Spring Bash ~ April 28-30

I would not have a problem paying between 5 & 10 $ to have this on a CD. If a few members that have laptops as 2quik mentioned brought them and burned the CDs Saturday night everyone could take one home with them and the task of one person burning them would not be such a burden. Just a thought. Like I said, whatever everyone else wants to do is fine with me.

This is going to be a great event. I cant wait.
I refuse to endager my busa (or myself) for the sake of just "keeping up".

I figured I had the 'ol lefty trick pegged
Hmmm not bad idea see about getting 2 for 150/hr. but with as many as we got could we get him for 2 hr should be plenty of time. That would be a great idea of contacting a magazine. Wish I had some idea how to do that hehe.
Who was the one that covered the fallen thing?
I would be thoroughly surprised if any rag would acknowldge our little get together....think of how often you see 50+ harleys all sitting around...(but most of them are usually awaiting a tow truck
) or just hanging out.
It would be kewl tho!
What about going the 2nd weekend of June with the SV riders? Last year there were prolly 200 of em at the gap.
He's my Biotch ya know....... Hahahaha J/K bronc3
Go gettum, kawboy!
Hey guys.... Took the cage on the Dragon yesterday...

Road conditions near the tree up to the State line are rough
but from there on its top notch.....   lot of loose gravel on
the NC side....   ##### the edges of the tires well though
saw a couple guys testin there skillz in the wet weather
on a Gixxer and a R1..... Also a Mazda miata runnin hard
Smelled the race fuel as he was screamin by.....

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perhaps we need another column added to the list of the attendance page....
"Paid for Pix"  

Since Warbaby is a "maybe" perhaps one of us that is more "financially commited" to this trip (vman1300?) can could use their paypal account to gather contributions and send copies of those names to the Bash page for an update.
I would fully expect everything from the group photo and some action shots to take 2 hours to complete.
Even at only 50 people ... 5 dollars would pay for both the photographer's time AND a 100pc pack of blank CDs... Whomever tallies the funds is going to also be willing to make the copies or arrange to have them made.
Adding another column to the chart is no problem at all if that's the way the consensus seems to go.

Ummm... I'm not on the Maybe List and am "financially committed" to two motels but... I have no desire to handle the money of other members. I'll just maintain the .
perhaps we need another column added to the list of the attendance page....
"Paid for Pix"  

Since Warbaby is a "maybe" perhaps one of us that is more "financially commited" to this trip (vman1300?) can could use their paypal account to gather contributions and send copies of those names to the Bash page for an update.
I would fully expect everything from the group photo and some action shots to take 2 hours to complete.
Even at only 50 people ... 5 dollars would pay for both the photographer's time AND a 100pc pack of blank CDs... Whomever tallies the funds is going to also be willing to make the copies or arrange to have them made.
Adding another column to the chart is no problem at all if that's the way the consensus seems to go.

Ummm... I'm not on the Maybe List and am "financially committed" to two motels but... I have no desire to handle the money of other members. I'll just maintain the .
I'll be up there takin pics of bronc3 and friends
just pm me w/ your info and I'll give you my cell
# to call me or meet me there... I'll git your pic
and just pay a couple of Dollors to cover the cost
of development and I'll mail ya your pic...
I just booked a room at the Phillips!!!

Got it for all three nights.

This should be interesting!

Yall wont be mad if I bring my Gold Wing too will ya???
Just my thoughts.....

We can get Darryl on 28 for 2 hrs on Saturday morning, maybe 9 to 11. Those that would like a few pics straffing on 28 can make a few runs early. I am always up and going by 8ish......

Then we can end up at the Dam on 28 for the group shot around 10:30 to 10:45.

For 2 hours we will be looking at $200, see I passed math in college

With 50 people only that will be a whopping $4, ok I used the calculator for that one

A single shot from Darryl is $5.00 plus shipping. I can see why Katanaplanet goes this route.

No need to paypal the $$$$ IMO. We are adults, here well most of us.....

What about a collection on Friday night?
not that it matters much but I'm in room 206

I think the pictures will be nice, but I'm concerned that with the current plan of a group ride, then picture at the dam, then continue the ride around Robbinsville back to the CROT, if Killboy is in the same spot for the one pass, he'll miss us.... maybe we can work something out where we string the line of bikes out fairly decently and he can get each bike, then after the group pic, he can run up the road and catch us again for a second round. even at $5 a person, thats about what his pics cost on his site, so if we could get 2 plus the group for each rider its a deal....otherwise just make a bunch of passes at the gap

Another thing we'll definitely need to figure out is getting some video coverage of the group ride. I know a few folks will have on board cameras, thinking maybe we can have vman spin through the group as we ride 28 from back to front with his cam going... then also have maybe non riding wifes/girlfriends stationed at a few select spots with camcorders rolling as we come past. thoughts?
If there is not enough decisive feedback from folks who are coming, we could just ask Darryl to do it his normal way (on Hwy. 28 within a certain window of time during the group ride) and we could do our own static group and personal shots at the dam.

How `bout it folks? Let's try to reach a decision so we can get Darryl committed one way or the other. Killboy
Lets give it a few days to get the general idea on what the group wants to go. I am sure I will buy a pic or two and we will deff come out cheaper to go with a set window of time.
My bad...I thought somewhere in the first 400 pages of this thread you said things were taking a turn with work, so you might be a maybe.......lol is was prolly someone else then.

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..... Also a Mazda miata runnin hard
Smelled the race fuel as he was screamin by.....
watch for a Miata with a plate that reads "BUSA 2" .....up there all the time.
no not me.
Busa 2
?? Kinda of an oxymoron isan't it

Miata / Busa..... Dosen't seem right......
nah...I thinkg the guy owns a Busa as well....just always want's to keep some part of it with him.
and it's a blue/silver Miata too....so you now that's the fastest color Miata as well.