Yes can deff take diff amount but he wanted to talk like a kid so I fished...
Keep fishing. Thats how you learn.
Yes can deff take diff amount but he wanted to talk like a kid so I fished...
No. When you test for leakage, how do you test for it?
I had to show my wife this hilarious post and how these go no where. Low and behold there's a reply from KofC.
Ok, you've got all weekend to look at your books to figure out and explain how you determined your bikes VE is 96%
I hope you'll be very clear in determining the Flow based from your pressure reading. FYI since we're talking an NA engine I guess you're going to try and explain it using the manifold absolute pressure sensor since there is no boost sensor.
Since I've already explained to you exactly how to test and derive the answer this shouldn't be to hard for you. After answering all of your numerous questions and playing along in your games no matter how irrelevant your question were to the topic of VE I still answered them. I hope you can show me enough respect by answering my original simple question.
To refresh you on what my question is, I wanted to simply know what method you used to determine your bikes 96% VE.
In plain english, what equipment and/or sensors did you use to record the actual true real world values.
For giggles I look at this thread again on Monday. I'm not going to answer any additional questions or teach you anything more. I simply will check to see if you've come up with a legitimate answer to my question.
Its really funny that everytime I get ole Toxicsprocket to talk himself into why a spraybar doesn't work better than fogging he don't want to play anymore. I knew you saw where I was going and figuered out I was right. Your silence tells on you patna. Its all good though. I'm going to leave you alone about it. My pm box tells me there are people who wants to know the truth.
NO! The reason why kingofnothing is because, just like alot of others on here i get tired of playing Jeopardy with you You talk in circles and just keep spinning things until you get a question you actually understand and can explain(im sure its because you cant find the correct page in your 101 books)! I KNOW FOR A FACT SPRAYBARS ARE SUPERIOR TO YOUR CRAP. Oh and BTW, i have a "few" PM's myself, there the one's that dont want to be quoted hypothetical theories and formulas that you can just google!
Listen. What started all this fueding was when Gixx and you made the comment that spraybars is the only way to do dry efficiently and I disagree and proved its not. You keep saying I'm quoting from books and your right. I give verifiable information that anybody can look up and aquire. All you keep saying is "it works" and you have no ideal how. When spraybars first were introduced on the market I bought them, tried them and found that they are not better than fogging a airbox. I showed you that my dry shot makes more hp than your spaybar with a smaller jet. Its all about setup and understanding. Its funny gixx doesn't post this stuff on psychobike cause he knows more than me will be picking him apart. He stays here where everyday joes who like dyno charts can praise him for doing a good job and don't do their homework. You would be surprised as to how many people on here actually agrees with me but just doesn't want to get tied into the bs. I'm going to just drop it cause I know your smart enough to see what I'm saying but just don't want to look like I proved you wrong or showed you something you really didn't think about thoroughly. I asked Gixx what was the difference between his wet kit and the one he put a picture up and he didn't answer. He wants to give half truths and promote spraybar propaganda cause the makes a living on this stuff built out of his backyard. So I'll just keep laughing and you keep cheerleading. But I will put this out, ANY stock motor busa with his spraybar got action against my 08 stock motor with my fogger kit pound for pound. Now lets see if he got the balls to take a lane and fing out the hard way.