What did you do to your other motorcycle today ?

Got my fender repaired and primed. Now to let it bake in the sun for a few days to harden up before wet sanding and painting.


Well it’s a good 5 footer. I messed up spraying when the temp was too hot outside. I could spend some more time wet sanding and buffing but I had a heck of a day and I was done. This morning our power went out a few min before I rode to coffee. Figured I get a cup then come back and hook up the generator. Well the bike didn’t start. Dumb me didn’t hook up the quick disconnect to the fuel tank. No bigge Hook up and go wash the gas off my hands. Get about 3 blocks from the house and I can still smell the fuel on my hands until I look down and fuel is spraying all over the motor from the hose. Stop reset hose about three time till it stopped. By this time I’m covered in fuel. Zip home get out hose and soap to get the fuel off the bike, change clothes and go get coffee. So goodby today, I’ll repeat another day.

Well it’s a good 5 footer. I messed up spraying when the temp was too hot outside. I could spend some more time wet sanding and buffing but I had a heck of a day and I was done. This morning our power went out a few min before I rode to coffee. Figured I get a cup then come back and hook up the generator. Well the bike didn’t start. Dumb me didn’t hook up the quick disconnect to the fuel tank. No bigge Hook up and go wash the gas off my hands. Get about 3 blocks from the house and I can still smell the fuel on my hands until I look down and fuel is spraying all over the motor from the hose. Stop reset hose about three time till it stopped. By this time I’m covered in fuel. Zip home get out hose and soap to get the fuel off the bike, change clothes and go get coffee. So goodby today, I’ll repeat another day.

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That's always the way...........if it all went perfect you did something wrong
Truth. I’ll repaint in October when it’s only 80 outside…lol
On a similar yet different note...

I painted our spare room yesterday and it took all day for the paint to dry as I suppose the humidity was too high...

A half hour after I was done painting I checked on it and the paint was all blotchy and ugly and I thought to myself..."oh crap" this will suck to fix......a couple hours later and it started to look better and by the late afternoon it was perfect.....

Thank goodness.....
On a similar yet different note...

I painted our spare room yesterday and it took all day for the paint to dry as I suppose the humidity was too high...

A half hour after I was done painting I checked on it and the paint was all blotchy and ugly and I thought to myself..."oh crap" this will suck to fix......a couple hours later and it started to look better and by the late afternoon it was perfect.....

Thank goodness.....
Was it cold? You wouldn’t think I know anything about cold weather since I’m in Florida but, the one thing I learned the hard way is that, point doesn’t like to dry with temp in the 60s. It’ll look super weird and stay that way for hours and hours.
Was it cold? You wouldn’t think I know anything about cold weather since I’m in Florida but, the one thing I learned the hard way is that, point doesn’t like to dry with temp in the 60s. It’ll look super weird and stay that way for hours and hours.
It was room temperature but the humidity was high I think....
That all black looks really good...and anyone who has ever painted knows how hard it is to get a good finish in black...and 5' and still looking good is plenty, lol
Thanks. I guess I shouldn’t be too mad about it, it was done with rattle can but I’ll work on it more later. For now, it needs to cool off just enough to not pass out riding. I mean it’s only 93 with a real feel of 103 and a 78deg dew point. Yuck