying in Florida, while possibly in the best intentions, has a huge potential for abuse, and will likely cause more fatalities from people trying to run from what are frankly, ridiculous penalties.

This is bad for several reasons; it sets a precedent for outrageous penalties, it will be abused by the powers that be, it will make bikers more of a target for LEO's and the media, and perhaps most importantly, people are going to get hurt or killed.
Out of state tags were mentioned earlier. FL has A LOT of military personnel who routinely do not have to register their cars where they are stationed (as long as it is registered in their home state). I wonder HOW they will handle the out of state tag issue? ???
Looks like the state has had enough of the BS street riding, the party's over, track days=cheaper :thumbsup:

It's a lot more than that. if a car has an illegally displayed tag he gets nothing If a biker has an illegally displayed tag he will be executed on site. And we all know that harley with a vertically displayed tag on his swingarm with out a license plate light won't get a second look. But the sportbikes will be shot on site.