So, here's the read from Central San Diego.
Lamb & I are meeting nearby our homes. We will proceed to Miramar to meet up with Double D and her friend, Leon.
From there, we'll take the twisty way Rice/Couser Canyons, etc., to Stagecoach to meet up with the group heading east from San Hot Capistrami (on pumpernickel) and Lake Elsinore.
Youz guys...Vinny, especially (radio)...if you've changed your c'box to 5/15 as previously discussed, I'll call out to you every five minutes or so starting about 10:15 to see where you guys are. All things going as planned, we'll be waiting at Stagecoach. Double D, Leon, Lamb, Scar.
As soon as we have radio contact, we'll gear up, then ya'llz don't have to stop...we'll just fall in line behind as you go busa-ing by.
Thoughts/comments on the foregoing?
Vinny: let me know if/when you've changed your radio... Thx.