Who Rode Today?

I checked and you are right....I might just use this one until that piece breaks off.....which it might never do.
Hi. We did 1st ride with my angel. No crap on the lid it is 100% CF.








I know that air and oil cooled engine is belting out heat on your legs, especially lately.
I don't mind hot summer days, but in 5 weeks, one night it dropped into the 70's.
Otherwise, it's mid to high 80's overnight...or still 90's.
I like to ride at night too, but it doesn't matter if it's 3am, it's still stiflingly hot outside.
The wind at 70mph gives no relife.
In almost 30 years of street riding, I cannot remember anywhere near these kinds of consistent overnight temperatures, other than a few odd nights, and not every summer either.
It doesn't even feel cool crossing creeks and rivers.
I've been sick for over a week and a half, also very rare for me, a couple days of feeling like a cold, the rest just hungry and exhausted, no energy...so my Goldwing suspension job sits half done.
With this heat, it doesn't bother me, as the bike would just sit anyway.
I need to get to it though, so it's ready when it does cool down.
It has to cool down soon...at least at night...maybe...I hope...lol
While out on my ride today I stopped in to see a friend of mine who is a die-hard HD guy....never rode anything else...

He has a couple HDs, his newest is a '24 Fat Bob or something that he spent a bunch of money on for cams, very obnoxious pipes and other stuff....

When I pulled into his driveway his son and family were visiting and his son (around 35 or so) came flying out of the house and was amazed there was actually a "Hayafreakingbusa" (his words) in their driveway....he wanted to know everything about it...

I kind of chuckled and told my friend that his son obviously didn't inherit the HD gene......

On my way home I stopped in at the gas station and a young guy at the pump near me gasped when he saw my bike.....he asked if he could take a picture of it because his dad is a huge Hayabusa fan...he doesn't own one but talks about them all the time so this picture will really excite him...

I guess it was a day for loving the 'ol Bumblebee.....

I also saw the '99 copper bike so I guess that guy didn't sell it afterall.....
I know that air and oil cooled engine is belting out heat on your legs, especially lately.
I don't mind hot summer days, but in 5 weeks, one night it dropped into the 70's.
Otherwise, it's mid to high 80's overnight...or still 90's.
I like to ride at night too, but it doesn't matter if it's 3am, it's still stiflingly hot outside.
The wind at 70mph gives no relife.
In almost 30 years of street riding, I cannot remember anywhere near these kinds of consistent overnight temperatures, other than a few odd nights, and not every summer either.
It doesn't even feel cool crossing creeks and rivers.
I've been sick for over a week and a half, also very rare for me, a couple days of feeling like a cold, the rest just hungry and exhausted, no energy...so my Goldwing suspension job sits half done.
With this heat, it doesn't bother me, as the bike would just sit anyway.0
I need to get to it though, so it's ready when it does cool down.
It has to cool down soon...at least at night...maybe...I hope...lol

It drops to 77 around 0500 but by 8 it’s back to 90. Over 100 @ noon with another high of 106 and over 100 til 7 when it drops drastically to…98! This is my 18th July here and it’s never been this hot for this long and from what I understand it’s (never) been this hot, period. Just 40 miles to the south it’s 10-15 degrees hotter. Fresno and the south valley are getting close to Death Valley temps. Burning some farm crops to a crisp.
It drops to 77 around 0500 but by 8 it’s back to 90. Over 100 @ noon with another high of 106 and over 100 til 7 when it drops drastically to…98! This is my 18th July here and it’s never been this hot for this long and from what I understand it’s (never) been this hot, period. Just 40 miles to the south it’s 10-15 degrees hotter.
Don't type too loud or all the climate crisis people will dog-pile you.....
56% humidity, damn! 17% here but around 15 degrees hotter. The global warnings might be closer to the truth than we expect.

That's low humidity for this time of year, lol, it's usually 70's or 80's, muggy and miserable.
The 20-40% average we've seen in the last 5 weeks is unheard of here, even in a drought.
Hi. OH MY GOD!!!!!! AOC was correct 1/2 of the USA will be under water by next week. I am sure that the pola ice will melt tonight. Then the sky will melt too.

What gets me is beachfront property sales and new home and condominium builds in the U.S., and just look at Florida for example, it's booming(as usual).
If sea levels are going rise 10' in the next few years, I have a hard time beliving that banks continue to finance all of this...or they're going to go belly-up too...which I suppose there's a good chance of that anyway, lol
What gets me is beachfront property sales and new home and condominium builds in the U.S., and just look at Florida for example, it's booming(as usual).
If sea levels are going rise 10' in the next few years, I have a hard time beliving that banks continue to finance all of this...or they're going to go belly-up too...which I suppose there's a good chance of that anyway, lol
Of course these are the same banks that finance builds in known flood plains and insurance companies that initially insure them only to withdraw it after they have their first flood....

Our province of Quebec has banned all builds in known flood plains....which is probably the only smart thing they have ever done.