New Florida Motorcycle laws-Effective 01 Oct, 2008

Same shid happened in Denver last year when you have to have factory exhaust on all bikes, marked appropriately. Cars/Trucks don`t have to comply.

I never heard of anyone getting ticket for violation of that law.

They don`t have to make new laws to enforce reckless riding, there is already too many laws on that subject.

AMA should protest this law, I`m paying my membership fees for such reasons.

I`m sick and tired of stupid laws.
Way out of hand for tag placement in my opinion. I don't see how that could be considered a moving violation since you don't have to be moving to be in violation. Someone drank the bong water!! I think they would be hard pressed to enforce the tag placement as a moving violation. The other stuff which tends to be on the squid'ey side, well, not much to do about that. The tag placement though.... :wtf:
I think this has to do with guys that obscure/hide or otherwise make the tag hard if not impossible to read... (cant hunt me down if you can not read it)..

FL also had to ban "flip tags" (like there is a legitimate use for them)

It is illegal to put any kind of cover (clear or otherwise) in Indiana, but the only guys I have seen hassled are bikes.. cars have some tinted covers you can not see through even... talk about selective enforcement..

again this is more about what they are trying to fix, rather than regulate.. the problem is the uneven enforcement over looks the obvious reasons for the tough penalties..

It was a treat to meet with the 4 State Motor division heads at Eureka Springs this year.. (OK, AR, MO, and KS) where they allowed .oRg members to see what is going on in their states and try to find solutions to the issues.. Even they would agree that the FL law is not likely to work very well BUT, what other options are there?
IF the bike riders are not going to "self enforce" or provide the peer pressure to correct the issues, the state is left with little else in the tool bag..

Either the riders fix it, or the state will try..
Mr. Bogus, I see your point and understand them trying to fix the problem. What gets me is the fines and to classify it as a moving violation. Here in Texas, a law was passed that made license plate frames illeagle because they covered areas of the plate. I don't agree, but understood, and it isn't a moving violation. I think the same should apply to bikes. The plate should be visable, if yours is not, then you get a ticket. Again, I don't agree, but it's not a moving violation and not left up the the discression of the Leo's. The way I read FL law, it could be interpreted various ways by the Leo. I think there are other ways to address the tag problem then what they are doing.

Also, I agree, I have yet to find a legal use for flip tags.
Being a Floridian the Plate Fine is way out of hand. 1k for first offense? $250 would of been more in line and make it for all vehicles on the road not just Motorcycles. We have people with plate on cars tucked behind the rear windows and such. I understand the motive for this,but the 1st offense penalty don't have to be so harsh. However there are a lot of tags on bikes that are a pain to read from their angle they sit and such. Seen lots pointed towards the sky due to how they fastened the bracket to the aftermarket undertail. Sure hope they approach this nicely and issue a few warnings giving the riders chance to correct this. Just to get the word out for the new law in effect. I'm not holding my breathe though.

The police are going to have a field day with this. My plate is lit up,but not in stock location. Horizontal to road even. But I now worry about some "Honest" cop on a bad hair day ticketing me for my tag. For he thinks it's not proper?


This has got to be the most remidial crap i have ever seen. Punish everyone for the recklessness of a few. I hope some one dose something cuz this is crazy. ...yea yall are really off the chain...
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I'm confused. Why is it that the initial reaction is to be pissed because you can no longer break the law without costing yourself an arm and a leg? The laws haven't changed, just the penalties.

Why not just comply with the law and avoid the penalties?


I agree with you, but the tag thing is ridiculous.... Was just at bike shop and a guy there was at Fort Myers Beach Thursday at a bike get together. The police blocked the entrance and exit and issued 50 violations of improperly displayed tags..... This BS.........
I can't wait to follow a suite against all the companies that make tag locators that aren't within the FL guidleins for legality. Companies better start including a waiver with all their parts (not for public road use, race only).

