Yep... Seems like they'll be at it on Ortega forever!Expect delays on Ortega......tons of road construction. Bring a magazine to read while you wait. I'll be waiting on the other side.
Well Charles, I got my new IT business started and things are slowly moving into place. We're mostly doing federal government jobs right now, but the private stuff it picking up as well.
I spent the past month roaming around Europe. I put the little one in a back pack and we hiked through 3 countries.
Very few sportbikes on the road over there. I only saw 1 bike on the auto-bahn in Germany. That's a great place for a busa but... not even one...
In Italy there were few bikes. The sportbikes I did see were mostly old models. Switzerland had a few, but again, not as many as I'd have liked. The weather wasn't bad, so it wasn't that keeping them inside, I just couldn't fugure it out.
It seems that only scooters are loved in Europe. Thousands of them everywhere. Many had roofs too!
Anyway, I'm in need of a long ride, so your timing is perfect!