Russia and Ukraine

How smart would it be for anybody to nuke anyone...especially your nextdoor neighbor?
The whole Fukashima reactor meltdown seemed to get swept under the rug pretty well; but isn't fallout from nuclear weapons a realistic concern for anyone?
I think you'll find the prevailing wind blows away from Russia....

The fallout from nuclear weapons is what mops up anything alive afterwards so yep its a major concern.
it may change when Russia's economy goes into freefall, today its stock market was closed, Ruble fell another 20% ... going to get far worse once closing SWIFT starts impinging
I suppose Russia will turn off the gas that feeds alot of the EU ?

Russia are a resilient bunch , the people in charge through out the ages dont seem to mind dealing a bit of hurt on there own , Russians wont like it but they can will deal with it again...
I was looking at an article on line where people from Canada were planning on going to join the "international brigade" and fight for Ukraine....all of the people who were featured in the article had zero military or police experience and very limited experience with weapons...

Talk about a suicidal death wish....their first encounter with a Spetnaz soldier will be an interesting one. Even the Russian conscripts are far better prepared than these volunteers could ever be.

My wife said I should go.....that's love for you.....
I was looking at an article on line where people from Canada were planning on going to join the "international brigade" and fight for Ukraine....all of the people who were featured in the article had zero military or police experience and very limited experience with weapons...

Talk about a suicidal death wish....their first encounter with a Spetnaz soldier will be an interesting one. Even the Russian conscripts are far better prepared than these volunteers could ever be.

My wife said I should go.....that's love for you.....

Isn’t there a black ops ‘advisory’ position for you over there?
Kills me! Obama was on NATO members to pay up long before Trump was even running for president. Trump makes a big show out of it when they were already increasing their payments.
If that is true then show us your sources... I remember Obama as the guy that went around to foreign countries apologizing for American exceptionalism and bowing to the Sheiks in the ME as if we were not the cash cow buyers of ME oil and making them rich. Would you like pictures of Obama?

All I can say is Lets go Brandon! Reopen the federal lands for drilling, fracking, and producing American oil and gas. Finish the XL Keystone pipeline and other pipelines and become oil independent and then create wealth for America by selling oil overseas to China and whomever else wants it. When we produce our own oil the world becomes a safer place because the dependency on foreign oil become a non issue... The more I think about the fallout from 9-11 with the invasion of Iraq the more I realize how the control of oil resources has directly affected the world comes down to who gets to sell their own oil.

One more point as a side note... The Permian Basin oil field in Texas is the one of the oldest and largest reserves in our country that was all but drilled up and dead, depleted and gone forever. Guess what happened to that oilfield as fracking and directional drilling technology improved? The Permian basin is doing very nicely these days by producing oil the older technologies could not retrieve. America is blessed to have the oil and gas reserves it has until the energy bridge to an electrified world that is much cleaner is firmly established... we aren't there yet... but... eventually it will happen. So... when we get there... how do we recycle all of those highly toxic worn out lithium batteries? Maybe the 6.5 billion dollar Yucca Mountain storage facility that sits empty will finally have a purpose.
These are just a few. I notice that tin-hatters tend to miss the obvious and then go on creating history based on fantasy facts. Not sure how you could have missed this, it was well covered after Trump made a total arse of himself at the NATO summit.

Kills me! Obama was on NATO members to pay up long before Trump was even running for president. Trump makes a big show out of it when they were already increasing their payments.
My Busa is faster than yours, just suck it up bro.
These are just a few. I notice that tin-hatters tend to miss the obvious and then go on creating history based on fantasy facts. Not sure how you could have missed this, it was well covered after Trump made a total arse of himself at the NATO summit.

Ukraine situation has finally made German commit to spending 2% GDP on NATO ..announced over the weekend, and they will now send Armaments
Sadly, innocents are always killed as collateral damage when soldiers are fighting soldiers but I wonder how the Russian soldiers feel about intentionally killing innocents with their air strikes and ground assaults on civilians who aren’t enemy combatants? Not since Hitler’s invasion before and during WW2 has the world seen such brazen and unwarranted attacks on innocents. Putin should be taken out now just like Hitler should’ve been early on.
it appears civilians are now targets with bombs, Putin is holed up maybe he's got a price on his head he knows about
These are just a few. I notice that tin-hatters tend to miss the obvious and then go on creating history based on fantasy facts. Not sure how you could have missed this, it was well covered after Trump made a total arse of himself at the NATO summit.

CNBC? NYTs? These two sources have been caught lying and smearing the truth about the former president for how many times and for how long? Russia, Russia, Russia! Impeach, Impeach, Impeach for a phone call... meanwhile... Hunter and the Big Guy make millions off of a loan guarantee and other political graft... and Sleepy Joe brags about it as the VP under Obama. Is Hunter still managing billions for the Bank of China? Sleepy Joe said Hunter is the smartest guy he knows.

I don't support Putin or anybody that supports him... I only support Trump on certain issues like our border security and energy management with oil and gas. I didn't see Trump calling for the invasion of Iraq after 9-11, did you? The Patriot Act was and still is a direct threat to our privacy as clearly spelled out in the 4th Amendment. What party went after our freedoms? Both of them... and that is why its a bitter pill to swallow to support either party completely. They actually work together at times to enforce the tyrannical edicts that seem to never end. Al least the scamdemic is coming to an end with all this front page news which is a sad commentary on the state of the world we live in.

Step back for a moment and learn the history of Russia and the Eastern European nations as well as the ME.
I was looking at an article on line where people from Canada were planning on going to join the "international brigade" and fight for Ukraine....all of the people who were featured in the article had zero military or police experience and very limited experience with weapons...

Talk about a suicidal death wish....their first encounter with a Spetnaz soldier will be an interesting one. Even the Russian conscripts are far better prepared than these volunteers could ever be.

My wife said I should go.....that's love for you.....
Mine called me out..
Bought me some Haribou already!
(British Army staple)
She is joking. I think, ha