Oh yea, and Florida... :moon: for ya'
As in another post, it occurs to me that for all this "legislation" Florida is a state that does not require insurance on a motorcycle... now how many of these losers can not afford insurance for the bikes they are causing all the trouble on? have you seen some of these POS on wheels?

If you gotta insure it, you are likely going to want to protect your license a bit harder....
I would put all the blame on these guys . :whistle:

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Ok which part of the "I disagree with the law but I fully agree with the motive behind it.." did you not get?

(those videos are a dynamic page of YouTube searches and change as you tube changes, and there are literally thousands of videos on that link)

$HIT MAN...... MY BAD BRO, i didnt see that in your post :banghead: i guess i needed a couple more cups of :coffee: :laugh: anyways im sorry :bowdown:
this comes per an email that a friend of mine sent me:

Title XXIII, Chapter 320

320.39 Reciprocal agreements for nonresident exemption.--

(1) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may negotiate and consummate with the proper authorities of the several states of the United States or any foreign country reciprocal agreements whereby residents of such other states or foreign country operating motor vehicles properly licensed and registered in their respective states or foreign country may have such privileges and exemption in the operation of their motor vehicles in this state as residents of this state whose vehicles are properly registered in this state may have and enjoy in the operation of their motor vehicles in such other states or foreign country. However, nothing herein may be construed to relieve any motor vehicle owner or operator from complying with and abiding by all other applicable laws and rules relating to safety of operation of motor vehicles and the preservation of the highways of this state. In the making of such reciprocal agreements, such departments shall have due regard for the benefits to be achieved for and the convenience of motor vehicle owners and the citizens of this state.

(2) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized to continue membership in the International Registration Plan, a reciprocal agreement among the states and the provinces of Canada which provides for proportional payment of license fees.

(3) No such reciprocal agreement consummated by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may become effective until approved by the Governor; and all such reciprocal agreements shall be made subject to cancellation at any time by the Legislature.

(4) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall give proper publicity to the terms of every such reciprocal agreement.

All we care about is (1). According to 320.39 (1), if you are legal in your state, you are legal in Florida, in as such that you are in Florida on a temporary basis (i.e. vacation, business travel, etc.) and not traveling to Florida to become a permanent resident.

Ok, for you fellow Alabama riders here is our statute:

Section 32-6-51

Rear tags required.

Every motor vehicle operator who operates a motor vehicle upon any city street or other public highway of or in this state shall at all times keep attached and plainly visible on the rear end of such motor vehicle a license tag or license plate as prescribed and furnished by the Department of Revenue at the time the owner or operator purchases his license.

Anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punished by fine not exceeding $500.00 and, in addition thereto, shall be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle in Alabama for a period of not less than 60 days nor more than six months.

(Acts 1935, No. 512, p. 1100; Acts 1936-37, Ex. Sess., No. 31, p. 28; Code 1940, T. 36, §75; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 2085, §§1, 3.)

Nowhere does it state the tag must be horizontal. In Alabama according to the statute, vertical tags are legal. Actually, according to the way it is written, upside down is legal. The section concerning tags is Alabama Admin Code Section 32 Chapter 6, Article 2, Division 1, Division 1. (Yes that is Division 1 twice).

posted to help other's "get all learned up" before traveling...
Great info Spectre! Was curious on that, and now that I have an answer I will still not be going to FL!

:moon: to FL
This presents a golden opportunity to adjoining states with beautiful weather and beach front however....

Host all the bike events that Florida could give a *&%! about...

The towns like Daytona forget about what kept them going in hard times. It got to be where they would stop all traffic at the turn-around-spots and issue tickets for loud pipes, high bars and dangerious riding @ 10 miles per hour. I lived in Miami while consulting for about 1 1/2 years enjoyed riding my bikes in the winter up and down the coasts. Based on the new law I would be in jail already adn not even trying. It is hard to keep the fron end down on a 350hp stock lenght Busa. Oh well like you said NC TN here we come.