I think the main point is being missed here... this is not how to "talk you way out" (ain't gonna happen), what is a legal tag hang, or about multi-jurisdictional enforcement..
This is all in response to "stunters" ,"crazy fast riders" and basically bike riders that seem to consider themselves above the law or a better judge of what is "safe" than everyone else in the world..
The smoke signals went off a couple years ago about this happening and it had no effect on the riders.. it only got worse..
I fully agree with knocking them (irresponsible riders or those who can not seem to figure out what safe is) off their bikes with fines, suspensions or a gun if needed... in the case of anyone under 21 or living at home? the parents should be held accountable as well.. (they empower junior to have the bike so may as well help pay the fines)
You , I and everyone else will be better off when the irresponsible riders are taken off 100+hp bikes.. (I am tired of all the deaths myself)
Enforcement is at the discretion of the officer writing the ticket and herein lies the problem.. arbitrary enforcement..
In any environment where you employ iron fisted tactics, abuse occurs.. not sometimes, but always.. Way to many power tripping LEO's out there that will just love this new policy..
Here is a case where the actions of a few have affected the many. "Hi, we realize you are a complete idiot and you should be using a pedal car but all the same, we feel it necessary to tell you to ride your bike facing forwards.."
You could get a LEO that has a problem with bikes and he writes you up for some left handed interpretation of the law.. Your odds of beating it? probably not very good.. You vs. Him and the "him" usually wins.. even if you win, it is going to cost you plenty I am sure...
What (at least in my opinion) needs done is a place for guys to play their silly games on bikes.. no it wont stop them all but it at least puts a place on the map where "responsible" talented riders could do their thing in relative safety..
The sad part is the same azzhat that rides his bike backwards going down the freeway will sue anyone or place he falls off his bike.. (not hard to do with an IQ of 33)
No easy answers but some awful hard penalties..
I have spent 40+ years on bikes without a ticket (knock knock) and without getting thrown off a street bike (dirt bikes another story).. And it is not that I do not speed, I can run with the best of them, but I do it in places that are off the beaten path and "relatively" safe..
I disagree with the law but I fully agree with the motive behind it..
I will stay out of FL myself just on the chance I get one of the LEO's with an attitude...